Music Scholarships 2023/2024 See Full Application Portal List

Music Scholarships 2023/2024 See Full Application Portal List.

Music Scholarships 2021: Studies have shown that music students score higher on SATs. Also, that they have higher GPAs. And receive more academic honors than their counterparts.

However, once they graduate from high school, they’re often faced with fierce competition. This competition makes them reconsider a future in the music business. And this reconsideration is because post-secondary education is costly.

This is quite an unfortunate side effect of the rising tuition costs. But never mind, there are scholarships that can help you still further your education as a music student. 

Also, in this article, you shall read about some of these scholarships. Also, you shall be acquainted with how and where to get them. Thus, relax and read through. And, always feel free to visit this web page for updates on this type of information.

Some Top Available Music Scholarship for 2023/2024

The following are some of the top music scholarships for 2023/2024:

1. Aerosmith Scholarship

This is one of the top music scholarships for 2023/2024. As an applicant to the college’s full-time degree or diploma programs, note. You’ll automatically be considered for scholarships through the audition and interview process.

Also, this scholarship is open to music business/management majors at Berklee College of Music. And it’s for those who have a GPA of at least 3.7.

Also, this is unavailable to previous Berklee Celebrity Online Scholarship receivers. However, for more information or to apply, please visit the application link below.

  • Award Amount: Visit the application link below for this information.
  • Requirement: Applicant must have a GPA of at least 3.7. Also, will be considered for the scholarship through the audition and interview process. Furthermore, this scholarship is open to music business/management majors at Berklee College of Music. Also, previous Berklee Celebrity Online Scholarship receivers can apply.
  • Deadline: June 30, 2021.
  • Awards Available: Visit the application link below for this information.
  • Application: CLICK HERE.

2. Against the Grain Artistic Scholarship

This scholarship provides financial assistance and promotion to Asian-American college students. Also, it’s for those pursuing a major in the performing, visual arts, journalism, and/or mass communications.

Scholarship Winners will be invited to attend an annual charity event, Fashion for a Passion. It’s always held in the fall in Dallas, Texas. Also, this is one of the top music scholarships for 2023/2024. However, for more information or to apply, please visit the application link below.

  • Award Amount: $1,000.
  • Requirement: Applicants must be US citizens. Or, a national or permanent legal resident. Also, must be at least 25% Asian and/or Pacific Islander ethnicity. And must be either a high school senior or a college student. Also, must currently be enrolled full-time at an accredited U.S. vocational, junior college, or four-year college/university. And must be a full-time, degree-seeking student by the upcoming academic year.
  • Deadline: May 07, 2021.
  • Awards Available: One (1).
  • Application: CLICK HERE.

3. Augustana College Rissing Scholarship

The Rissing Scholarship is awarded each year to students. And it’s for those who wish to prepare for professional leadership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.

Also, the award is renewable by maintaining a 2.5 Augustana cumulative grade-point average. However, for more information or to apply, please visit the application link below.

  • Award Amount: $5,000.
  • Requirement: Applicant must have an interest in professional leadership in the church. Also, in ministry, music ministry, outdoor ministry, religious education, theology, social ministry. As well as missionary service or other church-related vocation. Also, an applicant must be a member in good standing of a Lutheran congregation. And must demonstrate a proven academic record.
  • Deadline: It varies.
  • Awards Available: Visit the application link below for this information.
  • Application: CLICK HERE.

4. Brandon Fradd Fellowship in Music Composition

Also, this is one of the top music scholarships for 2024/2025. This scholarship is offered annually. However, candidates must submit a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 recordings, two should be recent works.

Also, recordings must accompany scores. And scores must be digitally scanned in PDF form. A list of all works (including the date of each) must be provided. Showing which works have been performed or read.

Also, all recordings should be on a CD, preferably in mp3 format. Please do not submit commercially sold CDs or compilations. And, compositions on microfilm or loose sheets will not be accepted.

However, for the purpose of historical value, the winner is expected to submit signed and dated bounded scores. And an accompanying CD to be added to the CINTAS Fellows Collection.

  • Award Amount: Visit the application link below for this information.
  • Requirement:  candidates must submit a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 recordings, two should be recent works. Also, recordings must accompany scores. And scores must be digitally scanned in PDF form. A list of all works (including the date of each) must be provided. Showing which works have been performed or read.
  • Deadline: July 01, 2021.
  • Awards Available: Visit the application link below for this information.
  • Application: CLICK HERE.

5. CBC Spouses Performing Arts Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2000. And it is in honor of the late Curtis Mayfield. Also, it’s to ensure that African-American or Black students pursuing a degree in the performing arts receive financial assistance.

However, for more information or to apply, visit the application link below for this information.

  • Award Amount: $3,000.
  • Requirement: Applicants will be constituents of a CBC member’s district. Also, to determine your Representative, enter your permanent address zipcode here. And qualified applicants must be currently enrolled full-time in an accredited academic institution. And must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  • Deadline: April 30, 2021.
  • Awards Available: Ten (10).
  • Application: CLICK HERE.

6. CFJS Scholarships

Also, this is one of the top music scholarships for 2023/2024. This scholarship award is for amateur jazz musicians.

Also, it’s for those who’re high school seniors. Or students in the first 3 years of college studying jazz music. And this award can be used for school expenses, private lessons, or an instrument. However, for more information or to apply, visit the application link below for this information.

  • Award Amount: $2,500.
  • Requirement: Applicants must be residents of, or attend/plan to attend a college in Central Florida. Also, a live audition at Rollins College is required.
  • Deadline: March 15, 2021.
  • Awards Available: Five (5).
  • Application: CLICK HERE.

The above are some music scholarships that can help you achieve your dream. Thus, dropping the music dream should be discarded. However, before applying for any of the above, note. Make sure you meet the requirements.

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