WMI Scholarship Program 2022 Application Update

WMI Scholarship Program is now open for applications from suitably qualified students. It is a fully funded scholarship for all students sponsored by Wells Mountain Initiative.

About the Scholarship

The Wells Mountain Initiative (WMI) is a public charitable foundation based in Bristol, Vermont, USA, which has been approved under the United States Internal Revenue Service. You are invited to apply for the WMI Scholars Program for students of developing countries.

This Scholarship is generally granted for the full period of study; however, recipients must maintain good grades, participate in community service and meet WMI deadlines for submitting an official copy of school/course grades, completing the semester report.

Benefits of WMI Scholarship Program

Covers tuition fee, school fees and related expenses.


Requirements for WMI Scholarship Program

1. Have successfully completed a secondary education, with good to excellent grades.

2. Is 35 or under on March 1, 2022.

3. Will be studying in his or her country or another country in the developing world.

4. Is pursuing his or her first bachelor’s degree or diploma.

5. Will be enrolled in a program of study that will benefit the community and/or contribute to the continued growth and advancement of his or her home country.

6. Plans to live and work in his or her own country after graduation.

7. Has demonstrated his or her commitment to giving back and has volunteered prior to applying.

8. May have some other funds available for his or her education, but will not be able to go to pursue his or her tertiary degree without financial assistance.

Documents Required for Application

1. Clear personal photo.

2. Essay (topic is stated on application form).

3. 2022 application form.

3. Personal essay statement.

4. Two recommendation letters.

5. Official transcript of grades from secondary school.

6. Official grading key to interpret secondary school grades.

7. Official transcript of grades from tertiary studies (if applicable).

8. Official grading key to interpret tertiary grades.

9. Official results from your national exam.

10. Official grading key to interpret scores on your national exam.


Application Deadline

March 1, 2022.

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