How to Pass any Examination with Good Grades and Distinctions

– How to Pass any Examination with Good Grades

Exams period is fast approaching, I need to prepare. Jamb is in two weeks, the scholarship decathlon is a week from now, sounds familiar? Of course, it should.

There’ll always come a time in every human’s life when we are locked behind closed doors and come face to face with a scary shadow, a dreadful moment it always is… (I am not talking death rather exams).
That always is the case in schools, colleges, when applying for jobs, etc. All you are faced with are the questions and the level of your preparation, your only tool. Why do we fail even when we prepare for exams?

1) Fear

Fear is a fast killer, it pulls it triggers and sends it bullet flying silently into your heart and in a twinkle of an eye you are down not because you don’t have what it takes but because you’ve been shot by fear and it becomes very difficult to even remember your name.

2) Cramming

 This is when you take a long period of time to recite a particular paragraph or definition.
Cramming isn’t the best method of studying. The demerit of cramming is that you are liable to forget the rest of the sentence once you miss one word.
So, you see? Better read to understand than cram to come first.

3) Distraction

Most failures are because of distractions. Sandra is a very bright student who beat the entire department with a 3.55GCPA last semester but it was shocking she had an average of 2.67GCPA this semester.
This is because of distraction from friends, the new school’s club she signed into, family issues, and emotional depression with Drake.
There is more to it than meets the eye but without further ado, I’ll be bringing to the spotlight how to pass any exams. Just keep reading and don’t touch the dial.

4) Redefine the Way You View Education

Education isn’t only when you are in the four walls of any learning institution rather education covers every aspect of life. You can learn online, from friends, traveling is referred to as the ‘greatest means of education’ an old cliché.
Are you learning to get a job, to feel among, to pass the exam? When you know the reason you are in school, nobody will force you to read.
Read to know and not to pass exams because after passing the exams you’ll be surprised you won’t remember the definition of ‘Agriculture’

5) Set a Standard for Yourself 

Write a plan of the grades you want to score at the end of the semester and start working towards that.

6) Sketch a Reading Timetable for Yourself

No matter how busy your schedule may get, never miss a day without studying. It is said that ‘if you neglect your math, it will neglect you for a week.

7) Read without Ceasing

Didn’t the Bible study show themselves approved? Get pat questions and practice. Don’t wait till its examination period before you read.
You are liable to forget everything you quoted fumbling. Cultivate a healthy reading habit it’s for your future you may not see the need now.

8) Read Wide

Do not depend only on course guidelines and textbooks rather read broad. Cover every aspect of your course and others.
It doesn’t have to be on your course of study you may derive inspiration and discover yourself by reading into other disciplines. Be versatile.

9) Rid Yourself of Distractions 

You don’t wait for the experience it’s considered a hard teacher. Don’t wait till you fail or carry over before you rid yourself of the distraction of any form in friends, social media, you know the rest.

10) Get Enough Sleep

Before you say I said you shouldn’t sleep. Have enough sleep it helps relax your brain and set you for the next day. Lack of sufficient rest will make you dull and weak.

11) Get to Watch Movies and Read Good Books

Forget novels for now especially romance, it does no good. Read magazines where you can learn good grammar, not outdated slangs. Good motivational books that spur you to make a difference.
Some science fictions especially movies and books are mind-blowing and suspense-filled with that, you get to learn new ideas.

12) Surround Yourself with People who Have the Same Vision as you

Don’t make friends with drunks thinking ‘they can’t influence me’ you never know when you go gaga and sing anaconda on the streets.
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