Too Busy Counting the Stars Quotes

I’m always looking up at the stars and wondering what’s out there. They are often so beautiful, and most times, a small glimpse can turn into full-out star gazing and wondering about what could be. I sometimes feel like I get too busy counting the stars and wondering about what could be to actually get anything done. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. We all have our own version of counting the stars. Whether it’s daydreaming about what we want our lives to be, or worrying about what could go wrong, we’re all guilty of it.

In our fast-paced society, it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race and forget to appreciate the blessings we have. We often find ourselves too busy wishing for what we don’t have and failing to see the good that’s right in front of us. Many of us go through life chasing after things we think will make us happy, only to find that once we obtain them, they don’t bring us the fulfilment we thought they would. In the meantime, we often fail to see the blessings that are right in front of us. We take for granted the people and things that bring us joy on a daily basis, and instead focus on what we don’t have.

If we could step back and take a look at our lives, we would likely see that we have more than we realize. Sometimes, we just need to take a step back and appreciate the good that is already in our lives. We may not have everything we want, but if we take the time to appreciate what we do have, we may find that we are happier than we thought. If you are ever in that situation where you can fail to see the beauty right in front of you, then you should take a look at the too busy counting the stars quotes I have compiled in this post.

What we see as imperfections, others see as beauty. Don’t get carried away with dreaming and counting the stars that you forget to appreciate the beauty and the blessings that have been right in front of you all along the way.

1. Don’t be too busy counting the stars to see what’s right in front of you.

2. Don’t just count the stars, look up and see what’s right in front of you.

3. Stop counting the stars and start making the most of this moment. Life is happening now, so be present in it.

4. I am afraid I am too busy counting the stars to notice anything going on around me.

5. The stars are out tonight and I’m too busy counting them to do anything else.

6. It’s hard to be in love with someone when you’re trying to count the stars.

7. Too busy counting the stars to worry about what you’re wearing tonight.

8. We are too busy counting the stars to worry about the world.

9. I got so busy counting the stars, I didn’t realize that there was a full moon.

10. The stars are out tonight and I’m too busy counting them to even turn on my light.

11. It’s kind of hard to count your blessings when you’re too busy counting the stars above.

12. Stop counting the stars and look up at the sky. There’s really no better time than right now to start living your dreams.

13. The beauty of the sky is worth remembering, but the beauty of a smile is priceless.

14. Life is too short to not do what makes you happy. We should stop and smell the roses every now and then.

15. Life is more than the stars in the sky. Think about it for a moment: you are here to make a difference, do what you love and be happy!

16. The time is now to live life and not worry about the future.

17. Stay focused on what’s important, and do not get carried away with sights in the sky.

18. While the stars may lead your gaze, they won’t guide your heart. Make sure you look up because life’s blessings are everywhere.

19. When you’re looking up at the stars, you miss out on what’s in front of you.

20. Be present. See what’s really in front of you.

21. Life is full of opportunities. Don’t let distractions stop you from seeing them.

22. Make your days count, and don’t miss the beauty of every day.

23. When you’re too busy counting the stars to see what is right in front of you, it’s a good thing when someone reminds you – what is right in front of you.

24. So many people are too busy counting the stars to see what is right in front of them.

25. So busy counting the stars that you missed the man standing in front of you, who would love to see you right now.

26. Some nights the moon is brighter than the stars, but if you are too busy counting the stars, you won’t notice.

27. Sometimes the best things are right in front of you.

28. Life is too short to spend it counting the stars.

29. Sometimes we need to take a step back and appreciate the small things in life.

30. The best way to make a living is to be happy.

31. I’m too busy counting the stars to care about anything else.

32. So busy counting the stars, I can’t be bothered with anything else.

33. Sometimes, we’re just too busy counting the stars to be bothered by anything else.

34. Don’t get caught counting the stars and missing the good stuff in life.

35. When you’re counting the stars, you’re missing out on the stuff in life that matters.

36. Don’t let the small problems get you down. Forget the past. Get one step closer to happiness.

37. Don’t be so busy counting the stars that you forget to smile at a child.

38. Take a break from counting the stars and see what’s happening on the ground.

39. You see, maybe it’s not how much you do or what you have but rather how happy you are with what you have done and the fact that you’ve chosen to be happy with who you are.

40. Life is all about the little moments – capture them and enjoy them, don’t get carried away with dreaming that you forget to appreciate the beauty right in front of you

41. Don’t get carried away by the thrill of being in the moment, and don’t forget to appreciate the beauty right in front of you.

42. Remember to appreciate the beauty right in front of you. You never know what’s around the corner.

43. Don’t get too caught up in your dreams, because you’ll miss out on the beauty right in front of you.

44. Don’t let your daydreams get you stuck in a place that is far away from the beauty right in front of you.

45. Don’t get carried away dreaming of being someone else. Be your own person and live life the way you want to live it.

46. There are so many beautiful things out there, why not stop and appreciate them.

47. The best way to get the most out of life is by appreciating all the beauty around you.

48. A little perspective and a bit of patience can go a long way. You can’t see the beauty in front of you until you stop and appreciate it.

49. You can only appreciate things up close. So take the time to stop and smell the roses.

50. Don’t get carried away with dreaming. Appreciate the beauty right in front of you.

51. If you are dreaming of something that you don’t have yet, be careful not to lose sight of the beauty right in front of you.

52. Don’t let your head get in the way of your heart. Every day is a gift and you have to be grateful for it

53. There are more beautiful things in life than you can imagine. Enjoy your moments, take time to appreciate the beauty around you and make room for appreciation in your daily routine.

54. Sometimes you have to take a step back and look around you. If there’s something beautiful in your life, take a moment and appreciate it.

55. The beauty of life is not in the dazzle of your dreams, but in the simple things that fill your heart with joy.

56. Keep your eyes open and mind on the things that matter. You don’t need to dream, you have got it right there.

It is so easy to get so lost in the what if’s that we forget the now. However the key is to find a balance and not be so busy counting the stars and neglecting what we can enjoy now. If you found these too busy counting the stars quotes insightful and helpful, then be sure to share them with others as well. Do leave me a comment in the comments section before you go; I would love to hear from you. Thank you.

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