How to Create a Reality Show and Pitch it Successfully for Producers

– How to Create a Reality Show –

Since reality TV shows became prominent a few years back, here’s how to create a reality show that will motivate you. A Reality Show might be on your mind, and you may have wondered what it takes to make one yourself. This article will definitely be of help to you.

But, before you get too enthusiastic, you should know that working with the big producers is a hard task.

They hear dozens of proposals every year, and even if you get through to the proper individual, you will be hard-pressed to win their business.

So, what other options do you have? Simply put, you may produce your own reality program. Because of the digital age‘s ever-increasing popularity, this is now easier than ever.

Once you have a concept and a brief clip of your show’s highlights, you can begin networking with TV producers and executives to get your name out there and your show in front of buyers.

Well, let’s dive in on how to create a reality show.

Choose a Format or Concept

Find someone you know who is intriguing and ask them to be your real program.

You might also focus on a group of people or a business in your town.

Avoid pitching a show about celebrities or exotic, far-flung locations; you won’t have access to them while you’re just starting.

Basically, deciding the format of the show will be crucial. There are two major structures for reality shows.


Each episode includes a structure and a self-contained tale. It does not progress to the following episode.

Syndicators prefer this format because it allows them to run any block of episodes without requiring the audience to follow a lengthier story arc.

Fear Factor,” “Extreme Makeover,” “American Pickers,” “Hotel Impossible,” “Wife Swap,” and “Undercover Boss” are all excellent instances of self-contained series.

In “Undercover Boss,” for example, each episode follows a new company CEO who goes undercover in his or her own company, learns how difficult the job is.

He learns the personal stories and struggles of the employees, discovers fundamental problems with the business.

And eventually reveals his or her identity to the employees and gives them each a surprise “gift” relating to their personal and/or professional lives.

Arc Series

An Arc Series may still contain structured episodes with major events, but there will be an overarching arc that leads to a conclusion (winner or revelation).

Survivor” is probably the most well-known example. Each episode features challenges for participants to overcome to gain immunity.

There are also personal issues and strategy development among participants, all of which leads to a vote for elimination.

The episodes grow and develop, with the number of contestants diminishing and personality clashes and strategies intensifying until one lone survivor emerges as the winner.

The format of “The Bachelor” is similar. Each episode’s framework includes accompanying the Bachelor on dates he’s paired with and presenting roses to everyone except the one he eliminates.

This all builds up to later episodes in the season, when he goes to meet the families of the final few women he’s contemplating.

The last episode usually has the final two ladies meeting him separately.

Not knowing if they have eliminated the other and finding out if the Bachelor has pursued life with them.

These are dramas powered by a format with ingredients that never fail to entertain.

Giving your Reality Show a Style

In How to Create a Reality Show, giving your show a kind of style matters, it is mostly what the audience expects once tuned in. There is over one style of a reality show, but a different formula for each of them.

Format Style

Each episode of format style reality shows follows a similar formula.

Dancing with the Stars is an example of a format reality show, with the dancers performing a new routine in each episode.

The audience anticipates that they will tune in.

If your show will have various people or storylines in each episode, a format reality show is a suitable idea.

If your reality show is about parents living in their children’s college dorms for a week, each episode could feature a unique family.

The parents moving into the dorm in each episode would become the standard format.


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Docu Style

The format of docu-style reality shows is to simply follow the principal people as they go about their daily lives.

A docu-style reality show is Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

If the premise of your show is to examine a fascinating person or group of people as they navigate their surroundings, a docu-style reality show is a suitable alternative.

Making a program about a retired pilot will be easier than having to come up with a formula for your character to repeat every episode.

Pitching your Reality Show

This holds for all forms of reality-based concepts. The title should reflect what we’re witnessing, but it might also be a play on words.

It can be as straightforward as “The Restaurant” or as creative as “Around The World In Eighty Dates.” It must provide a clear sign of the subject we are observing.

Movie titles can be vague, but television is an advertising medium that requires a quick catch of attention.

The viewer has to possess a broad idea of what the show may be about. The most critical part of pitching is the logline.

A logline is a one- or two-sentence pitch that expresses the show’s high premise.

Create a 2-5 minute video that highlights the highlights of your show

Film your show’s stars in their natural habitat. Try to capture what makes someone special or one-of-a-kind.

Film everyone conversing if you’re filming a show about a gathering of people.

Mention the show’s primary characters or places.

For example, if your program is about a group of barbershop employees go to the barbershop and film them as they work and joke about with one another.

Don’t have a concern about employing specialized camera equipment. You can use a standard digital video camera, your phone, or a computer to film.

Create a one- to two-page write-up about your show

Make the write-up brief and straightforward.

It’s just a synopsis into the show to communicate what we’re potentially watching.

Inform production firms about the format and style of your program, as well as a brief description of the characters and plot.

Give them an idea of what to expect from a normal episode.

For example, you may begin your write-up with:

“I’m seeing a self-contained format series involving a psychic couple who travels the country, helping individuals remodel their houses along the way.

“The pair will not only discuss their own interior design ideas but also those of the home’s former residents who have passed away. In each episode, we will feature a unique family and their home.”

For instance, don’t spend a page telling us about the chemistry or conflict that competitors in the relationship series you’re proposing will confront.

Rather, detail the precise decisions and ultimatums that result in that chemistry and conflict.

Those are the moments that hold our attention and carry the show forward.

Producers develop and control those moments to give the result of “chemistry” and “conflict.”

Take photos of the key characters’ heads

They don’t have to be elaborate; simply have clear, straight-on images that you can include with your presentation.

Production firms will also want to know what your show’s characters look like.

Also, each character’s name should be written on their headshot.

You want executives who are reviewing the pitch package to link their faces to the character descriptions you present in the write-up.


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Selling your Reality Show

If you’re new to the industry, hire an agent. After all, you want to know how to create a reality show.

An agent can assist you in connecting with buyers and getting your pitch package in front of the right people.

Look for agents who specialize in reality television in your area and see if you can get someone to represent you.

Collaborate with a well-known reality program producer. Find a producer who has already produced reality shows similar to the one you’re pitching.

If you’re new to the field and don’t know any producers, pay to attend a conference like the National Association of Television Program Executives, which is held yearly in Miami, Florida, or the RealScreen Summit, which is held annually in Washington, DC.

It can cost more than $1,000 (€843) to attend a conference with high-ranking TV executives, so prepare if you choose to do so.

Make sure your pitch packet is complete and consider pitching multiple ideas. 

Also, attend sessions hosted by network executives with whom you want to network at the conference, and introduce yourself after the session.

Prepare business cards with your contact information to hand out to prospective buyers.

Pitch to Networks Directly

If you have an agent, ask them to set up a meeting between you and network officials.

Choose a network where your program could air; for example, if your show is about CEOs remodelling their own penthouses, seek a network that airs home-improvement shows.

Bring your pitch package (brief tape, write-up, headshots) to the meeting and persuade the network executives that your program will be a success.

If your program is built around a particular character’s outspoken attitude, consider bringing them to the meeting to help charm the network.

Continue to shop around your concept until you find a buyer

If one network isn’t interested in your concept, it doesn’t show that other networks won’t be.

Continue to attend meetings and pitch your show. Use the input you receive from network executives and TV producers to improve your pitch package.

If you’re having trouble, think about modifying the premise or structure of your program to make it more commercial.

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