10 Skills You Need to Find a Good Paying Job in Lagos

– Skills You Need to Find a Good Paying Job –

Skills You Need to Find a Good Paying Job: Lagos the famous metropolis in South West Nigeria is reputed as the economic capital of Nigeria and West Africa as a whole. Let’s have a look at some skills here.

The city attracts investments and productivity and with both follow highly skilled individuals which make the city even more competitive for job applicants and employed people alike.

The economy of Lagos is diverse so any skill you learn would come in handy. Virtually any skill you can think of is relevant in the city.

From agricultural skills, to bead making to I. T skills to home management skills, they are all relevant. The question which you are probably asking now is, “Which skills do I need to find a good-paying job in Lagos?”

This question and more is what we would be addressing in this article. Ready? Of course, you are. Let’s go!

These are the skills you would need to get that high paying job you have been hoping for in the city of Lagos

10 Skills You Need to Find a Good Paying Job

These skills include;

1. Sales

When you read this point you probably thought, “But I am not looking to land a sales job.” Sales jobs aren’t the only places you would have to use your sales skills.

When being interviewed you would have to sell yourself to the interviewer. It even starts with your CV.

You would have to pitch your CV in a way that is attractive and can sustain the interest of the HR Manager to read your CV to the end.

It has often been stated that you have just 30 seconds to impress anyone reading your CV and if you lose that window of opportunity; the person loses interest even if you are the right candidate for the job. Package your CV like a product you have to market.

2. Networking

Networking is really important if you hope to find a high-paying job in Lagos. The city is vast and you can’t be aware of all opportunities opening at every point in time.

If you connect with persons who are upwardly mobile and establish cordial relationships with them, that’s your opening to be recommended for the high-paying jobs in Lagos. So start connecting now!


3. Research

Research! Go out of your comfort zone to look for job opportunities. In this age and time that’s digital, you don’t even have to be physically present to be aware of job vacancies when you could search that outright from your smartphone.

Follow up on friends you have been networking with job offers.

4. Presentation

You have one time to make a first impression so make the most of it. Wherever you find yourself whether at a gathering or in an interview presents yourself well.

Be articulate, smart, and have to make intelligent contributions while taking care not to be too intrusive. This definitely one skill you must hone in a city like Lagos if you need to find high-paying jobs or any job at that.

5. Politeness

Nobody likes a rude person. You might have all the qualifications, work experience, and professional skills in the world but if you are rude and arrogant, that would reduce your chances of getting a job at any reputable firm.

6. Quick Replies to Questions

Don’t waste time when answering questions. Don’t spend too much time trying to think up the perfect answer because time is of the essence.

When you delay replies to questions what that registers as to the interviewing panel is that you aren’t a smart thinker which would create the wrong impression.

You can slowly answer a question instead of thought up the perfect reply. Reply in measured doses. Impress upon the interviewers that you are smart and you understand the question.

7. Good Interpersonal Skills

Now, this is very important. You should know how to relate to people. This would help you cultivate other skills such as networking, research, politeness, sales, and even presentation.

People should feel comfortable around you and find it easy to relate to you.

8. Multitasking Ability

Being able to multitask gives you an advantage. A background in accounting, public speaking skills, leadership skills, computer skills, and the ability to fix network issues gives you an advantage if you seek a job in a bank.

A doctor who knows how to interpret medical laboratory equipment and can work with the equipment has the advantage to work as a medical supervisor in a hospital.


9. Ability to Master Issues Fast

If you have quick learning abilities, you could acquire skills quickly which would boost your profile and can be added in your CV. This would speed up your career advancement rate.

10. Ability to Impress Yourself Positively Upon People

You should be able to impress yourself lastingly upon people. The most impressionable candidate during an interview has the highest chance of being called back and qualifying to get a job placement in any firm.

There are several skills you need to get a high-paying job in Lagos but the above ones are top on the list.

You should always have in mind that while the competition for any job is high, with the right skills you would have an increased advantage over the other applying candidates.

Don’t give up on your dreams and if you keep at it sooner than later, you would find a good-paying job in Lagos. Good luck!

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