Evaluation of the Use of New Media Technologies in Selected Radio Stations in South-East Nigeria

Evaluation of the Use of New Media Technologies in Selected Radio Stations in South-East Nigeria.



It is not disputable that radio stations in Nigeria have commenced the integration of new media technologies (NMTs) in their operations. This is expedient as no radio station can survive this digital era with only analogue equipment.
This study evaluates the use of new media technologies in Nigerian radio station in order to ascertain the possibility of meeting up with the deadline by ITU.
It unravels among other things the NMTs available to the Radio stations, what the available technologies are used for, and the proficiency level of the broadcasters in using the technologies.
To generate data for this research, survey research method was adopted to guide the study and questionnaire was used as the major instrument.
Findings from the analysed data show that the technologies available in Nigerian radio stations are the ones used in the processes of generating signals while transmission is done through an analogue platform.

It was discovered that media staff are highly proficient in the technologies which they use in discharging their duties in their various units.
It was also discovered that issues like virus and epileptic power supply are the major factors militating against the use of new media technologies in radio stations.
Based on the findings, it was recommended that government and station owners should put in extra effort to provide their stations with digital transmitters so that the potentials of new media technologies can be fully maximized.


Background Of Study
The role of New Media Technologies (NMTs) in today’s global society cannot be overemphasized. This is obvious as they are used by the traditional mass media in this era.
Prior to the advent of colonialism in Nigeria, traditional media of communication like town crier, talking drum and market women had been popular (Ndolo, 2006).

Although these media of communication exerted some influences on the audience, they were constrained by issues which bothered on timeliness and reach. However, these constraints have been taken care of by the emergence of modern mass media.
The modern mass media have also intensified media effect with the aid of several innovative technologies, through which heterogeneous audience, who are far flung in terms of space and time are reached simultaneously.
The modern mass media are basically classified under print and electronic media. Okunna and Omenugha (2012), grouped books, newspapers as well as magazines under print media while electronic media on the other hand, comprise radio and television.
According to Nwodu (2008), “the power and potency of broadcasting over other communications techniques dwell in its ability to combine sight and sound to reach the audience in a language and style the audience are familiar with” (p.19).
With the use of transmission gadgets, broadcast media programmes are disseminated in form of signals which are received simultaneously.
This analogue wireless technology involves the use of transmitter which generates waves that carry voice transmissions or messages through the air to the various locations where they are received through radio and television sets (Okunna&Omenugha, 2012).
Extolling the virtues of broadcast media, Nwodu (2008) said that  “the power of broadcasting in any society is premised on the fact that they give impetus and add credence to developments that are hitherto unconfirmed” (p.19).


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