Bravery Quotes for Women – Motivation and Love

Whether you are male or female, there are going to be times when people try to put you in a box and expect certain things from you. Now, if you are a woman, it is safe to assume that society has some rather limited expectations of what your role should be. 

As a matter of fact, growing up as a woman can be incredibly challenging. Throughout history, women have had to face discrimination, scorn, and violence based on their gender. In a world that is trying to be fair and equal, women are still facing a lot of injustice. 

No matter who you are or where you live, women have something in common—they all need strength, inspiration, courage, and bravery to live life to the fullest. But sometimes, finding just the right quote for this purpose is tricky. I’ve made things easier for you by creating this beautiful compilation of bravery quotes for women.

Dear woman, be brave enough to be you. Be brave enough to do what makes you happy. Be brave enough to speak up for yourself and not be intimidated by someone else’s words. Be brave enough to ignore what other people say and love yourself just the way you are.

1. It’s not easy being a woman in this world, but you’re braver than anyone knows.

2. Being a woman in this society is hard. That’s why you’re not supposed to just be beautiful, you are to be brave and strong.

3. Even if you feel alone, remember that you’re never truly alone. You are a woman, which means strength, grace, and bravery. 

4. Women are strong. So, you are not alone.

5. All women are strong and brave. You just look different. So, stand tall, women of the world.

6. Don’t let the world tell you what to be. You are brave. So, be who you are, and don’t let anyone tell you differently.

7. Everyone is born an original. You are born a woman, and you are born with power, strength, and intelligence. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.

8. You are strong, you are beautiful, you are brave, and you are capable. Don’t let society’s bullshit tell you otherwise. 

9. Be brave. Be brave for the world and yourself because you never know how far you can go until you try.

10. Be brave. Let your inner hero out. Let that superwoman in you shine forth.

11. Don’t ever let fear hold you back. Don’t wait for it to be time for you to step up. Be brave, be fearless and be bold.

12. No matter what obstacles you face or hardships you have to overcome, bravery tells you that there’s always hope for a brighter future.

13. Remember, you are enough. You have a brave heart. You have value, and you deserve more than anyone can take away from you.

14. You are enough. You are brave. You are unstoppable. You are a force to be reckoned with, and you will always be unstoppable.

15. You are enough. You are brave. You are incredible. Don’t ever lose that.

16. Never let anyone get you down. You are a force to be reckoned with, and no one is ever going to stop you because, in the end, you’re the brave one.

17. Dear woman, you are special and unique, just like everyone else on the planet. And guess what? You are powerful beyond measure. You matter.

18. It is easy to get down on yourself and feel like no one loves you, but remember that your story is bigger than any circumstance. So, get back up like the brave woman you are. 

19. Be brave and stand tall. Your gender has nothing to do with it.

20. Even though you might not face the same struggles as your female friends, know that you’re not alone. You are brave and can take care of yourself no matter what the situation is. 

21. Be brave—no matter what it takes. Be fearless—no matter what happens. And never let anyone treat you like a delicate flower. 

22. You are brave. So, be strong, be bold and be unapologetic because that’s how you can change the world around you. 

23. What makes you truly brave is how you embrace yourself in the face of stereotypes and fight back. 

24. You may be the only woman in your field, the only woman on your board, or the only woman in your family. But you are not alone. You are a brave woman.

25. You don’t need to be careful about messing up. You don’t have to try to blend in with all the men around you. You are brave so you should stand out from the crowd and embrace who you are.

26. As the only woman in a male-dominated industry, boardroom, or family, you may have felt alone. But you are not.

27. You’re not alone. Brave women have been starting businesses for centuries.

28. Brave women are pioneers. They blaze a trail and push through all kinds of challenges.

29. You can be anything you want, as long as you’re brave enough to face it.

30. Stand tall. You’ve always been beautiful. So now, be brave.

31. Be brave. It’s not just what you’ve got, it’s what you do with it. 

31. Be proud of your power; don’t despise it. Be brave in your life and do what you love no matter what the world tells you to do.

32. When you’re strong enough to be vulnerable, you’re brave enough to be yourself.

33. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

34. There is so much to achieve. Stay true to your conviction, you will find the strength and bravery inside of you.

35. Being a woman has never been easy. But, it means to be brave and stand tall.

36. There is no limit to how much a woman can accomplish and how far she can go—as long as she stays strong, shows her grit, and always is brave.

37. Be brave. Be strong. Be proud of the woman you are—regardless of what else is going on in your life.

38. You are not defined by your gender. You are defined by your actions and the brave choices you make.

39. No matter what you face as a woman, you’ve got this. You’re badass, you are brave and this is your time.

40. No matter what your burden is or doesn’t look like, you can be strong. You can make it through anything.

41. You are a woman. You are a warrior. Never forget these. Never stop being brave.

42. Don’t let fear stop you from creating your life, whatever it looks like. Put on the cloak of bravery, give yourself that extra push to be who you are, and do what you love.

43. No matter what you think, or what they say, or who they are, it’s yourself that matters. And no one can take away your self-worth and bravery.

44. No matter the challenges you face, keep pushing through and remember that no one can take away your sense of bravery.

45. You can’t control what other people think about you, but you can decide how you think about yourself. Are you brave? Then, act like it.

46. Women are all different, but face the same challenges. Be brave and stand tall, no matter what you face because of your gender.

47. Dear woman, don’t let the world make you small. Be brave and stand tall for yourself.

48. What a woman faces is not always what a man can, but she never lets her gender hold her back from being strong, brave, and courageous.

49. Women have the strength and bravery to face any challenge—whether it’s a sexist comment or standing up to discrimination. 

50. Be brave. Be bold. Be the best version of yourself. You are beautiful, even when you don’t feel it.

51. No matter what challenges you face, you don’t have to be afraid of being different. Stand out wherever you are. That’s bravery. 

52. When you are brave, you can be the woman who makes things happen without having to worry about what people will think.

53. It’s a brave woman who stands up to her fears. It’s the strongest of us all.

54. As a woman, you are brave. You are strong. And you are ready for anything.

55. No matter what you’re going through, remember: You are stronger than any adversity that may come your way. Be brave. Be badass!

56. You are not a mistake or a disease. You are perfect exactly the way you are, and that’s not something you have to change. Be brave about this!

57. You are not defined by any one thing. You are all you need because the world cannot contain who you are. So, chin up, head high. You are brave.

58. You should be brave enough to dream big, even if sometimes it feels like it could never be true. Just remember: you’re already great.

59. The harder you work, the luckier you get. The taller you stand, the more people will appreciate it. The braver you are, the sooner anything falls into place. So don’t ever give up!

60. No matter what you face, stand tall. You are a woman and no one can stop you.

61. Be brave and stand tall, even when your fears are louder.

62. You are brave, strong, and not afraid to face the world—no matter what it throws at you. 

63. You’re a warrior queen, and I salute you because there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who knows how to walk with bravery no matter what obstacles come her way.

64. Being a woman is not easy. But being a brave woman is super worth it.

65. You are not defined by what you look like or what society tells you to do. You are a badass woman who will never stop being a badass woman. Fearless, brave, feminine, and strong.

66. Brave woman, you’re the best. Never settle for less than what you deserve. Your strength and courage will inspire others, every day.

67. Never let others define you or your worth. You are a woman, and that means you’re brave and strong.

68. Dear woman, no matter what life throws your way, you can find the courage to be brave and stand tall.

69. Regardless of what you’re facing, know that you can do it. You can be brave. There is no better time than now to stand up and believe in yourself.

70. Don’t let anyone tell you who you should be or what you should believe in. Be brave enough to be who you are and do what makes your heart sing

71. You are brave, self-possessed, and beautiful. If you feel like you can’t stand on your own two feet, then maybe it’s time to trust that you’re strong enough.

72. You don’t need to be perfect or beautiful to be great. You only need to believe in yourself, be brave and stand up for what you believe in.

73. You don’t need to be the biggest, tallest, strongest, or brightest to make a difference. You just need to be brave enough and be yourself.

74. Everyone faces challenges, but every woman is brave enough to be who she is, stand tall, and fight for her dreams.

75. You’re a woman, not a trophy. Rise, stand tall, and don’t let the world make you smaller than you are.

76. You should feel the power of being a woman. You should be brave to wear it with pride, even when it doesn’t feel that way. 

77. Brave women lead. They change the world.

78. Be the kind of woman who stands tall and owns her power.

79. You are a brave woman and you have the power to make decisions that will change your life for the better.

80. You are an amazing person. You are strong and brave, and you will always be a force to be reckoned with.

81. Women are just as brave and capable of great things today as they have always been.

82. No one has a right to put you down. You can do it, you are brave and strong enough.

83. Dear woman, rule the world and conquer it with your brave brilliance.

84. Whether it’s going through a tough time or making that first step, know that you are so much stronger than you think. Step out in bravery. 

85. Make a difference. Be brave and stand tall no matter what you face because of your gender.

86. Dear woman, be brave and stand tall, even when the world tells you that you can’t. 

87. No matter what you’re going through, no one can take away your power. Be brave and stand tall.

88. Being a girl isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. It is not easy to be brave and strong as a woman. But you are strong, you are beautiful, you have a purpose, and your time has come.

89. Being a strong woman isn’t about being loud or independent. It’s about being brave enough to stand up for what you believe in even when you’re alone.

90. As a woman, sometimes it takes a little bravery to be who you truly are.

91. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be brave, beautiful, and successful all at once. You are boundless, limitless, and unbreakable.

92. Dear woman, be brave enough to be yourself, even if it means challenging the status quo.

93. Don’t let the world define you. Be your definition of bravery and never let anyone tell you that you can’t do it.

94. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. You are strong and brave and capable of so much more than you might realize.

95. Be strong, brave and powerful, and there’s nothing you can’t do.

96. The times when you need to be your bravest, strongest and most fearless are here. So go big or go home!

97. A woman who is brave enough to be all that she wants to be will always lead the world.

98. Be who you want to be. Be brave enough to become all that you want to be, and never let anyone take that away from you.

99. To be all that you want to be, you have to be brave enough to become it.

100. Be brave enough to do what you love, and show the world what a woman can be.

101. The brave woman is the only woman who never failed and never fell. The only woman who could be what she wanted and be free.

102. There are no limits to what a woman can be, and there is never a wrong time to be a woman. Always brave and strong.

103. You don’t have to be the strongest woman in the world. You just have to be brave enough to never allow yourself to be weak for whatever reason.

104. There are no questions to be afraid of. There is only bravery. Be brave, woman. You can do this!

105. Brave women are the change we need. They lead by example, even when it’s not easy. It’s your turn to inspire tomorrow’s leaders today. Be brave!

106. Brave women change the world. They inspire others to do so too, even when it’s not easy. 

107. Be brave as a woman, even if it means being different.

108. Be brave, be bold. Be you. Your path may look different than the one others choose for you, but it’s yours.

109. You have to be brave in your way for all the things you could never do.

110. When women are brave, they allow themselves to be vulnerable. They let themselves be seen, understood, and loved because they know that in the dark recesses of their minds and souls is where the light is found.

111. What makes a woman brave is not the ability to defend herself but the courage to think beyond her own needs.

112. Not all women can be strong, but they are strong enough to be who they are.

113. Stop trying to fit in and start being you. Be the woman that is brave enough to be a leader in her own life.

114. Never underestimate the power of a woman who faces challenges head-on. 

115. Being brave means, you’re strong. It means you value yourself so much that you do what scares you the most.

116. You are brave enough. You are strong enough. You are smart enough. Stop letting other people’s words define you and start defining yourself.

117. You are a brave, strong, intelligent person. You can handle anything that is thrown at you. If you don’t believe you are, just start taking the steps to improve your life for the better.

118. Be brave enough to step outside of the rules that society has set up for you. Be strong enough to break free. The most beautiful thing about you is yet to be discovered: your courage, your heart, and your mind.

119. Be brave enough to do what’s right, even when it’s hard. And brave enough to listen to your voice and trust the one you have inside you.

120. As a woman, you are brave. You are strong. You have a voice. And you have the wisdom to know that when you speak, you will inspire others to do the same.

121. Being brave isn’t a choice. It’s who you are. Don’t let other people make you feel small or less than others. Be confident, and own it.

122. Be brave enough to love yourself, even when someone else tries to hurt you.

123. You are not your past, you are not your failures. You are a work in progress, and you should be brave enough to go after what you want, even when it’s hard.

124. Don’t let anyone define how strong you are. You were born with a strength that others can never have, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 

Now, I am sure these bravery quotes for women made you realise that women facing something scary or daunting already makes you brave, regardless of your gender. Now, do me a favour by sending one or more of these cute bravery quotes for women to a few brave women in your life!

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