Magazine Interview Questions Samples and Best Answers 2022 Update

  – Magazine Interview Answer Samples –

If you are preparing for a magazine job interview, there are very important questions that they expect you to answer.

We will guide you on Magazine Interview Questions and Answer Samples, and tips on how to answer questions correctly. So, to get yourself prepared for this interview, do well to read on. 

Table of Contents


Magazine Interview Answer samples on Background and Experience

Below are some Magazine Interview Answer samples regarding your previous experiences as a journalist

1. How do you manage the pressure of deadlines that are tight?

2. Do you have a story to share about a time that you worked with an interviewee who was not cooperative?

3. Also, are you familiar with the use of content management systems?

4. Can you describe a time you pitched a unique story?

5. What publishing software do you are familiar with?

6. Have you ever distorted the truth of your stories?

7. How did you prioritize several deadlines over the years?

8. What did you do to improve the readership of the past publication?

9. Did you ever work for an online publication?

10. Are you more comfortable writing in Chicago style or AP style of writing?

What is a Magazine Editor’s Job Description?

The role of an editor varies depending on how big the magazine and the type of content it contains, however, as a magazine features editor, your responsibilities include:

1. supervising design, layout, and appearance of feature articles.

2. Innovating ideas for feature stories by working with a writing team

3. writing articles for freelance writers or in-house writers

4. managing writers and freelance feature writers

5. editing and revising pieces, which might be rejected or returned to the author to be revised

6. supervising design, artwork and photography of the special features section of the magazine.

7. Taking part in photo shoots

8. holding meetings with artists and writers to discuss concepts for artwork, layout and other features

9. Paying freelance writers for their services

10. being aware of and adhering to the law of the media and ethical standards

11. choosing features articles for each issue

12. Sending briefs to writers. These could include the word number, date, cost and the writing style

13. Make sure that they proofread all pages prior to going to press.

14. increasing the visibility of the magazine

15. networking with other professionals at industry gatherings

16. Helping other staff members complete their tasks.


Tips to an Interview with a Magazine that is Successful

Do Your Research

When interviewing, you need to do thorough research about the interviewees and try to learn about their background and their histories, and other pertinent details regarding their lives, interests, and professions.

Learn the fundamentals and be sure to be careful not to ask questions that were already addressed in previous interviews or on the internet. 

Make a list of these crucial notes, facts, and interesting information to be able to reference during your interview.

Having a Conversation Is Not an Interrogation

Interviews could be a daunting experience for the interviewee, therefore it’s crucial to make the interviewee feel as at ease as is possible throughout interviewing.

Begin by providing an outline of subjects you’d like to discuss, and then describe to the interviewer what to expect in order to avoid surprises.

Allow the discussion to flow easily, beginning with a question that is a guideline and then allowing the interviewee be able to freely discuss the subject.

Don’t give too much thought to asking questions one after the other or adhering to a specific schedule of questions. The fresh information you discover when you let your subject to express their thoughts in a relaxed and open manner might amaze you.

Ask What You Do Not Already Are You Supposed to

While it’s essential to go over the basics of an excellent interview will dig deeper beneath the surface to find a more intriguing tale.

Instead of asking superficial or factual questions, ask your questions with a thoughtful approach and may not provide the right answer.

Unexpected angles and intriguing questions provide a fresh approach to an interview and your viewers will be grateful to the interviewer for your creativity.

Respect Their Boundaries

There’s a fine line to walk between interviewing and violating privacy. A professional interview should adhere to the rules and the comfort level of the person being interviewed.

Be aware of your interview’s tone. Make sure that you ask questions that show respect for their privacy and privacy.

A prominent feature doesn’t require you to violate the privacy of your interviewee in order to make it interesting or controversial.

Be True to Your Brand

Being consistent with your brand’s image is essential to creating an outstanding feature. The contents of the interview should also highlight the magazine’s primary values or its overarching message.

If the magazine is based on an issue with a theme, you can ask a couple of questions that are specifically connected to the issue or discuss the subject relevant to the focus of the magazine.

Pay attention to the thoughts and ideas that are expressed in the interview, which are also a reflection of the magazine’s branding or its values.

Make a Story to Recollect

If you’re planning to create a fun Q&A or trying to transform the interview to become a thought-provoking idea, enjoy the process and have fun making the feature.

Highlight unexpected events, fascinating facts, and memorable answers and remember that a good story is powerful that speaks for itself.

Magazine Interview Answer samples Most Frequently Asked Questions

1. “Tell me a Little About Yourself.”

If you’re interviewing, there’s plenty you’re already aware of a candidate’s resume and the cover letter will tell you many things, as well as LinkedIn and Twitter, Facebook, and Google will give you more information.

The aim of an interview is to establish if the candidate will perform well on the job, and this means assessing the abilities and character required for the job.

Do they need to be a compassionate leader? Discuss that. Is she required to go public with your business? Discuss that.

If you’re a candidate, explain the reasons you chose certain jobs. Give the reason you quit. Discuss the reason you picked the school you attended. Explain why you pursued graduate school.

Consider the reasons you took a year off to travel through Europe and what you gained from the trip.

If you are asked this question, make sure you connect the dots on your resume so that the interviewer is aware of not only what you’ve accomplished but also the reason.

2. “What Are Your Biggest Weaknesses?”

Every candidate is aware of how to respond to this query: Simply choose a weakness that you think is a problem and transform it into a virtue disguised!

For instance: My biggest weakness is being so immersed in my work that I lose track of the time. Every day I glance up to see everyone is gone!

I know I should be more attentive to the time however when I am enjoying my job, I cannot think of any other thing.”

What if your “biggest weakness” is that you’ll be working longer than anyone else? Great.

The best approach is to pick a real flaw, one that you’re trying to overcome. Tell us what you’re doing to get over this weak point.

Nobody is perfect, but the willingness to self-assess your own shortcomings and seek ways to improve is pretty close.

3. “What are Your Biggest Strengths?”

I’m not sure why the interviewers are asking this question. Your background and resume will make your strengths visible.

If being asked for a response, give a concise and precise answer. Be precise and clear.

If you’re a skilled problem solver, don’t simply claim that you are: Give some examples, relevant to the topic to show you’re an excellent problem solver.

If you’re an emotional leader, don’t simply say that: provide some examples to show you have the ability to answer the question that isn’t asked.

Don’t just assert that you possess certain characteristics -you show you possess those characteristics.

4. “Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?”

Answers to this question are through two fundamental methods. Candidates attempt to show their extraordinary potential (because they believe it’s what they want) by giving an extremely positive answer: “I want your job!”

Or they attempt to show their modesty (because they believe that’s what you’re after) by giving a slack self-deprecating response.

There are so many talented people here. I just want to do a great job and see where my talents take me.”

You’ll learn nothing, except the ability of candidates to market themselves.

If you’re interviewing, this is a more effective one: “What business would you love to start?”

It can apply the same question to any business since everyone in every business must have an entrepreneurial mindset.

The type of business that person you are looking to talk about her goals and hopes and her passions and interests and the work she enjoys doing, the people she would like to work with, so relax and take in the information.

5. “Out of all the Candidates, Why Should We Hire You?”

Because a candidate can’t evaluate himself to others he doesn’t recognise, the best he has to do is talk about his amazing enthusiasm, desire, and dedication besides … really basically ask to be hired.

(Way there are too many people who pose the question only to put their arms down as if they are saying, “Go ahead. I’m listening. Try to convince me.”)

You learn nothing that is of any value.

Another question to ask is: “What do you feel I need to know that we haven’t discussed?” or “If you could get a do-over on one of my questions, how would you answer it now?”

Rarely, candidates reach the conclusion of an interview feeling that they’ve performed their best. Maybe the conversation took an unanticipated direction.

Maybe the interviewer was focused on a specific aspect of their abilities but completely ignored other essential qualities.

Perhaps candidates began the interview unsure and nervous and would like to go back to better explain their skills and experiences.

Also, think of it in this way: Your aim for an interviewer to find out all you could about each candidate, so wouldn’t you want to offer them the chance to make sure you’ve got it right?

Make sure you turn this interview into a dialogue and not a lecture. Don’t simply listen and then respond, “Thanks. We’ll be in touch.” Ask follow-up questions. Request examples.

Of course, if you’re asked to answer this question, you can use it to draw attention to things you’ve never been able to discuss.

6. “How Did You Learn About the Opening?”

General job postings, job boards, and online listings, as well as job fairs -most people, get their first jobs this way This is certainly not an indicator of a problem.

However, a person who can seek each job through general advertisements may not have figured out the things he or she would like to do and the place where he or she would like to work. The candidate is seeking a job, and usually, any job.

So don’t simply explain the way you learned about the job opening. Make sure you’ve heard about the job from someone else, whether it was a former colleague or employer, or by keeping up with the company. Show that you are aware of the position since you’re interested to be employed there.

Employers do not want to hire those who are just looking to get a job. They want to hire those who have to work for the company.

7. “Why do you want this job?”

Now go deeper. Do not just talk about what makes the company ideal to work for, but explain why the job is perfect to what you want to achieve, both in the short and over the long term.

If you’re not sure what makes the job an ideal fit, consider looking elsewhere. The time is short.

8. “What do You Consider being your Biggest Professional Achievement?”

This is one of the interview questions that will require an answer that is pertinent to the job.

If you’re saying that your most significant accomplishment was increasing the efficiency of your work by an average of 18% over six months.

However, if you’re being interviewed for a position of leadership for human resources, then that statement is fascinating but not really relevant.

Instead, discuss an employee who was unperformed that you “rescued,” or how you overcame divisions between departments or how you have seen how you have direct subordinates were made managers.

The aim is to present accomplishments that allow the interviewer to imagine yourself in the role — and also see you doing well.

9. “Tell Me About the Last Time a Co-worker or Customer got angry with You. What Happened?”

The possibility of conflict is present when a firm strives to get its work accomplished. Mistakes happen. Sure, strengths rise into the spotlight however, weaknesses show up. That’s okay. Nobody is perfect.

However, a person who is prone to shift blame and the responsibility of resolving the issue onto another person is an ideal candidate for avoiding.

HR managers would rather select candidates who do not focus on blame, but on resolving the issue.

Every company needs employees who will admit that they’re not right and accept responsibility for fixing the issue, and learn from their mistakes.

10. Describe your Dream Job.

Three words explain how to answer this question: relevance relevant, relevancy.

However, that doesn’t mean you need to come up with an answer. There is something to learn from any job.

It is possible to develop your skills in every position. 

Look backward: Find things regarding the job you’re interviewing for that can assist you should you find your dream job one day and explain how they can apply these things to the job you’d like to do in the future.

Don’t be afraid to admit that you may one day leave, either to work for a different company or -better yet -the option to create your own company. Employers no longer expect “forever” employees.

11. Why Do You Want to Leave Your Current Job?

Let’s begin with the things you should never say (or with one interview, the absolute warning signs).

Don’t discuss the difficulties your boss has with you. Don’t discuss how difficult it is to be a good friend to other employees. Don’t make a fuss about your company.

Instead, concentrate on the benefits a change will bring. Discuss what you would like to accomplish. Discuss what you would like to know.

Discuss ways in which you would like to expand, or about goals you’d like to achieve and explain why a change is beneficial for you as well as for the new business you are joining.

Dissing your employer is not unlike people who talk about their jobs about their bosses. If you’re going to criticize another person, you’ll likely be able to do the same thing to me.

12. “What Kind of Work Environment do You Like Best?”

You might be a fan of working by yourself, however, if the position you’re pursuing is the call center, that answer won’t do you much good.

Take a moment and consider the position you’re applying for as well as the culture of the company (because every company has a culture that is intentional or not).

If flexibility in your timetable is something you value, however, the company you work for doesn’t provide one, think about other things. 

If you prefer constant direction and guidance, but the company demands that employees manage themselves then you should look elsewhere.

Demonstrate how the workplace can be beneficial to you. If you aren’t able to do this, don’t accept the job because you’ll feel miserable.

13. “Tell me About the Toughest Decision you Had to Make in the Last Six Months.”

This test determines the applicant’s ability to reason and their problem-solving capabilities judgment, and perhaps even the willingness to take the smart risks.

A lack of an answer is a clear warning sign. Everybody has to make tough choices regardless of the position they are in.

They employed my daughter part-time as a server in an eatery in the area and had to make hard decisions regularly — such as the best method to handle a regular customer whose behavior was an act of harassment that was borderline.

A successful answer shows you can make a rational or reasoning-based choice such as searching through massive amounts of information to figure out the best solution to a specific problem.

An excellent answer shows you can make an interpersonal decision, or even make a complex decision based on data, which has implications for interpersonal factors and consequences.

Making decisions that are based on data is crucial however, virtually every decision affects other people too.

The most effective candidates will naturally consider all aspects of an argument, but not only the human or business aspect solely.

14. “What is Your Leadership Style?”

It’s difficult to answer without falling into clichés. Consider sharing some examples of leadership.

Speak to the group, “The best way for me to answer that is to give you a few examples of leadership challenges I’ve faced,” and provide examples of situations in which you tackled a challenge or motivated your team or negotiated an issue, or dealt with a crisis.

Tell the steps you did, and it will provide the interviewer with an excellent impression of the way you manage. Also it will allow you to highlight some of your accomplishments.

15. “Tell me About a Time you Disagreed with a Decision. What Did you Do?”

There is no consensus on every decision. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing, but it’s how you handle it in the event of disagreement that counts.

(We all have people we know who like to hold”The Meeting After the Meeting,” or “meeting after the meeting,” when they’ve agreed with an outcome of the meeting, but then take it to the streets and attack the decision.)

Make sure you’re professional. You show that you have raised questions constructively.

If you can provide an example that proves that you can make changes, then great but if you aren’t, demonstrate that you’re able to stand behind an idea even when you feel it’s not right (as long as it’s not illegal, moral, or unethical, etc.).

Every business wants employees to be truthful and open to discuss concerns and concerns. However, they must also be behind a choice and accept that decision like they agreed even if they weren’t.

16. “Tell me How You Think Other People Would Describe You.”

I’m so annoyed by this question. It’s a complete waste of time. However, I asked it once and received an answer that I liked.

“I think people would say that what you see is what you get,” the candidate stated. “If I say I will do something, I do it.

If I say I will help, I help. I’m not sure that everyone likes me, but they all know they can count on what I say and how hard I work.

You can’t beat that.

17. “What Can We Expect From You in your First Three Months?”

The best answer will come from your employer. You should be able to tell them what plans and expectations of you.

If you’re being asked for advice, follow this general guideline:

1. You’ll put in a lot of effort to discover the ways your work can add value. You won’t simply be busy, but you’ll be doing the proper things.

2. You’ll learn to help your entire community such as your boss, employees, your colleagues and your clients, as well as your vendors and suppliers.

3. You’ll be focused on what you excel at and you’ll get hired for your abilities, and you’ll use your abilities to create the conditions for success.

4. You’ll be able to make a difference by working with customers, other employees, by bringing passion and determination and a sense of commitment and collaboration.

5. After that, you can add in the details that pertain to the position and you.

18. “What do you like to do Outside of Work?”

Many businesses consider that culture fit to be vital as well as they look to external interests as a method to figure out how you integrate into a group.

But do not be enticed to lie and claim that you have activities you’re not. Make sure you are engaging in activities that show that you’re growing that you’re trying to gain and goals you’re working to reach.

Include personal information. For instance, “I’m raising a family, so they focus a lot of my time on that, but I’m using my commute time to learn Spanish.”

19. “What was your Salary in your Last Job?”

It’s a tricky one. You must be honest and honest, however, some employers ask this question to open the door in negotiations regarding salary.

Look at the strategy suggested to you by Liz Ryan. If you are asked, say “I’m focusing on jobs in the $50K range. Is this position in that range?” (Frankly you already be aware, but this is a brilliant method of deflecting.)

Perhaps the interviewer will respond but maybe she will not. If she demands answers, then you’ll need to decide if to answer.

The final decision isn’t going to really matter, as you’ll either agree to the amount given or decline according to what you consider fair.

20. “A snail is at the bottom of a 30-foot well. Each day he climbs up three feet, but at night he slips back two feet. How many days will it take him to climb out of the well?”

These types of questions are becoming more well-known (thanks, Google) in recent years. Interviewers aren’t always seeking the correct answer, but an understanding of your reasoning skills.

The only thing you have to do is communicate your reasoning as you attempt to resolve the issue. Do not be afraid to laugh at yourself if you make it wrong. Sometimes the interviewer is simply trying to determine how you cope when you fail.

21. “What Questions Do You Have for Me?”

Don’t miss this chance. Ask the right questions and not just to prove that you’re an excellent candidate, but also to determine whether the company is the right one for you. After all, you’re being questioned as well as interviewing with the company.

Here’s what you need to know:

22. “What do you expect me to accomplish in the First 90 Days?”

If you didn’t get the question, then ask yourself. Why? Candidates who are great are eager to get going. They don’t want to waste several months or weeks “getting to know the organization.”

They don’t want to devote a lot of time in orientation or in training or even in the futile effort to get their feet immersed in water.

They are determined to be a part of the solution and they’re determined to do it today.

23. “What are the Three Traits your Top Performers have in Common?”

Candidates who are great also desire to be excellent employees. They recognize that every business is unique, and therefore, the essential traits of top performers in these organizations.

Your top performers may work longer hours. Perhaps creativity is more important than method.

Perhaps constantly bringing in clients in markets that aren’t yet established is better than creating long-term relationships with customers.

Perhaps the most important thing is the ability to commit an equal amount of time to educate the beginner customer as it does helping the enthusiast who is looking for top-quality equipment.

The best candidates would like to know this information, as one) they would like to know if can be accepted and, second,) when they get into the group, they would like to learn how they can become an outstanding performer.

24. “What Really Drives Results in this Job?”

Employees are investments and you’re expecting every employee to make an increase in the salary they earn. (Otherwise, why would you put employees on the payroll?)

In every job, some aspects have a greater impact in comparison to other activities.

HR professionals are required to fill job vacancies however, what you would like is for them to identify the best candidates, as this will cause better retention rates, less cost of training, and higher overall efficiency.

You require your service technicians to carry out effective repairs. However, what you would like is for these techs to fix problems, and also provide benefits — in a nutshell creating customer relationships and even increasing sales.

Candidates who are great want to understand what really makes an impact and what drives the outcomes, as they understand that helping to make the business successful means they’ll be successful too.

25. “What are the Company’s highest-priority Goals this year, and how would my Role Contribute?”

Does the position the candidate is aiming to fill? Does the job really matter??

The best candidates are looking for a job that has meaning, and over one goal — and they would like to collaborate with others who think about their work with the same mindset. A job is not just a job.

26. “What Percentage of Employees was Brought in by Current Employees?”

Employees who enjoy their jobs naturally recommend their employers to their colleagues and friends.

This is also true for those in senior positions. Leaders naturally seek to attract skilled people with who they have previously worked with.

They’ve developed relationships, built trust, and showed an ability that led someone to take the extra mile to follow them into an entirely new company.

All of which says a lot about the overall quality of work and the company culture.

27. “What would you plan to do in the event of a disaster?”

Every business faces an enormous problem: technological advances and new competitors that enter the market, changing economic trends. There’s seldom any of Buffett’s moats that protect small businesses.

Even though certain candidates might see your business to get there but they are still hoping for advancement and growth.

If they ever decide to quit, they would like it to be done on their terms and not because you forced them out of the business.

Let’s say I’m applying for a job in your shop for skis. Another shop is opening just 1 mile away. What are you going to do to combat the competition? If you own an animal farm (a major business in my region) What do you do to cope with the rising cost of feed?

The best candidates do not just want to know the opinions of your colleagues; they would like to know what you’re planning to accomplish and how they’ll be incorporated into the plans.

28. Tell me about your (writing, editing, design, etc.) Experience.

“In my courses, I worked in groups of students to write papers and present many peer editing of our work.
During my internship, I worked closely with my editor on pitching topics. I also learned how to write efficient posts on social media for our company’s brand.
In my current role, I manage the content calendar for our site and write about three articles per week while making sure to adhere to our style guidelines and the tone of our website.”

29. Tell me about when you were given a harsh critique or feedback that you weren’t happy with. What was the outcome and what did you learn from the feedback?

“On my very first story pitch, I received feedback that the subject didn’t match our website. I discussed it with my supervisor and could see why the topic didn’t work.
Before my next pitch, I looked more closely at the different stories we’ve reported on the website to help me create better pitches for stories to come.”

30. What is your writing or editing, design, and so on. How do you go about your process?

“Before I edit, I ensure I know the main purpose that the article is aiming for. After that, I read the piece, and then make edits.
I look at the big picture, first to ensure the piece is logical and contains all the correct sources and information, then grammar before my final reading.
Then I’ll go through the entire document one more time before returning it to the writer for any necessary changes.”

General Magazine Interview Answer samples

The following list provides the most common questions that journalists will ask in a journalistic interview

1. What are the most appealing aspects of your style of writing?

2. What are you looking for to join our magazine?

3. What subjects would you want to see covered in our publication?

4. How can we improve the quality of our publication?

5. Do you think you will work for our company in the next five years?

6. How often do you use social media? Do you use it to find additional news?

7. What are the books you read in your spare time?

8. What are your advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology to tell stories?

9. What are you thinking our competitions are?

10. What are the qualities that make talented journalists?

Magazine Interview Answer samples on background and experience

Below are some questions regarding your previous experiences as a journalist

1. How do you manage the pressure of deadlines that are tight?

2. Do you have a story to share about a time that you worked with an interviewee who was not cooperative?

3. Also, are you familiar with the use of content management systems?

4. Can you describe a time you pitched a unique story?

5. What publishing software do you are familiar with?

6. Have you ever distorted the truth of your stories?

7. How did you prioritize several deadlines over the years?

8. What did you do to improve the readership of the past publication?

9. Did you ever work for an online publication?

Are you more comfortable writing in Chicago style or AP style of writing?

This will assist you to be successful during the interviews. So, check the page for details like this. Also, share the information with your friends and family.
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