Cute Golf Quotes for Couples

Golf has joined the ranks of ballroom dancing and other fun couple’s activity as a way to spend time with that special someone. The combination of the sport, your close proximity, and isolation from interruptions is an ideal recipe for connection.

This is probably because golf is not just a sport, it’s a lifestyle; one that you can share with your partner.

There are many benefits of playing golf with your lover. One is that it is an avenue to spend quality time and build memories. It is also fun to see the person you love struggling to make that putt, or switch clubs for their next shot. You can get a couple of laughs while exercising and polishing your skills.

There is really so much to be said about playing golf as a couple. So, if you love that you and your significant other share a love for golf, I hope you will enjoy this gift of cute golf quotes for couples. They are meant to enhance the fun you share on the course and keep it all in perspective.

Playing golf with my lover is not just about the sport, it is about us moving together as one. A lot of people see us on the course and comment on how we are one of those cute couples they love, but for us, it’s more than that. It’s about playing with our minds, learning about each other and encouraging each other much more than reading inspirational quotes online can.

1. When you golf with your lover, it’s so relaxing and romantic. What a great way to spend time together!

2. The best way to play golf is with someone you love.

3. I know it’s easy to get disappointed at oneself while playing golf so, I take you along to cheer me on ’cause you’re the greatest cheerleader ever, my lady.

4. Nothing is more beautiful than when the two of you share a laugh together and play golf together.

5. Golf: the perfect activity to boost your connection and intimacy as a couple.

6. The only thing more important than your golf game is the love of your life.

7. Sometimes, we win, sometimes, we lose; in life and in the golf course. Golf teaches you about life in general and brings you together as a couple.

8. A golf course is a great place to get to know your spouse—especially when you’re playing together.

9. Golf is the perfect mix of fun, exercise and relaxation. What more could a couple want?

10. Golf is the most romantic game of all.

11. Golf is a sport for the young and old, for those who play and for those who watch and it is definitely a sport for lovers.

12. Golf is a great way to spend quality time together with your lover and think of nice thoughts.

13. You know you are the best person to golf with at any time. Finding a partner that shares the same interest in a sport as you is heavenly. I have never been this thrilled to game with anyone before. You complete me.

14. Growing old together is the best way to grow old.

15. Any time spent with you on the golf course is always a swell time for me. I can’t have it any other way. You’re here, ever present in all my games. Thank you, darling.

16. Like a golfer, you never forget the swings. Did I tell you I love how you do it? Putt, putt, so effortlessly. I think you’re terrific with the game.

17. Spending time with your lover playing golf, in the open field makes the heart flutter. One of the best ways to create memories.

18. I don’t mind going for some golf practice every day, as long as I get to see you every day, and spend some time with you.

19. I think golfing is fun with you, baby. I didn’t know I could be good at it but, look how far we have come. Thank you for taking an interest in my sport.

20. Golf is for dreamers, golfers and lovers.

21. Golf is the perfect blend of work and play. It’s a sport that can be enjoyed by lovers.

22. There’re so many courses couples take together; marriage course, therapy course, dating course, meal course and of course, the golf course.

23. Life is better with golf and the love of your life. Nothing else matters except the fun on that field.

24. If you want to learn how to take a really good swing at life and its challenges while spending time with your lover, take a golf course.

25. Playing golf with you peaks my interest. It could have been a distraction if my head is not in the game. Thank goodness, I won’t let you beat me. Healthy competition is good for us.

26. Golfing is one of those activities that says a lot about your relationship. It’s a chance to get away from everything and spend time together, away from everyday life.

27. There’s no perfect time to play golf as long as I play it with you. The energy you bring is enough for two people.

28. Golf is more than a game—it’s an opportunity to spend time together, get close and share new adventures.

29. I sing for joy anytime you mention that we should get on the field and play golf. The fact that you think it’s a great game is more than enough inspiration to me.

30. I’d rather play golf and get mad at myself than get angry with you and mess things up, baby.

31. I love how your face lights up when you talk about golf. It’s nearly close to the look on your face whenever I walk into the room. That’s how I know you’re passionate about your game.

32. There are some great things in life worth doing as a couple, and golf is definitely one of them.

33. You learn and appreciate me, the same way you do with your favourite sport, golf. Although sometimes I get a little jealous, I still love that you care so much about me and I can’t complain.

34. Watching you play golf reminds me of everything we have been through in life. With every swing at your ball, I see the many patches and difficult decisions we have both had to make, up till this moment.

35. Golfing is a great way to spend time with your spouse.

36. It’s quite interesting seeing how good you have become at this golf course. Your swings are becoming smooth too. I’m proud.

37. As difficult as it may be to become a golfer, a good one at that, there is absolutely nothing impossible when one is willing. I believe you can do whatever you set your mind to do.

38. The moment you leaned on my back to take that swing with me, I knew you and I were bound for life.

39. I see how excited you are to score when you hit the ball. I find it charming and delightful knowing how happy playing golf makes you.

40. Golf is the perfect sport to spend a weekend with your lover.

41. I have two addictions; you and golf. I can’t do without you both. It appears I have to take a regular dose of you to survive every day.

42. Only one thing gets me more excited than playing golf with you. It is you being in my world.

43. Golf is a premium game, it’s not the regular kind people do just anywhere. Same as you, you’re unique and special. It makes me feel wonderful knowing I’ve got the best things in life.

44. Life is short. If you want to play golf, you’re better off playing with your beloved.

45. I’m not the best partner or the most skilful golfer but, I have got the game and I have got a commitment.

46. A beautiful partner like you is all I need to be the best golfer in the world. I kid you not; you motivate me.

47. Playing golf is one of the best ways to enjoy life as a couple.

48. I get to love you tirelessly to play golf consistently and be great at it. Either way, what really pays off is the effort and commitment.

49. Love is a game of golf. The more you play it, the better you get. You have to keep trying to improve until you hit the green.

50. At first, I was bad at playing golf, but later on, I become good at it. Same way, I’ve learned to love you and treat you like no one else would.

51. I’m holding unto you with the same relaxed grip I use for golf swings. Not because I can’t hold you tighter but, because I want you to breathe. True love is freedom.

52. Golfing is a partnership between man and nature, just like the relationship between a man and his woman.

53. Falling in love is easy, staying in love is hard. Golf is an easy game though hard to play. Whichever way, I’m not going to give up on any.

54. Golf is a great game for couples. If you’re looking for a new hobby, this might be it.

55. It’s not about the length of time we have known each other, it’s more about the quality of the love we share. Playing golf has taught me patience, and with that, I believe we can do more together.

56. I wanted to be good at playing golf, so I practised more. Now, all I want is to be good at loving you.

57. Golf is a sport, but it’s also the husbandry of love.

58. The key to a successful golf game is good partners.

59. I have sworn to commit myself to you, with due dedication as I have sworn to continue playing golf all my life.

60. When you play golf, it’s important to remember that it’s not just a game– it’s an opportunity to create a bond between two people.

61. Golf is like love. It takes a long time to learn, and even longer to master and no one ever plays alone.

62. Golf is a lot like marriage. In both you put in a lot of hard work, and then one day it all seems to come together perfectly.

63. Golfing with your lover is a great way to bond and get a few hours of quality time together. Why not surprise your honey by taking them out on the links for a day of fun?

64. My life is as peaceful with you as I am when I’m playing golf. That’s how I know you and I are meant to do this for life.

65. Nothing could be more romantic than a luxurious game of golf with the one you love.

66. There’s just something about a golf date with your lover that has everyone talking.

67. It’s a tradition for couples to go golfing on the weekend. The course is usually gorgeous, with flowers and birds and a clear blue sky. It’s also a chance to bond with your partner.

68. Nothing compares to the joy of playing golf with your partner and best friend.

69. It doesn’t matter how often you’re out there on the course, golf is a game that brings two people together.

70. Enjoy the course while playing golf with the one you love.

71. Half the tremendous successes I have had in golf are because of how supportive and encouraging you have been towards my interests.

72. What better way to spend a day with your love than out on the golf course? There’s nothing like listening to the wind against your ears and looking into the eyes of someone you adore.

73. I never saw golf as an interesting sport till you came along. Now, all I want to do is watch you enjoy yourself playing the game. Watching how well you do it makes me twice as happy.

74. I knew someday I was going to take up this sport. Now, I didn’t only take up the sport, I fell in love with you.

75. When we met, we could hardly stand each other or even be in the same space but now, we can’t do without each other like putter and ball.

76. It’s fun playing golf with you because you have seen through all my emotions playing the game. Now I don’t have to hide or pretend to be who I’m not. I just have to be myself.

77. What can’t we do together? We are partners both on the golf course and in marriage.

78. You love to golf, and I love to spend time in nature. We complement each other in the best ways possible.

79. Golf is a private game, and we both love privacy. So, we chose golf so that we will never have to deal with crowds in our lives.

80. Golf is both a competitive and relaxing sport. Whether you’re going head-to-head against your partner or just sharing a laugh, this game is good for the body and soul.

81. What better way to relax as a couple and enjoy the outdoors if not with golf?

82. We are always in sync with each other’s hearts like the putt and the ball.

83. We found love on the golf field. No wonder greens and outdoors are our favourite spots.

84. A golf course is a great place for romance; it’s genuine, invigorating, and exciting.

85. If I could figure out how to play golf and be terrific at it, then I can figure out how to love you exceptionally.

86. I don’t mind going outside to golf no matter the weather, as long as you go with me. I love doing activities with you.

87. I guess we don’t only sink balls, we sink our hearts too. Finding ourselves next to each other in that little hole sparks the best joys.

88. A golf course is a great place to be with the one you love. It’s an opportunity to spend time outside, get some fresh air, and of course, exercise.

89. I know golf is just a game. A game that we both happen to love marvellously. How luckier can a man be?

90. There’s always something new to learn about golf every day, and I like that it keeps me on my toes to gladly adjust to the sharps and bends of being in love with you.

91. Thinking about what to do on a crisp spring or summer day? Take your special someone out to a golf course.

92. I’d rather be golfing with you than anyone else. You are the best partner anyone could have.

93. Golf is a great way to spend a day together, even if you don’t hit the ball.

94. Golf takes a perfect marriage and makes it even better.

95. There is something amazing about when your partner hits the tee shot and you know he’s about to make the birdie.

96. We make the best partners because we are just having fun at the game. Golf is not a game you take too seriously else, it will mess with your mind.

97. It’s a good day to golf. The greens are looking good too. Time to hit some balls.

98. Your swing and mine on the golf course are perfectly in tune. We are couple goals.

99. You and me, we’re a golf ball that goes straight.

100. Golf is the perfect sport for a couple because it’s short, sweet and to the point.

101. Golfing is a great way to enhance your relationship. It’s a joyful experience, full of laughs and sweet moments that you can’t share with anyone but your partner.

If we are a couple that enjoys playing golf, we hope this list of cute golf quotes for couples will help you properly express how playing together makes you feel. Drop a comment below to tell us how you feel reading this.

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