What Does the Bible Say About Love

– What Does the Bible Say About Love –

What Does the Bible Say About Love? The answer to this is found in the Bible itself!

What Does the Bible Say About Love?

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

It’s simple to think of nice feelings when we think of love. True love, on the other hand, is not based on emotions.

It’s about a lot more than my feelings for someone.

Whether it’s romantic love, love for a member of my family, love for a friend, or love for a coworker, so much love is given and received dependent on what I get out of it.

But what do I do when loving someone costs me something? What does the Bible say about how we should love?

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So, what exactly is love? Love is when I can accomplish all of these things regardless of my feelings or someone else’s behavior.

When I am tempted to wrath, impatience, seeking my own, believing the worst, or giving up on someone, I do not feel love.

True love, on the other hand, is when I deny these sentiments and rejoice, being long-suffering, humble myself, bear with someone, and endure all things.

Love gives up its life, including all of the natural feelings and expectations that come with being human, and wants nothing in return.


Loving First

It’s great if someone loves me, and I love them in return. That’s easy. That, however, is not evidence of love.

We did nothing to deserve God’s love, but He loved us before we loved Him. What if someone has treated me badly?

So, where is my love? Love gives to everyone, not only those who are kind to us. It adores its foes; it adores them first.

It also doesn’t go away if the love is never returned. It is unaffected by anything.

Loving Others

“Love thy neighbor” is a common Bible verse in the Christian faith that appears to be a simple comment yet has profound meaning.

Being faithful to your faith requires you to be kind and caring to others around you, whether it’s a partner, family member, friend, or neighbor.

There are a million various methods to show your love for that special someone or noteworthy figure.

Every day of the year is a fantastic day to read one of these Bible passages about love to the people you care about the most

Also, repeat them during group prayers with others who may be in need of a little love right now.

There are no Exceptions to Love

There are no exceptions to this rule. No “Well, this individual isn’t deserving.” Jesus gave His life as the ultimate demonstration of His love for us.

And no one has ever been more deserving of it than us. To love someone does not imply that you agree with their sin or that everything they do is acceptable.

It’s more about bearing with them, praying for them, believing in them, and wanting the best for them. Regardless matter how I feel, it is action.

Then I may transform my inherent hate for someone into true affection for them.

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Every person I meet should sense a pull toward Christ as a result of my presence. People are drawn to each other by love.

Goodness, kindness, gentleness of spirit, patience, and understanding are all qualities that can be found in a person.

How can someone be drawn to me if their first impression of me is one of impatience, haughtiness, rudeness, hatred, and so on?

So, if I believe I am deficient in pure Godly love, I might pray to God to show me how to acquire more.

I need to be willing to put others ahead of myself and give up my own willpower.


Now that you know what the bible says about love. Why not go out there and show someone love today! Do well to share this article on all social media platforms. Let love lead!

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