Disaster Control Measures in Academic Libraries in Nasarawa State

Disaster Control Measures in Academic Libraries in Nasarawa State.


This study set out to examine disaster control measures in academic libraries in the Nasarawa State of Nigeria.

It was guided by five research questions that sought to identify the types of disasters prevalent in the academic libraries; the causes of those disasters; preventing the occurrence of disaster in their collections and measures academic libraries would use to cope with disasters if they eventually occurred.

The study was a descriptive survey of five academic libraries in Nasarawa State. The total population from all the five academic library respondents is forty-seven (47) and the whole population was used for the study.

Data was generated using questionnaires administered to the Librarians and library officers in five academic libraries. Simply frequency tables and percentages were used for data presentation.

The major findings of the study were as follows: the greatest damage to collections was from theft, followed by mutilation of libraries materials, water incidence, insect attack, and rodent; invasion.

There had never been any fire incidence, nondeterioration of audio-visual materials, and any form of earthquakes in any academic library in the State.

Most libraries were not very ready to cope with disaster since most did not have any comprehensive disaster plan, did not ensure their collection, only a few collaborate with essential service departments.

The following recommendations were made based on the findings: staff should intensify surveillance of reading areas and carrels particular towards the close of library hours.

Electronic theft detection devices should be installed library administrators should ensure that libraries have comprehensive disaster plans.


Background of Study
Academic libraries exist in institutions of higher education such as universities, Colleges of Education, Colleges of technology, and polytechnic. These are largely tertiary educational institutions usually available after secondary education.

The need for well-developed libraries is inexorable greater in Nigeria than in advanced countries. We cannot expect an excellent academic program in any educational institution without the support of a well-equipped library.

University, colleges of Education, and Polytechnic are not adjuncts to their parent institutions, but integral parts of them. Professor Alex Kwaanpong, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ghana once declared:

“The university library is the heart, if not aorta, of any University, and its academic health, intellectual vitality, and effectiveness, therefore, closely depending on the state of health and excellence of its library. An inert and moribund library invariable means an inert and moribund university.

Again the centrality of the University library in the intellectual life of the university is epitomized in the off quoted statement of the British University grants committee.

“The character and efficiency of a university may be gauged by its treatment of its central organ, the library. We regard the fullest provision for library maintenance as the primary and most vital need in the equipment of a university.


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