Identifying Approach And Methodology For The Continued Progress of Library Studies And Information Management in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State

Identifying Approach And Methodology For The Continued Progress of Library Studies And Information Management in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State.


In this study the writer looked at identifying approaches and methodology for the continued progress of library studies and information management in the school of library and information science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

The objective of the study was to identify the necessary skills, approach, methodology and barriers to acquiring skills necessary for the continued progress of library studies and information management.

Four research Questions guided the study and Descriptive survey was used as the research design. The population of the study consists of 185 library and information science undergraduates.

Also, a total number of 100 LIS undergraduates were selected as a sample for the study using purposive and stratified random sampling technique.

Questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. In addition, the presentation of data was arranged around the questionnaire items which were designed from the research objectives postulated for the study.

The data was analyzed using the simple mean method. Findings from the study revealed that the necessary skills needed for the continued progress of library science and information management includes Marketing and Teaching skills, Leadership and Human Resource Management skills, Communication skills, IT Related skills, Evaluating and Reporting Skills.

In addition, the study further revealed that the approach and methodology that could be used to acquire these skills were; increasing student centered educational opportunities, developing concepts surrounding information technologies, adapting curricula to reflect more diverse professions, and helping students to develop new models and skills for engagements among others.

Barriers such as the fact that the present curricula only prepare students for traditional library system, and the fact that core ICT courses are offered as elective.

Strategies such as, revamping of present curricula that was compartmentalized among others was given as a means of overcoming these barriers.


Background to the Study

The educational development of any nation will determine the knowledge base of the nation which will in effect determine the growth of the industrial, political, economic, financial and every other aspects of the nation.

The development of education may be said to be synonymous with the development of the library and library services within any given community. In other words, the role of the library in the development of a nation can never be over emphasized.

A library is a social institution charged with the duty of selecting, acquiring, organizing, preserving and providing of information services to its users; as well as preserving the cultural heritage of the society.

According to Aguolu (2002), a library is a collection of records of human culture in diverse formats and languages, preserved, organized and interpreted to meet broad and varying needs of individuals for information, knowledge, recreation and aesthetic enjoyment.

Library science (often termed library studies, librarianship or library and information science)according to Reitz (2004)is an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary field of study devoted to applying theory and technology to the creation, selection, organization, management, preservation, dissemination,and utilization of collections of information in all formats.


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