I Am Tired of Being Too Nice Quotes

What does being nice mean? Being polite? Being respectful? Being kind? All these things are important parts of being a good person, but they don’t mean anything if they’re used as tools by people to manipulate nice people into doing what they want them to do instead of doing what they want or need to do.

Nice doesn’t mean putting other people’s needs above yours — especially when those needs include ignoring your feelings or making you feel bad about yourself because your feelings haven’t been considered before acting on any given situation. Nice doesn’t mean letting someone else walk all over you.

Let’s face it, being nice is a great quality to have. It’s lovely, friendly and makes people around you feel good. However, if you’re feeling like the world’s biggest pushover, then maybe it’s time to put your foot down and stop being so damn nice all the time.

I am tired of being too nice. That’s why I’m going to be a bit more brash and confident in my words. I am tired of being too nice. I’m done being the pushover. I am tired of being too nice. I want to behave like a pirate.

1. I am tired of being too nice because it never works. I have to speak up for myself. You can be too nice—it’s just not healthy.

2. I am tired of being too nice. I’m going to have to be a little selfish and get more assertive!

3. I am too nice. I’m tired of being too nice, so here’s a new tagline: “I’m not nice—I don’t care what you think. 

4. Being too nice is like a one-way ticket to being taken advantage of. I am too nice, it’s just too much.

5. I am not a nice person. I am a badass hard-working hustler and confident human being who has the right to be proud of herself.

6. I am tired of being too nice, it’s a waste of time. I have better things to do with my time!!

7. I am tired of being too nice, I am tired of being too polite. I will make a mistake to do what’s right for me.

8. I’m not sure if I can say this here but, I am tired of being too nice. Being too nice is like being a doormat. You are not being your best self because you are settling for a less-than-desired outcome.

9. Being too nice is a huge buzzkill. It’s time to be the kind of person who doesn’t put up with any BS, especially from people who should know better.

10. I am tired of being too nice quotes- I am tired of being too nice because it gives people the wrong impression that they can step on me and you won’t hear a peep out of me.

11. I am tired of being too nice because it makes me seem weak. I am strong and have much to offer, but I will always be passionate about giving the people around me what they deserve.

12. I am tired of being too nice, I am sick of being the good guy. Life is too short to be nice so stop being a doormat and don’t wait for others to change for you. Do something about it!

13. I am tired of being too nice, I am the kind of friend that will let you know when you’re talking shit.

14. I am tired of being too nice. When I am too pleasant, I end up getting my feelings hurt. When I don’t speak up, I feel like a coward. But when I step up to tell you how your actions make me feel, then you get mad at me and stop talking to me. So I am taking you off my “nice” list.

15. I’m tired of being too nice. I just want to be happy, I don’t want to do anything with anyone. As soon as they get to know me they start complaining and bringing me down all the time.

16. I am tired of always being too nice because I’m tired of being the one that loses the bet. I’m tired of being too nice. I want to be mean.

17. Being too nice is taking away my power because I am not in charge of who I want to be.

18. I’m not about being too nice. I’m about living life and having a good time.

19. I am tired of being too nice. I want people to know that I can be tough and that I will fight for what I believe in.

20. I am tired of being too nice because I’m not nice enough. I am tired of being too nice. Being too nice is not what I want to be; it’s what everyone expects and wants me to be.

21. I am tired of being too nice. I’m ready to start standing up for what I believe in and speaking up for myself.

22. I am tired of being too nice. I want to be more assertive, aggressive, and bold.

23. I am tired of being too nice when I have something to say.

24. I am tired of people acting like I don’t exist. They need to be nice to me when it doesn’t affect them but don’t give a shit when they do.

25. I’m done with being a nice girl. I want to be more like you: sarcastic, cynical, and in-your-face.

26. I am tired of being too nice because I am always too nice. I need to be tough to get what I want and not lose my self-esteem just because someone tries to make me feel like crap.

27. I am tired of being too nice. I want to be the kind of person who does things that make other people happy, but even if I do, it won’t make me happy. That’s why I’ll go out and do something fun with my friends that involves making others happy and seeing people’s reactions to it

28. I’m tired of being nice. I want to take a stand for what I think because it’s important to me

29. I am tired of being too nice. I am tired of always saying yes to everyone and never letting them see who I am.

30. I am tired of being too nice. I am tired of standing in front of you and smiling because I don’t dare to ask for what I want or say what I mean.

31. I am tired of being too nice because it makes people feel bad. I like to be liked!

32. I am tired of being too nice —I am just a person and I have my problems.

33. I am tired of being too nice. I need to stop trying to please everyone and just do what I want.

34. I am tired of being too nice. Why? Because it just doesn’t work. I want to stand up for myself, and I need to be able to say no and mean it when it matters most.

35. I am tired of being too nice so I say: you are not perfect; I am not perfect. We are just people who have to learn how to live together.

36. I am tired of being too nice. I don’t want to be a taker, and I don’t want to be a giver. I want to sit down at the table and see what happens when we are all simply human beings together.

37. I am so over being too nice. I am tired of waiting on people, doing stuff for people, and putting up with bad behaviour.

38. I’m tired of being too nice! There is no reason to be polite if someone is being rude. I am tired of trying. I am tired of putting up with people who don’t appreciate me or others. So today I say “enough!”

39. I’m tired of being too nice to people. I don’t like being polite anymore. I want people to know that if they hurt my feelings, or don’t treat me with respect, then I just don’t want anything to do with them

40. Being too nice is boring. Be a good person and do cool things to make people laugh. I am tired of being too nice because of all the drama that comes with it. 

41. I am tired of being too nice because it has never changed anything. I want to be strong but still sensitive, funny but still serious, and caring but not smothering. I want to be a mix of wild and controlled, chaotic but manageable. I want to be a snarky bitch with a heart of gold and a heart of steel. I am tired of being too nice because it’s boring as crap.

42. I am tired of being too nice because I will always fail at it.

43. I am tired of being too nice because it makes me look weak, which is not something I want to be.

44. I am tired of being too nice. I want to be the person who says what I think and do what I want to do.

45. I am tired of being too nice. I deserve to be treated like a queen, not an angel.

46. I am tired of being too nice, I am tired of being too sweet. I am tired of putting myself last and expecting things to be given to me. I want my world to be filled with as much happiness as it is with pain and depression.

47. I am tired of being too nice. So I’m going to be more difficult, rude, and in your face.

48. I am tired of being too nice. I have more than enough nice to put out into the world, but I never do it.

49. I am too nice, and I know it. But that’s okay. I’m working on being more assertive.

50. I’ve been a nice girl for too long. I need to be seen, heard, and understood by those who matter to me most.

51. I am grateful for the day when I finally said, I don’t give a shit what you think of me.

52. I am tired of being too nice. I just want to have fun and be my true self.

53. I am tired of being too nice, I want to tell people how I feel and not just be the nicest person, who is always willing to be nice.

54. I am tired of being too nice because it doesn’t make me any happier. I want to be assertive, take on more responsibilities, and be more confident when dealing with people.

55. I am tired of being too nice, I am not a pushover, but my kindness has no boundaries and it is worse than meanness.

56. I am so tired of being too nice. It’s time to stop the goody-two-shoes and start being a badass.

57. I’m tired of being too nice, that’s why I’m here. I’m sick of being too nice. We don’t always get what we want, but if I don’t try, I’ll never get anything at all.

58. I’m tired of being nice. I’m going to be a bitch tonight. I am tired of being too nice because I’m a nice person, but instead of being the hero, I feel like the victim.

59. I am tired of being too nice because it’s my job, but I am kind, gentle, and sweet. What else can I do?

60. I am tired of being too nice. If I try to put up with others’ weirdness, it only makes me more uncomfortable. So if you want to talk about your crazy ex-girlfriend or the way you plan to kill your wife, I don’t care.

61. I am so tired of being too nice, it’s starting to make me mad.

62. Being too nice can be dangerous. It can make you a pushover, and it can inspire others to take advantage of you. I’m tired of being too nice, but I refuse to change—and neither should you.

63. Being too nice is the worst way to be. I prefer making the other person feel happy and good by having an attitude of how my actions make them feel.

64. I am too nice to the world. I don’t like to say what I think or give my opinion on everything. But it’s time to wake up and speak out, take a stand and say what needs to be said.

65. I am tired of being too nice because I’m not getting what I want.

66. I am tired of being too nice. Because then people think that I am a pushover and I am not. Because I am trying to be nice, they think that I am weak. And they win because they are nicer than me. So I am going to stop being nice because it is making me look like an idiot instead of a badass who takes no shit!

67. I am tired of being too nice. It only makes people mad.

68. I am tired of being too nice. I am tired of being told what to do, when to do it and how to be. When was the last time you said no?

69. I am tired of being too nice, for no reason. I want to be mean sometimes and say some things that may hurt someone’s feelings even though it’s the truth. I want to be told that I am beautiful/handsome when I know my flaws but try to look great anyway. I want people to see me as they are, not as they wish they were

70. I’m tired of being too nice. I need to be meaner. I’m tired of being too nice. I’m just not a stick in the mud anymore.

71. I am tired of being too nice because it doesn’t get me what I want. I am tired of being too nice. I’m going to stop being so nice and tell her what’s up.

72. I am tired of being too nice. I am tired of being too nice. I am tired of saying “I’m sorry,” and then not meaning it. I am tired of people thinking that just because they can, they should.

73. I’m tired of being too nice. I am so over being too nice. It’s time for me to stand up for myself and show the world who I am.

74. I am tired of being so nice, I’m sick of being told that kindness is the best policy.

75. I’ve always been too nice, and now it’s time to stop. When you’re too nice, you get burned. Be bold and confident, or so they say.

76. I am tired of being too nice because my niceness has never gotten me what I want. I am tired of being too nice because being nice is a waste of time.

77. I am tired of being too nice. I am tired of letting people walk all over me. I am tired of being an easy target for bullies. I am tired of not standing up for myself, but rather folding under pressure or doing something that I shouldn’t be doing.

78. I am tired of being too nice. I am tired of putting out fires and then hearing, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.” Why can’t people just say what they mean?

79. I’m sick of being too nice. I’m sick of trying to be the victim and suck it up. I am so over the helpless bitching and whining—even though I hate that about myself. I want more from my life.

80. Tired of being too nice. Some people will only treat you like a piece of dirt when they feel that you’re beneath their level. So why waste time being nice to them?

81. I’m tired of being nice. I’m sick of everyone asking me to do things for them and then not thanking me when I comply. I want to tell people to shove their niceness up their asses.

82. I am tired of being too nice. I am tired of pretending to be someone I am not or just looking for a fight with someone who has none.

83. I am tired of being too nice. I have been so nice and kind, but enough is enough. I am tired of being too nice. I don’t know how to change the way I act and treat people, but I am going to try.

84. I am tired of being too nice because that’s just not me. Sometimes you need to say what you think. I am tired of being too nice. What is your reason for being too nice?

85. I am tired of being too nice. It doesn’t mean I don’t care, it just means I’m not a pushover.

86. I am tired of being too nice because being nice gets me nothing in return. It’s easier to be mean and assertive, instead.

87. Being too nice is boring, it’s not real. I don’t want to be the girl that gives you the world if you only give me half of the pie.

88. I am tired of being too nice. I want to be genuine and honest, even if it hurts. I am tired of being too nice. I want to say “no” and make people listen to me.

89. I am tired of being too nice to you. It hurts my heart. I am done being too nice. I want to be liked more, but it seems like it’s never going to happen. So I’m giving up and becoming a bitch.

90. I am tired of being too nice. I am a perfectly good human being and that’s just not good enough for people who have nothing better to do than to criticize me.

91. I am tired of being too nice. I want to be honest and give it all I have, but sometimes I feel so small when I talk to people.

92. I am tired of being too nice. At least mean if you’re going to be mean, be mean. I am tired of being too nice. I want to be more assertive and dare to request what I need from others.

93. I am tired of people being too nice. They just don’t get me, or they don’t know how to relate to me. They never say anything interesting or new or challenging. I want them to push my boundaries so I can grow as a person.

94. I am tired of being too nice because I’m not. Sometimes you have to say what needs to be said, even if it hurts someone else.

95. I don’t like people who are too nice, pretty, or fake. I am tired of being too nice because it doesn’t get me anywhere.

96. I am tired of being too nice. I want to stand up for myself. I want to say what I mean and mean what I say.

97. I am tired of being too nice. I will now start being kind, strong, and courageous. I’m tired of being too nice. I am just going to say what I feel and be real with people in my life. It’s a time for honesty and openness.

98. I’m tired of being too nice. I want to say what I mean, and I don’t care what you think.

99. I’m sick of being too nice. It’s a problem. I am tired of being too nice, I need to let loose and be someone else.

100. I am tired of being too nice because it’s causing me to be taken advantage of

101. I am tired of being too nice because I’m not always 100% honest, which is hard for me. But I don’t want to seem like a bully who picks a fight just to prove how tough they are—let’s be more honest and straightforward because life is just way too short.

102. I have decided to stop being too nice. I am tired of being nice and real people in life should be too!

103. I want to be more assertive, more confident, and more sure of myself. I am tired of being too nice.

104. I am tired of being nice; it’s exhausting. Let’s be honest: I’m a little bit bitchy and snarky. And mostly, I want to be treated like an adult.

105. I am tired of being nice. I will not put up with anything less from anyone else.

106. I am too nice. I let people walk all over me because I’m afraid of being judged. But that’s not how life works, and the more I learn, the more I realize that if you keep doing what you always do, you’re going to get what you always get—and then a little more.

Now that you have all these I am tired of being too nice quotes at your beck and call, it may be the right time to study them closely, and use a few of them to understand what true kindness means to you, and how you can demonstrate it.

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