It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken Quotes

You don’t have to be a licensed therapist to know that relationships are hard work. There are plenty of ups and downs, and sometimes those downs can be pretty steep. One moment we feel like everything is perfect, the next moment we can hardly stand to look at each other.

And yet we stay, clinging onto hope as a drowning man clings to driftwood until we finally realize that there is no more hope left for us and the longer we stay stuck in a dead-end relationship or spend our days mourning one, the less time we get on this planet to experience true love.

The reason why breakups happen is because two people weren’t meant to be together forever. It has nothing to do with who is right or wrong, who did what wrong or who was bad or good, because no matter how hard it is to walk away from someone you care about and end what’s already broken, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

So, when a dysfunctional relationship breaks up, it’s most times for the best. Usually, the people involved have been unhappy for some time, and the relationship’s ending is a relief to both sides. So, being apt and facing the realities is needed, and that’s why these it’s called a breakup because it’s broken quotes help you see that sometimes once a relationship is broken, it simply cannot be fixed.

Breaking up is hard to do. It’s called a break-up because it is broken. Like it or not, breakups are part of life. These are the times that you’ll need beautiful words and quotes to ease your mind of some pains because the breakup is not just a blip in your life. It’s a horrible pain and a long process to get over it.

1. Girlfriend, I’m breaking up with you. I need some space, and I need to break free of your grip. Life is short, and nobody is perfect. That’s why we call it a breakup.

2. When you love someone, it’s losing yourself in them is easy. But when they’re gone, it gets hard to find yourself again. Sometimes, we are better off without someone. Sometimes, it’s just better to continue with your life. It’s called break up because it’s broken.

3. Don’t dwell on what’s broken. Focus on what’s new and fresh. It’s called a break-up because it is broken, don’t look back. Keep moving forward and make some new memories

4. It’s called a break-up because it is broken. It’s not that you’ll be single forever, but it isn’t the same as it was.

5. It’s called a break-up because it is broken. Stay strong and believe in your happiness. This is not the end. We all need a breakup every once in a while. Some people are just better at hiding it than others.

6. It’s called a breakup because it is broken. Keep moving forward, and you will be fine from now on. The best thing to do when you’re going through a breakup is to give yourself a break.

7. You guys must stop trying to find reasons to stay together. The relationship has reached a point of no return. It’s called a break-up because it is broken. Don’t let your heart hurt; be clear that she didn’t feel the same way about you

8. When you’ve been together for a long time, it’s not always easy to split. You don’t have to be with someone to be happy. Learn that, and move on.

9. Sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is to take a break from a relationship that’s no longer serving you. You’ll feel better in the long run! You can’t make someone love you if they don’t.

10. A heartbreak is a physical, emotional, and psychological process that takes time to heal. But there is no time for self-pity when it comes to moving forward. It’s called a breakup because it’s broken.

11. You can’t always change someone else. You can’t convince someone they are not who they are to you. They will always be someone. So, why try? It’s called a break-up because it is broken. It’s called a breakup because you don’t want to be with them anymore.

12. It’s called a breakup because it is broken. But don’t let that stop you from going on and finding someone who will love you, but just not with the same intensity as before because that’s what makes a relationship healthy.

13. It’s called a breakup because it is broken, but you can still choose to love again. Sometimes a breakup is the right thing to do. You don’t need to be in a relationship to be happy. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.

14. Life is more than just a breakup; it’s called life. A heartbroken person cannot stay with their significant partner. They tend to go out of nowhere, and the typical remedy for dealing with a break-up is a “break up”. It’s called a break-up because it is broken.

15. When you break up with the one that you love, it’s called a breakup because it’s broken. You may have been through a breakup, but don’t make it the end of your life. Keep the spark alive. Life is nothing but a series of bad breaks. Breakups are no exception to that.

16. “Breakup” is a slang word for the breakup of a romantic relationship. When someone says that you are done for good, you know it is time to make a break

17. When your heart is broken, it’s like being on a rollercoaster. Everything is really fun for the first few minutes, but then you fall off and have to get back on again. Even if you make it work, it’s called a breakup because it is broken.

18. Many of us have experienced a breakup, which is probably not the easiest to handle. But that doesn’t mean you cry and whine about it forever. You move on, but don’t forget about them! It’s called break up because it is broken, but you can’t just fix it. You have to get a new one.

19. Your breakup isn’t called the end of love. It’s called break up because it is broken. Everything is broken. But we don’t have to be. It’s called break up because it is broken. When your heart breaks, it’s called break up because it is broken.

20. It’s called “break up” because it is broken, not because it has ended. Life is a journey. You are on board with all the ups and downs, and maybe one day, you’ll even get to enjoy the sun setting over the ocean; until then, call it to break up because it is broken.

21. To some people, it’s called “break-up” because it’s broken. To break up is to break something, something that was once whole. Breakups suck. They do. But you’ve got to keep moving forward because nothing stays broken forever.

22. In a breakup, it is not the end of the affair. It is not you; it’s your object of affection. It’s called break up because it is broken. Don’t let your heart break into a million pieces. Breakups are hard, but it’s called break up because it is broken.

23. It’s called break up because it is broken. Breakups are confusing and painful, but they’re not always meant to be permanent. They’re just a temporary mark on your heart, a scar that’s still healing.

24. We all know that breakup is called break-up because it is broken. It’s just natural, a part of life, and the best you can do is learn from this experience and move on.

25. When you break up with someone, it’s called breaking up because it is broken. The pain of a break up is called “break up” because that is what it feels like. Breakups are hard, but they serve a purpose – to make you stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

26. It’s called break up because it is broken. When a relationship is over, it’s over. No drama, no hard feelings. It’s called break up because it is broken, and you have to move on.

27. It’s called break up because it is broken, but if you can be more supportive and forgiving of one another, maybe the two of you will be ‘re-bonded’ in due time.

28. It’s called “break up” because it is broken. It doesn’t mean you are weak or wrong, nor does it make you stupid or a bad person. It simply means that you are no longer mutually happy together and perhaps not even compatible.

29. Breakups are never easy, but they get easier over time. The breakup process is never easy, but know it will get easier. Sometimes you fall apart, and sometimes, you put yourself back together, but it will always feel like work. It’s called break up because it is broken. Breakups are hard, but they always help you grow.

30. Breakups are like heart attacks. They hurt, but they’re worth living through. A quote that hits the nail when describing a breakup: It’s called break up because it is broken.

31. It’s called break up because it is broken, but you’ll be too busy trying to fix it to notice. Relationships are hard. They take a lot of work and effort, but sometimes things don’t work out. It’s called break up because it is broken.

32. It’s called break up because it is broken, just like life. Finding out your significant other has been cheating on you is the most heart-wrenching experience. It’s called break up because it is broken.

33. Breakups are like lightning that strikes twice. Once you break up with someone, you realize it was a mistake the second time. #breakup When you’re in a relationship with someone, you can feel like it will last forever. But sometimes, even the best things need to end.

34. It’s called break up because it is broken. It doesn’t mean it was bad. You both will be fine and learn from your mistakes. It’s the part of life we all have to go through, and you will find someone who loves you in the end.

35. Breakups are tough, but at least we can say it’s called break up because it is broken. When a relationship ends, there is no reason to feel sad, depressed or upset. It’s called break up because it is broken. Breakups are never easy, but they are always healthy and will help you find yourself again.

36. It’s called break up because it is broken. It’s a reminder that there is no sudden or easy way to fix something that has irreparably broken. Breaking up with someone is the most difficult and painful thing you’ll ever have to do, but it’s called a break up because it’s broken.

37. Breakups are hard. But they are also inevitable and not worth feeling guilty or bad about. They are called break-ups because they are broken. You cannot force someone to stay in a relationship that doesn’t work for them, nor can you make someone feel bad about leaving when it’s the right thing to do for themselves and others.

38. Breakups are a lot like a breakup. It’s called break up because it is broken. It’s called break up because it is broken — but you can put it back together. We’ve all been through breakups, and some of us can never get over them. But you know what? Life goes on. It’s called break up because it is broken.

39. Sometimes, knowing how to break up with someone is hard. But if you think about it, It’s called a breakup because it is broken.

40. Everyone has been there at least once in their lifetime. We are not perfect, and sometimes life has to be too much for us. At one point or another, everyone has had to go through a breakup. And when it happens, most of us feel the same way: heartbroken and confused. But what do you say after you’ve been broken up with? Breakups are called break up because they are broken already.

41. A breakup is a natural part of being human, and it doesn’t mean you are weak or a failure. It means you don’t feel like talking to them or dating them. Sometimes, it doesn’t mean that you are over your ex. It means that they were not meant to be together. It’s called a breakup because it’s broken.

42. The world would be better if we ended breakups the way we do our relationships: with love, grace and dignity.

43. It’s called break up because it is broken but not broken. It’s just a phase you have to go through, and you have to accept that things are going to change, no matter how hard you try to convince them they won’t.

44. It’s called break up because it is broken, so don’t break up with it just yet. Don’t let the fear of being alone stop you from ending a relationship that’s no longer healthy. It’s called break up because it is broken.

45. Someone told me, “It’s called break up because it is broken. When you’re heart is broken, it’s called break up because it is broken”. So why break up at all? Please keep it simple and enjoy your time with each other. It’s called a breakup because it’s broken.

46. Breakups are hard. They hurt because you lost the person and your attachment to them. It is called break up because it is broken, but it does not have to be. The break-up is hard to get over. But it’s easier just not to let it get to you! It’s called break up because it is broken. But don’t worry. You will be fine.

47. It’s called break up because it is broken, but you can still love. This is a sad post, but sometimes we must accept that things don’t work out. It’s called break up because it is broken.

48. Sometimes, two people can decide to end a relationship. Sometimes it happens because one or both of them get tired of how their lives have changed over time. Whatever the reason, it’s called break up because it is broken!

49. Sometimes, you have to look a breakup in the eyes and realize it’s called “break up” because it’s broken. It’s called break up because it is broken. The end of a relationship can be very hard to swallow, but one thing remains constant: there is always hope for a better future.

50. Don’t fuss over it; it’s called a breakup because it’s broken. Move on and get a better life.

Sometimes, it’s good to be apt about something that has turned sour. So, these it’s called a breakup because it’s broken quotes up there are ways to describe a relationship that has come to an abrupt end. I hope you like them.

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