Resignation Letter: Example, Templates, & How to Write

– Resignation Letter Example –

Writing a resignation letter can help you keep a cordial connection with your employer, regardless of why you’ve decided to leave. However, there are many ways to present a resignation letter to your employer.

This article will clearly show you ways you can curb an appropriate resignation letter.

What is a Resignation Letter?

A resignation letter is a written notice that announces a person’s intention to leave a job.

Crafting a work letter of resignation serves two purposes: it creates an original document of notice and it shows civility.

A letter of resignation can be used to provide facts about your last day at work, assist with the transition, and express gratitude to your employer for the possibility of working for them.

Basics of Resignation Letters

As a measure of respect, communicate directly with your boss before sending a letter of resignation, whether in person, over video chat, or over the phone.

After you’ve had this talk, it’s also polite to submit a resignation letter to offer your company’s HR department a record of your statement and your boss with operational information about your leaving.

A resignation letter usually contains the following information:

Resignation letter from the company

The last day of work was on

Expressions of gratitude

Steps to take next and other important details



Examples of Resignation Letters

There are several types of resignation letters that can be used to leave a company. Here are six examples of job resignation letters, along with a free template you can use to help you write your own:

1. Simple Resignation Letter Example

Here is an example of a simple resignation letter:

Vincent George
Assistant Sales Manager
BOB Properties Limited
Current work Avenue, Firefly
Oklahoma 06554
[email protected]
June 9, 2022
Dear Patrick,
I’m writing to formally inform you that, as of December 23, I’m leaving from my employment as assistant sales manager at BOB Properties Limited.
During my stay with BOB Properties Limited, I appreciate the opportunities for professional development you gave. Thank you for your encouragement and support.
Please let me know how I can assist you at this time of transition. I wish you and your firm the best of luck.
Vincent George

2. Professional Resignation Sample

Here is an example of a professional resignation letter:

Dear Ms. Larry,
Please accept this letter as formal notice of my resignation from Wales Chemicals’ job as a financial accountant.
Friday, May 12th, will be my last day.
I’d like to express my gratitude for the chance to serve in this capacity for the past five years.
I had the opportunity to work with the directors of research, administration, human resources, sales, and marketing throughout my time there.
I appreciate the numerous training sessions and growth and development programs that have helped me become a well-rounded professional in the heavy chemicals business.
I will complete any outstanding responsibilities during the next two weeks, and I am available to assist with the recruitment and selection process of new personnel during that time.
Please let me know how I can help with the situation.
I wish you and your organization continued success and look forward to keeping in touch.
Ansa Dickson

3. Two Weeks Notice Resignation Letter

Here is a sample of a two weeks notice letter of resignation:

Dear Decent,
I’m writing to formally notify you that I’ll be quitting my work as accounts manager at Kants Investments in two weeks.
For me, the last 12 years have been extraordinary. I value the opportunity to manage over $200 million in client accounts, develop meaningful relationships with high-net-worth individuals, and perform at the top of the hedge fund business.
Thank you for creating an environment that has allowed me to grow and build my profession to this degree.
I wish you and your firm the best of luck. If there is any way I can help with the transition, please let me know. I wish to keep in touch with you.
Richard Steven

4. 24-Hour Notice Letter of Resignation Sample

Dear Julie,
Please accept this letter as formal notice that I will be leaving my position as quality assurance officer at GumTree Media on September 12th.
I apologize for not being able to give you enough notice to prepare for the transfer. Circumstances beyond my control forced me to quit immediately.
Thank you for all of your help and encouragement during my time at the company.
Please accept my apologies for the late notice. I wish you and your company the best of luck and look forward to keeping in touch.
Patricia Noah

5. Immediate Effect Resignation Letter Sample

Dear Mr. Martine,
I’d want to let you know that I’ve formally resigned from my position as a park ranger with the National Park Service.
I understand that my contract will expire on July 27, but I need to resign right away for a personal reason.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help with the transition. Thank you for allowing me to collaborate with you and your team.
Please accept my sincere apologies for the short notice and any trouble caused by my decision.
Meredith Ben

Template for Resignation Letter

A sample resignation letter template is provided here, along with the basic facts that must be included when departing from any organization.

This template should be filled out with your information and tailored to your specific situation.

[First name of your supervisor],

Please accept my resignation from [your job title] at [business name]. My last day will be two weeks from today, on [your last day of work].

I appreciate all of your help and support during my time here, as well as all of the wonderful experiences I’ve learned. Working with you and your team has been a true pleasure.

Please let me know how I may assist you in making this transfer as painless as possible.

Thank you for everything, and best wishes.

[Your name here]

Resignation Letter Template (Formats)

When you quit a job, a resignation letter will set the tone for your exit. Here’s what you should mention in your letter of resignation:

1. Salutation

Your resignation letter should be addressed to the proper individual.

Your resignation letter will most likely be addressed to your immediate manager or HR representative, but it may also be addressed to your team, department, or the corporation as a whole.

For business letters, you can use the general salutation. “Dear Thompson,” or “Dear Ms. Milton,” for example.

2. Your Intention

Your resignation letter’s body should explicitly declare your intention to leave the company. Mention your current position and the name of the company.

You can mention your departure date in this paragraph or go on to the next section for more information.

For example, “I am writing to notify you of my resignation from the position of marketing manager with Manhattan Effects Direct, effective December 23.”


3. Date of Departure

The date of your last day of work should be specified in your resignation letter. Standard notice is two weeks, however, depending on your circumstances; you may be departing right away or giving greater notice.

You can also provide details about any tasks you need to finish before leaving the organization, such as unfinished projects or payments.

This allows the organization to plan for your imminent leave and find a successor.

4. The Reason(s) for Your Resignation

Health issues, relocation, financial rewards, and other factors are all reasons for resignation.

You don’t need to delve into personal details in your resignation letter, even if you should provide your employer with a clear reason for leaving. Maintain a respectful and professional tone.

5. Thank You Very Much

A resignation letter allows you to express gratitude to your employer for the opportunity to learn, collaborate with outstanding coworkers, gain useful experience, and make money.

Expressing your thanks to your employer can help to set a positive tone for the rest of your time there and ensure that you maintain a healthy relationship when you leave.

“I appreciate the opportunities for career advancement and personal development you provided me at Harlem Effects Direct,” for example.

6. A Proposal to Help In the Transition

You wish to provide your assistance to make the transition as smooth as possible for the company. “Please let me know how I may assist you in locating and training your replacement,” for example.

7. Your Contact Details

Finish with a complimentary closure. Sign above your typed name if you’re providing a hard copy of your resignation letter.

If you didn’t include your personal information at the top or in the body of the letter, do so after you’ve signed it. This should include your current job title, as well as your professional contact information.

You can also provide your address and phone number so that the company can contact you after you’ve left.

For example:


Thompson Salazar
Marketing Manager,

Harlem Effects Direct

779 Octavos Place
Tampa, FL 33604
[email protected]

How to Write a Resignation Letter

If you follow a few essential steps, writing a resignation letter can be a simple procedure.

Before you write your letter, check with your immediate supervisor or HR manager to see if your organization has any procedures in place for resignations.

They may, for example, request certain details or direct your communication to specific individuals inside the organization.

Include the following items in this sequence when writing a resignation letter:

1. Begin with an Introduction and a Resignation Notice

Use a typical business letter format with the date and your contact information at the top of the page if you’re mailing your letter; if you’re emailing it, this information isn’t required.

Start your letter with a formal salutation, address the recipient by name, and use a traditional greeting like “Dear [First name],” or “Hello [First name]” if you prefer.

Next, indicate explicitly that you are writing to submit your formal resignation from the company, along with the date of your final day of work. List the date after you’ve gathered this information.



Please accept this letter as my formal resignation from Abc Company as a senior graphic designer. My last day will be two weeks from today, on Friday, July 28.


2. Include a Statement of Gratitude

Maintaining positive professional ties is usually a wise career move. Writing one or two phrases expressing your gratitude for your time at the organization will aid in a smooth transition.


I’m happy for the chance to learn from the finest and develop as a designer. I’ll never forget the opportunities I had working with you and your staff.

3. Finish With a Summary of the Following Steps and a Conclusion

Include any pertinent information about your transition that the addressee should be aware of. These particulars can be worked out in advance with your boss.

If you’re not sure what your transition responsibilities should be, simply state that you’re willing to help in any way possible. This type of gesture is usually well-received.

Finish with a closing phrase like “Sincerely” or “Thank you,” as well as your name.


To make this transfer as painless as possible, I want to finish my final design project by June 20 and outsource all remaining duties to the team with respect to your consent.

I wish you, your staff, and the organization the best of luck.

Thank you for everything,

What you Must never Put in Your Resignation Letter

Regardless of why you’re quitting your job, make sure you tell your boss in a positive and professional manner.

Resignation letters, as a professional document, should not include any complaints about the company, your manager, or your coworkers.

Only include the facts provided above and use a positive or matter-of-fact tone throughout to make it professional.


What are some of the best resignation letters?

Dear [Name of Your Boss],

Please consider this letter as formal notice of my resignation from the post of [position title] with [Company Name]. 
My last day will be [Your last day—usually two weeks from the date you give notice] 

What is a good resignation email sample?

Give two weeks’ notice.
Use a clear email subject line.
State the date you plan on leaving.
Don’t go into details.
Express gratitude.
Offer assistance.
Provide contact information.
Proofread the email before you send it.

What do you put in a resignation letter?

A statement of intent that you will be leaving your job.
The name of your office staff position.
The date of your last day on the job.
Gratitude to your employer for hiring you.
A highlight of your time there (optional).

How do I write a resignation letter asking for early release?

The following items should be included when you write a resignation letter:
Mentioning your outstanding performance in the company.
You may be leaving for a variety of reasons, such as wanting to broaden your horizons and take on new challenges.
Thank them for the education and support they received from the organization.
Finally, provide them with a compelling cause to be relieved early, as well as assurance that you will be pleased to work with them on any concerns that remain unresolved.

What are some sample letters for giving a two-week notice?

I’m writing to let you know that I’m quitting my position as  [insert position name] at [insert firm name],  starting two weeks from now  [enter the date here]. 
It’s been a real delight to work here.  [enter company] I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, and I’m glad for the opportunity you’ve given me.

I believe this article was helpful. Kindly share with friends and loved ones who may be looking for resignation letter examples.

Don’t forget to drop a comment on the comment box if you are not totally clear on the steps.

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