It’s Okay to Be Tired Quotes

It’s okay to remind yourself that it’s okay to feel tired and it doesn’t mean that you are weak. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being tired. We all get exhausted from work, family, and personal responsibilities but we also need to take a break every once in a while, too.

The worst part of being tired isn’t just how physically exhausted you are—it’s how mentally and emotionally drained you can feel. You can be mentally and emotionally drained after a long day of work, or even during a rough patch in life. When things like this happen it’s okay to rest make sure you feel better.

Here are some it’s okay to be tired quotes about how and why we shouldn’t let lack of energy define us or hold us back.

It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to not want to do things you used to love, It’s okay to feel like you are getting out of breath in your own skin. But it is not okay to give up and walk away when you are still breathing!

1. It’s okay to be tired. It’s part of life, and you can get through it—even if sometimes you feel like giving up.

2. When you’re tired, it’s okay to take a nap.

3. You’re not stuck in yesterday. It’s okay to be tired, but you can’t let it stop you from moving forward.

4. It’s okay to be tired, but only you can choose how much energy you put into it.

5. There are times when we feel like it’s okay to be tired, but it’s not okay to stay that way. We can’t blame ourselves for feeling this way—and the only way out is up.

6. We all have moments when we don’t feel like getting out of bed, much less going on with our day. But it’s okay to feel tired sometimes because not feeling well is not a reason to quit.

7. It’s okay to be tired and It’s okay to feel like you’re not up to the task at hand when you wake up in the morning, but it’s not okay for being tired to stop you from doing your best work.

8.  It’s okay to be tired, because you’re human. You can’t do everything. You can only do the things that you decide to do, with your time and energy.

9. Sometimes it’s okay to be tired. Sometimes you need to take a break, shake off the bad and recharge your batteries.

10. It’s okay to be tired. Stay in bed and rest up. It’s better than not doing anything at all.

11. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to need a break. It’s okay to stop and take it all in, because this is just a part of the bigger picture.

12. Sometimes you’re tired, but you have to keep going. It’s okay to be tired sometimes.

13. It’s okay to be tired sometimes. Just don’t let it stop you from doing fun things like sleeping and eating.

14. Don’t let your tiredness become the reason you don’t do fun things. Don’t let it hold you back from doing things you enjoy. Instead of sleeping and eating, try going for a walk in the park.

15. It’s okay to be tired. It’s normal to feel tired sometimes. Sometimes the most rewarding moments in life are those when you’re not so “up” and ready to go.

16. It’s okay to be tired. It’s not just a physical thing, it’s a mental thing as well. We feel better if we take time for ourselves—to recharge and get refreshed.

17. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to take a break from the hustle & bustle of life and go for a walk or jog, listen to your favorite song or just relax by yourself. Being tired is actually a sign that you are alive, and it could mean that your body is healthy as well!

18. It’s okay to be tired. We all are. Take a break from our imperfect lives, let go of all that is weighing us down and welcome in the feeling of solitude and stillness.

19. It’s okay to be tired. A nap is a wonderful thing. It’s also okay to not want to do anything, at all.

20. You are not alone in your struggle. It’s okay to be tired and we all have 24 hours in a day, just try to make the most of them.

21. It’s okay to be tired. It takes a lot of work to look your best and you still have to get up at 4:00 am in order to keep fit, so it’s only natural that you feel like you could sleep for the rest of your life. But it’s never too late to start working on finding energy again, right?

22. It’s okay to be tired and a little bit dumpy on your way home from work.

23. “It’s okay to get tired, it’s okay to need a break.

24. It’s okay to be tired and it’s even okay to be a little grumpy. But never forget: it is always possible to improve on whatever you are doing. And that is something to be proud of.

25. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to rest your eyes for a few minutes, even if you’re a cat.

26. It’s okay to be tired. We’re all human and we don’t get any less tired over time. So take a nap when you need it, but remember that you’re still alive, which is pretty great.

27. It’s okay to be tired. It’s a fact of life. We all get overwhelmed at times, but that’s not an excuse for doing nothing about it.

28. Being tired isn’t a bad thing, it’s just an excuse not to do what you want to do.

29. It’s okay to be tired. It’s even better when you get the right amount of sleep, eat healthy and exercise.

30. It’s okay to be tired. It’s not okay to let that stop you from doing what you love.

31. When you’re tired, it’s okay. You’ve got to get rest, because you can do anything when you’re rested.

32. We all get days where we’re just too tired to live. But it’s important to remember that those moments are just another way of marking the passage of time, and nothing more.

33. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to skip a day. It’s okay to sleep in late. It’s okay to take a break from the hustle & bustle of your busy routine. Take time for yourself every once in a while & set aside some quality time for you.

34. It’s okay to be tired, it’s all about the choices you make—and that doesn’t mean a nap today.

35. We all get tired. It’s okay to be tired and it’s okay to let yourself rest. Wake up tomorrow refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to start over again.

36. It’s okay to be tired. It’s a little bit of sweat that keeps you going.

37. Let’s take a moment to rest. Its okay to be tired. Resting a little enables you to handle the tasks at hand better and work smarter.

38. We’re all humans, we get tired. It’s okay to be a little more tired than usual today. It’s okay to rest up a bit before you turn on your game face.

39. When you’re feeling very tired and a little bit overwhelmed, it’s okay to rest. You have done enough today to be proud of yourself.

40. It’s okay to be tired. It’s not something to be ashamed of

41. It’s okay to be tired. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. It’s understandable that you don’t always want to get up and get dressed and go to the gym, when all you want is to stay in bed and give into your exhaustion.

42. You always have to push yourself forward, even when you’re tired. Because it’s okay to be tired and still do what you need to do.

43. The world is a tough place. You will feel exhausted and worn out from time to time. It’s okay to be tired. It’s just how things are sometimes in life.

44. It’s okay to be tired. Sometimes you need rest and your energy for something better later. You’re the only one who can decide what your body needs so give it rest when it demands it.

45. It’s Okay to Be Tired but when you’re tired, it’s okay to stay in bed and watch Netflix.

46. Embrace the exhaustion. It’s okay to feel a little frazzled. You’re allowed to sleep in and eat late, too.

47. “It’s okay to be tired. We all get sleep-deprived and overwhelmed, but I think it’s more of a challenge to keep fighting when you’re so tired. That’s when habits start forming and commitments go out the window. You have to fight that feeling, even if you’re exhausted.

48. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay for you to take a break after you worked your butt off all day. It’s okay to say, “I’m tired and I need a break.”

49. “It’s okay to be tired. We can always catch up on sleep later.”

50. No matter how hard you try or what you achieve, it’s okay to be tired.

51. When your eyes feel like they’re going to close at any second, it’s okay to be tired.

52. It’s okay to be tired. Stay in bed and check out of the world for a while.

53. Sometimes the things we want to do aren’t always the best things. So, it’s okay to be tired and just rest a bit. But don’t let those thoughts steal your happiness away!

54. It’s okay to be tired. That’s why they call it rest. It’s also okay to say no to things you don’t want to do. But if you say yes to everything, you’ll never get anything done.

55. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to want to go home. Sometimes life can feel a little like one of those Tom Hanks movies where he says: “I remember being tired and just wanting to go home, even though I was still in the middle of things.

56. When you’re tired, it’s probably because you’re trying to do too much. Take a break.

57. It’s okay to be tired and sometimes it takes a long time to get better, regardless of what you do. Sometimes it takes just one small step. But remember—keep moving forward. That’s where you’ll find the best healing and the biggest happiness.

58. Don’t feel like you have to do everything all at once. You don’t! Take a deep breath and feel. It’s Okay to be Tired

59. It’s okay to be tired. But you should never be too tired to work or play with your kids.

60. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to stop and smell the roses.

61. It’s okay to be tired, but don’t forget to get up.

62. It’s okay to be tired. It’s the little things that keep us up at night, and they’re in no way life threatening – Which is why we shouldn’t worry about it too much.

63. When you’re tired, it’s okay to take a nap. When you’re not, it’s also okay to stay up until 3AM  because your heart is simple and pure, and worth more than all the things that make you tired.

64. There’s more to life than work, and it’s definitely okay to be tired.

65. You’re so tired, you’re almost done. Now keep going! It’s okay to be tired.

66. It’s okay to be tired. It’s the only time you can surrender to the world, let go and finally rest.

67. It’s okay to be tired, but don’t take it too far.

68. It’s okay to be tired. It’s not life threatening, but it will make you appreciate the next day a little more.

69. It’s okay to be tired. The most important thing is to rest (forgive yourself and get some sleep).

70. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to be stressed. It’s okay if you don’t have enough time in the day. But don’t let it stop you from dreaming bigger, going further and taking risks.

71. It’s okay to be tired. You’ve been going really hard lately. Take a day to rest and recharge and then let’s get back at it.

72. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to take a nap. It’s okay to stop and smell the roses. It’s okay to sit in silence with your thoughts, but don’t forget that it’s important also to talk with people who mean a lot to you.

73. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to be sore. It’s okay to be a little bit stressed. It’s okay to take a break, and it’s finally okay to sleep on it!

74. Sometimes it’s okay to be tired. Sometimes you just have to take a break and let your mind wander.

75. Don’t let your fatigue discourage you from doing all the things you wanted to do. You’re taking steps in the right direction!

76. If you’re tired, it’s okay. You are not alone. Stay strong and remember that tomorrow is just another day to make your dreams come true.

77. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to just want it all to stop for a moment. But don’t give up. Keep getting up and putting one foot in front of the other, because that is what life is about.

78. We’re all running on fumes. It’s okay to be tired. But do not stop, because it’s what keeps us moving.

79. It’s okay to be tired. It’s even more important that you rest when you’re tired because your body needs it.

80. It’s okay to be tired. After all, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. So go ahead and take it easy today.

81. It’s okay to be tired, but don’t let it stop you from doing what makes you happy.

82. It’s okay to be tired. It is not okay to get sick, or worse, not visit a doctor. When you’re tired, just sleep it off and be ready for the next day.

83. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to feel your emotions hit you like a train. It’s okay to let that emotion pass by and start again, because you’re strong enough to do it.

84. It’s okay to be tired, it’s okay to be sick, It’s okay you have a headache. It’s okay to make mistakes, it’s okay that you made those mistakes. But remember please just keep on moving forward.

85. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to be a little grumpy. It’s okay to need some time for yourself when everything seems so busy. It’s okay to plug in and recharge, even if you do it alone.

86. When you are tired, it’s okay to feel it. It’s the only time you can let go of everything else and rest. You need to stop being so hard on yourself and remember that everyone has days when they just don’t want to do anything because they are tired.

87. The most important thing is to rest when you are tired, it’s okay to be tired.

88. Sometimes it’s okay to feel tired because there are so many things you have left to do!

89. It’s okay to be tired. In fact, it’s a good sign if you can’t sleep at all.

90. “It’s okay to be tired. It means you’re alive.”

91. It’s okay to be tired. It’s also okay to let your mind wander while you catch a few zzz’s. The key is to remember that a good night’s sleep is an important part of feeling better, so don’t let yourself get too busy that you forget what it feels like to close your eyes and drift away.

92. Being tired is a normal part of life. It’s okay to be tired and also okay to help yourself feel better.

93. “Tired doesn’t always mean “done.” The saying is really just the body shutting down and letting you know to stop. It’s okay, that’s normal!”

94. Don’t feel guilty for being tired–it’s okay to take a break. We all need one.

95. It’s okay to be tired. Everyone feels it sometimes, but I promise if you push through the moments where you just don’t have a lot of energy, you will find yourself having more energy than when you started.

96. It’s okay to be tired. You’re allowed to take a break sometimes, even during the busiest season of your life!

97. It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to take a break. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to grow up. But most importantly, it’s okay to believe in yourself, always!

98. We all get tired—at least once in a while. So, it’s okay to be tired. Let it happen. Rest up. Dump the burden of stress and worry and let your mind rest, too. You still have time to work towards your goals, so don’t be scared or nervous to let go because if you don’t, you may get burnt by a fire that wasn’t even lit.

99. It’s okay to be a little tired. It’s okay to be irritable. It’s okay to be grumpy and moody sometimes. But today, don’t let it get the best of you!

100. It’s okay to be a little tired, it’s not too late to go to bed.

101. When you’re tired, it’s okay to take a break. Just know that when you get back up, you have the power to keep pushing forward.

102. Don’t feel bad if you get tired. It’s just life.

I really hope you enjoyed going through these It’s okay to be tired quotes, kindly comment below and share with others.

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