Design and Implementation of an Online Tourism Booking System

Design and Implementation of an Online Tourism Booking System


In recent decades the tourism sector has grown rapidly to become a pillar of the global economy, political cooperation, social change and far – reaching advances in technology;

both in communications and infrastructure. Tourism has closely been connected to progress of Information Communication Technology for over 30 years.

With increasing complexity of tourism business models and tasks, there is a clear need of the next generation in tourism sector.

Therefore, we proposing here new structure e-tourism which can support flexible automation, integration, computation, storage, and collaboration.

In every year, millions of pilgrims visiting our Holy City, But on the part of tourism and development, Nigeria is less than Europe, America and Asia in the sector of tours and travel development.


Technology and Tourism are, at present and in the context of the globalization of the world economy, two of the fastest growing sectors.

This trend is creating an unprecedented opportunity for the development of enterprises, institutions and tourist destinations, as well as a growing demand for trained professionals in both fields of knowledge.

Tourism organizations today face a challenge of incorporating new information and communication technologies in the development of new models of management and marketing to strengthen their competitiveness.

Tourism is the travel for recreation, leisure, religious, family business purposes, usually of a limited duration. Tourism is considered an activity essential to Nations because of its direct effects on social, cultural, educational and economic sectors of National societies and their International relations.


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