You Are My Destiny Quotes for Him Her

Love is the greatest feeling in the world and should be treasured. Have you ever found someone whom you feel has been sent to you from heaven? If so, hold that person tight and never let go. Not many are lucky to meet the right person for them.

Being with someone who is always there for you and loves you no matter what, is the best feeling in the world. True love will indeed change your life. Love is the sort of thing worth fighting for and when you find the one, it is best to hold the person tight. Love is all we want. When you feel that special someone has been sent to you from above; then there is nothing in this world, you would not do for him or her.

Sometimes it’s too difficult for you to describe your emotions about the person you love. And you are looking for some good quotes about how much that person means to you. So here we made a collection of you are my destiny quotes for him her, so scroll down to read them all!

You are my destiny sent from Heaven and you make all my dreams come true. You complete me, show me what it feels like to truly be loved and to feel the affection of another human being unconditionally. I love the way you smile at me and the way you fight for me.

1. You are my destiny, my life. You are everything to me and more than I could ever ask for. We share a soul and you were made just for me. I am so lucky that we found each other! I am so lucky that fate brought you into my life!

2. I could not imagine my life without you. You are my one destiny, and I will always cherish you. Nothing compares to the joy and happiness you bring to my life. My love for you grows more every day, and I know someday soon I will tell you how much I truly love you!

3. I haven’t known you for that long, but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. The thought of not waking up next to you or loving the amazing man you are makes me so sad. You are so dreamy I just can’t get enough. I love you from the bottom of my heart and one day we will be married and have many kids!

4. Hi… I would love to say that I like your brain, or how much you make me laugh, or how deeply we could talk for hours. I could describe the way your eyes dance when you smile or the way you walk down the street. I would like to tell you all of these things that others have said about you. But, what if none of them are true? The only thing that matters is that I’ve fallen in love with you. You are my destiny.

5. Why has it been so long since I’ve been able to look into your eyes and smile? Because I miss you, I miss those kisses that make me go crazy, the touch of your hands on my skin like they were dipped in chocolate. I miss being able to hold you tight, knowing that nothing else matters in the world.  You are my destiny.

6. I’m not sure how I got so lucky, but I’ve been blessed with your love. You are strong, selfless, and kind beyond measure. I look at you and wonder how I ever got so very lucky to have someone like you in my life. I’ve found the missing piece to my soul that I didn’t even know was missing. You are such an amazing person. You are my destiny.

7. We were together yesterday; we are together today, and we will be together tomorrow. I wanted to thank you for staying in my life. You made my world a better place and I am glad you are here. I love you so much, my sweetheart! I am so lucky to have you in my life. Your love brings me more joy than anything else ever has. I will always love you and spend every day making you happy. You are my destiny.

8. You are my destiny. I can’t believe you’re mine. From the depths of my mind to the depths of my heart, I think of no one but you. You make me smile every day and fill me with so much love that I can’t contain it anymore. I love you so much that I just can’t stop writing about how much you mean to me!’

9. Every time I see you your beautiful eyes light up my world and I cannot help but smile and forget all the pain that has haunted me. You are my destiny, my future, the one I have always waited for. With you, I can do anything. I will love you forever and a life of happiness is now in our hands.

10. Dearest Boyfriend, you are my soul mate. You are my love, the person that makes me whole. I think of you so often and I am never able to be in a bad mood when you are around. My love for you only grows stronger every day. I am so glad that we will get to spend the rest of our lives together! You are my destiny.

11. I am so lucky to have you. There is no other love like ours in the world. When I look into your eyes I see our destiny. I’ve known it for a long time, but now I finally believe it. You are my destiny, my soul mate, the other half of my heart. I love you!

12. I knew from the moment we met that you were special, but I had no idea just how important you would become in my life. I can’t imagine going another minute without you by my side. I just want to get lost in your eyes and spend a thousand days wrapped in your arms. Two years and nothing else matters because we’re destined to be together forever!

13. I can’t wait to be with you again, and feel your arms wrapped around my body. Thinking of you is what keeps me going, every day that goes by our love just grows stronger. I’ll love you forever and never give up on us. I want to be your everything, I want to be there whenever you need to talk. I love you more than anyone else could ever love you. You are my life and without you, I feel lost. I dream of the day when we will finally have kids. You are my destiny.

14. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my destiny, my perfect match, my soul mate. I just can’t imagine what life would be like without you. You complete me! I remember the day I met you; I think it was the best day of my life. You were so charming and kind from the very first moment. If I had to pick a word to describe you, that word would be ‘perfect’. I have never been this happy in all my life and that’s all thanks to you.

15. I know I tell you all the time, but I love you so much! Every time I see you my heart smiles and I feel like the luckiest girl alive to have you. You’ve made me the happiest woman in the world! You are the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me, I will love you forever.

16. This is the part of our day when I get to tell you how grateful I am that someone as handsome & wonderful as you exist in my life. Because of you I always have a reason to smile, laugh, and feel loved. I love you so much. You are my destiny.

17. You’re my destiny. I know it. I plant a kiss on your lips and look into your eyes every day, thanking God for bringing me to you. The moments we have shared have been magical, the greatest of my life. I love you more than words could ever express.

18. Every day I wake up to your smiling face because I’m the luckiest woman in the world. I ask myself, “How is it possible? Our love is too good to be true.” Although our time together has been brief, the memories we have made are infinite and everlasting. Sweetheart, you are my reason for existing, the air that I breathe, and my baby bird. I love you so much. You are my destiny. You were and are my every dream come true. I know it was fate that brought you to me. My wealth of love overpowers the magnificent sun in the sky, burning brighter than all its light and warmth, even hurting the eyes sometimes.

19. You’re the sweetheart of my life, I was made for you. Your smile is a ray of sunshine, every moment with you is beautiful and every time our hands touch, my heart skips a beat as if it’s the first time. You’re my king, my lover, and my sometimes-funny sidekick. You’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you so much that it hurts sometimes, but in a good way. You are my destiny.

20. It was only a matter of time before you appeared in my life. I knew it from the moment I saw you across the crowded room. It was love at first sight. You are my other half and there’s no way I could live without you now. I’ve been praying every single day that you will be mine. I’ve often thought of what our life will be like as a couple, and it’s magical. I foresee our life together having many more wonderful moments and more love than both of us can imagine. You are my destiny.

21. When I met you, I truly thought I had found my destiny, and so I did. Every day with you is a new day in paradise. Two people don’t meet and fall that deeply in love without a reason, and yours and mine were destiny. You are my soul mate, my true love. My feelings for you have no words to describe them; they are stronger than anything on the planet.

22. I will love you till the end of time, my darling. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and have brought so much joy into my life that I can’t put into words. The way you look at me makes me melt, I can’t help but smile every time you hold me in your arms. Our future is a bright one because we are together to share it.

23. I want us to be together for the rest of our lives, every day and every year. I want us to grow old together as lovers as best friends. You’re my destiny. We were meant for each other. In your arms is where I belong and that’s where I want to stay from this day until the end of time. 

24. I’m the luckiest woman in the world. You are my destiny, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I adore you, respect you and love every single part of you. I will never leave your side and promise to always be there for you no matter what. Your love is like a drug that gives me a feeling I have never felt before so hold on tight and never let go, because I am yours forever.

25. I love you more than you will ever realize. I believe that God’s plan for us was for us to find each other and be with each other always. You have made me a happy person because I have the best boyfriend ever. I can’t wait to tell everyone how happy are together.

26. When I first saw you, I will admit I was attracted. It wasn’t until we spoke that I realized how amazing you are. My heart belongs to you, and it will always. You are my favorite thing in the world. Every time we touch, every time you hug me, every time we kiss and hold each other, my heart beats a little faster. You are my destiny.

27. I know how you feel about me, it shows in every touch, every hug, and every kiss. You may not be able to read me through my eyes, but I know how you feel about me. If I could be anything at all, I would be your tear. So, I could be born in your eyes, live down your face and die on your lips.

28. I wish I was there with you right now to hold you and make you feel better. I hope you are having a wonderful day. You are my world and I love you. We have a destiny together and I have no doubt that we will be together forever. You are my soul mate, the one man I have always been searching for my entire life. Your smile makes the world a brighter place. I love you till the end of time.

29. I wake up every day because I want to spend the day with you. The moment I see your smile, my heart beats faster. It’s the greatest feeling in the world. You give me comfort and confidence. I feel lucky that you chose to love me. I will always be here by your side.

30. From the moment my eyes met yours, I knew that our fate was intertwined. We were meant to meet and we were never, ever supposed to part. Life is full of twists and turns, but we’ve made it through everything so far and we are stronger than ever. Your love for me is more powerful than anything else. It drives me to be a better person every single day. I’m so lucky to have you and your love. You are my destiny.

31. There’s someone out there for everyone. I knew that from the second we met. I love you more than life itself. You are my world; my entire existence and I just can’t stop thinking about you. You are the first thing on my mind every morning, and I miss you every minute we’re apart. I would literally jump at a chance to spend forever with you by my side. I adore you and your cute laugh, your amazing mind, the way you look at me the way you love me. I could never ask for anyone else who has made my life complete. You are an outstanding human being, and I can’t wait to create a forever with you. You are my destiny.

32. I could sit here for hours and explain how much I love you, but it would take so long because all day I think of reasons why I love you more. You are everything to me, my life and meaning. You’re the one person in this world that makes me want to be better every day. I love you and want to spend forever with you. You are my destiny.

33. You are my destiny, my world, my universe. You make me happy, and I love you. I can’t wait to be your wife! We have gotten through so much together but holding your hand I feel like we can conquer anything. And I promise to do everything in my power to do just that. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness!

34. I have been watching the stars and have seen them move, I have counted all their raindrops, and I have named every one of the animals in your zoo. My love for you is as big as the universe. It’s impossible to tell you how much I love you with words. Plain and simple – I LOVE YOU!

35. When everything else fades away, I will always be there for you. I will be your voice in times of doubt, faith when life leaves you hopeless, and joy when you need a friend to lean on. Our relationship will have its ups and downs, but nothing can tear us apart because you are my destiny.

36. From the moment we met, I could feel something special between us. You are my destiny, my soulmate, and everything I want for my future. Every moment with you is magical and I love being your girlfriend. Love you forever!

37. I love you so much. You are an incredible boyfriend, and I am so lucky to be with you. I never want to lose you, I want to grow old together. You are my perfect angel, my world, my destiny. I never get tired of seeing you smile. I love waking up next to you and watching the sunrise. I know this is only the beginning for us. We have so many plans together. You are my best friend, and I can’t wait until we make it official!

38. I love you! I never thought I could find someone who was the perfect person for me. We may not always see eye to eye, but our differences just make us stronger and better. You are my dream come true and I will forever love you. I’ve never met anyone as special as you. You are one of a kind. I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you with all my heart!

39. I am committed to you like the sun is to shine. I am devoted to you as a river runs to the sea. May our love grow old together my dear, until death does us part. It’s hard to find the words to describe how I feel about you. So much time has gone by, and it still feels like yesterday when I met you. I LOVE YOU! You are my destiny.

40. I know we just met, and to tell you the truth my heart used to belong to the man who broke it, but when I met you, you helped mend my broken pieces. You make me a better person. I am so happy to have met you. It finally feels like I have met my destiny, the man for me. My heart is forever yours!

41. There is an ageless message, whispered by the stars, echoed in the months and years, reaffirmed by the moon, and learned by the tides. The message is that no matter what stands before you, you are never truly alone. I will always be there for you because you are my destiny.

42. I love you more than I can ever say. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I never want to be without you. Thank you for making me yours because I am so glad to be. I know that our love is limitless and unmeasurable, its endurance is unmatched. I always want to be with you, to hold you; to be able to call you mine. You bring out the best in me and without you, I would be lost. You are my destiny.

43. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I never thought I would experience a love so powerful and so amazing. It’s like fate brought us together for a reason. You are my soul mate, my other half, and the other part of my heart. Without you by my side, my life would be empty and meaningless. You are my destiny.

44. Always and forever. I will never leave you. There’s no place I’d rather be than in your arms. You’re a part of me, so much more than just my man. I love you! I will always love you with my heart. I’ll grow old with you and die by your side. Then we will go to heaven together and live through eternity as one. You are the only one for me.

45. There is a very big and important word love. It describes your love for me, a love that is pure and true. I appreciate you so much because you do so much for me. You make me feel special every day of my life. I am with you because I want to and not because I have to be with you. In life, it’s rare if you get a chance to meet someone who will treat you like how I treat you. You deserve the best in life and so I

46. In the middle of my life, I found myself on a great adventure. I love you, and at this moment all the things I share with you are beyond words. You are my prince charming, my one in a million. Just by being with you, I feel like all my dreams have come true. Looking into your eyes makes me melt and when you kiss me, I’m home. I’ve found my destiny, and it’s you. I want to be with you, loving you, and being loved by you forever. You are everything I ever wanted in a man. I can only pray that we will spend the rest of our lives together. Love is grand, love is two; love is you and me.

47. I want to be with you forever. You are the best part of my life; I need you in my life. The blood in my veins sings when you are near. You are my other half and I love you. We are eternally bound together by a love and respect that will never be surpassed. I can’t imagine ever being with anyone else. From the first day we met, I knew you were something special, and love each and every day we spend together. I want to grow old with you and cherish every moment we have. I love you!

48. Being so far away from you is the hardest thing I have ever had to endure. Missing your hugs, kisses, and incredibly gorgeous smile every day is torture. Having you in my life gives me something to strive for. My only hope is that I can be with you forever. I never knew that true love really existed, until I met you. It’s nothing short of amazing to know that there’s a special person in your life who cares for you and would do anything for you. You are my dream come true.

49. The day that I met you is the day my heart skipped a beat. You are my destiny and so incredibly special to me. You bring excitement and joy into my life and it’s no surprise that I just can’t stop falling for you. I love you more than anything and there is nothing in this world as perfect as you.

50. You are my reason for breathing and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. I love you so much more than you will ever know. You steal my heart every single day and I wouldn’t change that for anything. You mean so much to me, you’re all I think about, and from the moment I wake up to the second my eyes close at night.

I am the man that loses all sense of time when I’m around you. You make me forget about the world. Each day I can’t wait to be with you again and if I found my life without you, it would make my heart bleed. You are my destiny. Pretending that I can live without you would be an insult to us both.

51. If I had to describe you in one word, it would be “perfection”. You are the best lady I have ever met and I will never stop loving you. We belong together forever. You are my destiny.

52. I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you. Nothing could ever change my feelings for you. I’ve never loved anyone like this before and I will never stop loving you, not in this lifetime because you are my destiny.

53. We met for the first time a few months ago and ever since I knew you were different. You are the one I love being with you. Your smile brightens up my day, and your laugh is music to my ears. Our life together will be an adventure, full of good times and bad, but no matter what we make it through because our love is true. I will always be there for you, as I know that you will be here for me too. No matter where life takes us, you will always be my destiny.

54. Even when I’m not with you, I think about you. You’re always on my mind, and in my heart. When we’re apart, all I can do is wait for the day you’ll be back in your arms again. I love you more than words could ever express! You are my destiny.

55. Since I met u, my life change a lot and I feel that I’m on the right path, the path of love, the path of happiness…the only one who makes me smile I love you more today than I ever did the day before. I want to grow old with you and watch our kids play in the backyard. Forever is not long enough with you, I want eternity! You are my destiny.

56. If it was up to me, I would make all of your dreams come true. I just want you to know that no matter what happens I will always be here for you. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you. You are my destiny and I can’t wait to see what the future holds in store!

57. You are my little ray of sunshine that warms my cold heart at every chance. Every time we kiss, my heart beats a little faster, and with every passing minute, I fall more in love with you. I look forward to every new day as if it were Christmas morning. I hope you love me today, tomorrow, and forever because you are my destiny.

58. I love you. You are my best friend and the love of my life. You make me so happy and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I hope you know how much you mean to me. You are my destiny.

59. A thousand miles away, but I never feel more in love than when I look into your beautiful eyes. Today I looked into those gorgeous eyes, they seemed so full of life, so excited to see me. And I realized that this is my dream come true and you are my destiny.

60. When I look into your eyes, it’s where I find my happiness. When we hold each other closely, I feel like nothing can separate us. As we walk together, there is no distance between us. You are all that matters to me.

61. A short time ago, I offered you the world. Today, I’ll offer you the stars. Everything that we’ve been through has led us to this moment and I want to be with you always. You’re my strength when I am weak, you’re my voice when I cannot speak, and quite simply, you’re my destiny.

62. If I had a choice, I’d choose you over and over again. Even though you have given me countless reasons to hate you, my heart still chooses to love you. Maybe it is the first time we met, or maybe it is when we first kissed; this I know; you are my destiny.

63. I can’t wait to meet you, and I hope that our love lasts forever. You are my best friend and my soulmate. I will never let you go or give up on us. Stay strong because our love is the most beautiful thing in the world.

64. Life was never meant to be lived alone, you are my life and my love. Our love will last forever and grow stronger every day. You are my destiny, the reason I wake up in the morning, and everything I could ever want in this world. You complete me. And I am so grateful for our love, for our journey, and for this amazing life, we have together.

65. I stared at the stars each night and wondered which one is your soul. Now, I know. It’s the brightest star of all and we are destined to be together. You’re the reason I want to get up in the morning, your smile is all I need in life … I just can’t help but thank God for bringing you into my life.

66. I love you so much. It’s everything, consuming, the only thing I can think about. You are my baby blue eyes that brighten my days and make me feel so happy. In your arms there’s no place I’d rather be, I’ve never felt so free. I know that we were meant to be. All my love, always, baby

67. I love you with all my heart. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, you are in my mind. You never leave my thoughts. In your arms I am at peace, everything else just falls away. All that matters is us and our love for each other.

68. We met, we fell in love, and you are my dream come true. We’ve been together for years now and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to live without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you! You are my destiny. You are the one for me.

69. I was just thinking about how much I’m in love with you, and how I got so lucky that instead of being with someone else, I’m sharing all my thoughts with you. And every time I think of you, so many things come to mind. Like your smile, your eyes, the way you walk, the way your voice sounds, the way your hands feel, and so much more! I don’t know if any of this is making sense but whatever it is, it’s what I feel for you.

70. Wow! Look at us, honey. We are so in love and this morning I wanted to let you know how much you mean to me and that I love you so much. I have been told by many people that when you know it’s right, you will find it, and guess what? It was so right! Here we are years later still as happy as ever. I am thankful every day that we found each other.

71. When I think of my destiny, I think of you. You are my life, my world. You make everything worth living for. You make me extremely happy every day and every minute. I promise to love you forever and always

72. You are my life, my future, and my love. I can’t imagine what my life would be without you. You’re more than just my wife, you’re my one and only destiny.

73. I never knew love like this existed. I never thought a person could be so perfect. You are truly my destiny. You are the one I’ve been looking for all of my life. You are the missing puzzle piece that completes my heart. The moment I laid eyes on you, I forgot about everything and wanted to be with you forever. Someday I hope to wake up beside you and start our lives together forever. I love you so much!

74. You are my soul mate. I finally found someone after all this time who is worth my love and attention. We are like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly and were made for each other. You make me feel like a whole person and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

75. You are my dream come true, sunshine on a rainy day, laughter when I am blue, oxygen to my lungs, a beating to my heart and you are the only one that makes me smile. I will love you forever! You are my destiny.

76. You are the woman of my dreams. I love you so much and I am so glad we found each other. You are the love of my life, and I can’t wait to spend forever with you. I’m thinking about how awesome you are and how great things will be! I hope this is the start of a beautiful relationship that we will grow in age and the things we have been through together. You are my world!

77. I know the road ahead is long, but I believe that we will be together forever. I can imagine a day when our kids are grown, when we’re old and grey, sitting on our front porch swing, sharing a glass of wine with each other still laughing at our silly jokes. I love you! You are my destiny.

78. If I got to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to tell you I love you. As long as I have you, I have everything I will ever need. You are my destiny. I have loved seeing us grow over the years, and I would not trade our family for anything in the world. You are my best friend and I love you more than words could ever express.

79. I believe in destiny, and I believe that we were meant to be. You are my best friend and everything I could ever ask for in a partner and lover. To me, you are perfect in every way.

80. You are my life. The first stars I see each night, the first rays of sunlight that hit my face in the morning. I love you more than anything in this world and wish on every star to be with you forever. You are my one true love, and no matter what I will always love you.

81. You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I fall asleep. I can’t wait to see you and be in your arms again. I love you more each day and think of our future together.

82. You are my life, my hopes, and my dreams. I want to spend forever with you by my side. I am so proud to be your love! Loving you is a journey, like no other. It’s more than just romance, passion, and intimacy; it’s deeper than that. It’s a feeling that I could never put into words. You hold a part of me that will always belong to you and only you… I am at my best when I am in your arms.

83. The most stunning thing about you is your ability to enrich my soul. You support me, motivate me to be a better person and you provide me with a sense of security that I doubt anyone else could give me. You are my destiny.

84. You are my happiness. My reason for living. Being with you is the greatest gift I have been given. Thank you for always being there for me and never giving up on us. I love you. You are my destiny.

85. Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel. You’re my every breath, my every step. My reason for living, my soul mate. I will always be there for you, at the end of a message, phone call or email. You are my world and my destiny.

86. I get butterflies in my stomach when I think about you. You are the air that I breathe, the ground that I stand on. I could never live without you. You are my one and only. You are my last thought before I fall asleep and my first thought when I wake. You are my breath, my life, my destiny. I love you.

87. I am always thinking about you. I can’t wait to come home to be with you and spend the rest of my life with you. I want to spend the rest of my days making you happy and filling your life with joy. You are my destiny, my one true love. Without you, the world would be a chaotic and dark place. I am so blessed to have you in my life. There is no greater feeling than knowing that we will be together forever. I can’t wait until tomorrow, because I know it will be full of more kisses than ever before! I love you.

88. You are my one and only, the love of my life. There is no one else I can imagine spending this with. You are my destiny. I am so glad we found each other again, even though it was not planned from the start. You have completely filled the void in my heart, with laughter and love. I will never leave your side. I adore you and can’t wait for forever to begin!

89. I love you so much, my heart can’t even handle it! You are my soulmate, I found you and I’ll never let you go. You are my destiny and now your forever mine, I love you baby. Your smile sets my heart on fire, you are my one and only. I treasure all the moments that we’ve shared so far. The passion in our eyes is full of love, I can’t get enough of you. You make me feel like I am flying high with the greatest person in my life by my side forever and always…

90. There are no words to express how special you are to me. I didn’t know what love was until I met you. You bring so much joy, happiness, and love into my life, more than I could have ever imagined. Thanks for being a part of me. You are my destiny.

91. You are the love of my life, the most amazing woman I know. I wouldn’t trade our love for anything in the world. You bring me so much joy that I just can’t stop smiling. I love you more every day!

92. I am with you 100% and will always be there for you. You are perfect in every way, and I adore you. You are my reason for living, my inspiration, and best of all, you are my soul mate! My love for you is bigger than anything I have ever felt. You mean so much to me that it hurts to even think about life without you. You are my destiny.

93. I love you. I want to be with you forever. Nothing could come between us. My love for you will last eternally! I have never met someone whom I can feel as deeply as I do with you. Even though we sometimes have disagreements, every day I realize that you are the love of my life.

94. I never knew I could love someone so much. As I get to know you better, I fall more in love with you. You are without a doubt the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You’re my sunshine when skies are gray, you’re my fairy tale come true. I love how you make me smile, how you always seem to be able to find the good in things, and how thoughtful you can be. You’ve given me that same confidence in myself to be the best person I can be. You’re the one thing I know for sure is real and most of all you love me… for ME!

96. My darling, I am loving you from now and always. Let’s be together, let’s create amazing memories to come back to again and again. My love is huge and forever, like the sky above us or the ground beneath our feet. You’re my strength, my adventure, my life partner. You’re my love story.

97. I have a destiny with you. It’s more than just being my life partner, it is being my destiny—my other half, to help me reach higher and be the best I can be. I give all the love I have for you and our future together. I believe we’re made for each other.

98. When it comes to us, I can only see a future of success. Reunited, we will have everything we find meaning in life. We were meant to be together. Love is the reason for being here and the purpose of living. You enrich my life beyond measure and are the true meaning of what love is.

99. I’ve been waiting my whole life to meet someone like you. I feel as though God sent you, my way. I truly believe we were meant to be together. You are the missing piece of my puzzle. We all need love, you and me more than anyone. I love the way you make me feel – the rush of your touch and the warmth of your embrace. Everything about you is beautiful from the smile on your face to your radiant personality. You’re my soul mate, my angel, and my heart!

100. You are the most amazing person I’ve ever met, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t know why, but I thought I had to stay in the past. But you bring me back to the present… You inspire me to be a better version of myself. Thank you for giving me hope and showing me that life is about creating happiness.

101. I am yours and you are mine. I am your destiny, and you have never found a better guide to lead you through life. We’re each other’s happiness and our perfect ending. I love you.

102. You are my destiny, and you make me happy in every way. You mean the world to me. If you ever left my life, I don’t know what I would do. It scares me to think about not having you in my life; it’s like a nightmare I can’t wake up from.

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