15 Receptionist Interview Questions and Answers 2022

– Receptionist Interview Questions –

A firm handshake, lots of smiles and fancy ties will not grant you that job.. Employment managers seek applicants with powerful communication, organisation, word processing, schedule and time management, excellent phone skills, and writing skills.

A receptionist (sometimes referred to as an administrative assistant) is someone who performs various administrative tasks, including answering telephones and giving information to the public and customers.

Receptionists are often the first employee that the public or customer has contact with. They make a good first impression on the organisation, which can affect the organisation’s success.

15 Receptionist Interview Questions and Answers

Do you have an interview for a receptionist job coming up? Make sure you’re ready by rehearsing answers to the interview questions on this list: 

1. Explain the Role and Responsibility of a Receptionist

The responsibilities of a receptionist are:

1. To maintain and organize a current and accurate filing system

2. To monitor the use of equipment and supplies

3. To monitor the repair and maintenance of office equipment

4. To handle all incoming calls and inquiries

5. To note down adequate messages and re-direct calls as appropriate

6. To greet and assist the visitors

7. To provide administrative services for the Executive staff

8. To provide word-processing and secretarial support

9. To assist in the planning and preparation of conferences, meetings, etc.


2. Mention the Skills Required for a Receptionist.

1. Time management skills

2. Basic computer skills

3. Good communication

4. Team building, analytical and problem-solving skills

5. Stress management skills

3. What Are the Challenges Receptionists Might Face Over Time?

1. Have to manage a couple of projects at the same time

2. It May be interrupted frequently to meet the requirement and requests of members

3. Need to deal with busy and noisy environment sometimes

4. Needs excellent organisational skills

5. Working longer hours on the computer

4. List the Key Performance Objectives of a Receptionist.

1. Dependability

2. Efficiency

3. Intelligent use of resources

4. Technical Skills

5. Friendly and positive attitude

6. Maintaining office morale

5. Mention What Makes a Receptionist’s Work Meaningful.

A receptionist’s work becomes meaningful when it provides excellent customer service and presents a positive face of the company.

6. What is the Basic office Equipment that can Operate?

1. Scanners

2. Photocopiers

3. Graph plotters

4. Printers

5. Shredders and so on

7. Explain What Will be Your Approach to Coordinate Group Meetings?

Using outlook or the company-specific portal for addressing correspondent

Calling the respective personnel for the meetings/appointments confirmation and reminding the management about them

Before organising the meeting I’ll make sure everything required is functional for example the projector, internet connection, etc.

Communicating and adjusting any details about the meetings (time and date)

8. Explain How Can You Handle Annoyed Visitors or Clienteles

I would first listen to their problem patiently. Try to bring resolution to their problem if I can, otherwise, see the manager of the company.

9. Are You Familiar with the EPABX and VOIP?

Yes, I am familiar with it

VOIP: Voice over Internet Protocol. (Skype, WhatsApp, etc.)

EPABX: It is a multi-line telephone exchange system.

10. When You Don’t Have an Answer

When a client or visitor asks you a question that you don’t have the answer in such a case, simply ask the visitor to wait. So that you can find out the answer or can direct it to the right person.


11. What Will You do if Your Co-worker Complains About You?

I would feel uncomfortable, but without seeing it as a personal affair, I would ask for clarification from a co-worker and own the problem. I would implement further actions to improve the situation.

12. A Client Does not Accept Your Solution to the Problem. What Would You do?

I would show the willingness to present alternatives or will call experienced personnel to handle them.

13. As a Receptionist What do You Feel is the Most Important Skill?

As a receptionist, the most important skill is to be comfortable meeting and interacting with people from diverse backgrounds. He should be always of a pleasant demeanour to any person.

14. What Are Some Key Aspects or Tips a Good Receptionist Should Remember?

1. Smile when answering the phone

2. Always answer the phone with a welcome or an appropriate greeting

3. Answer the phone as promptly as possible. “Receptionist Interview Questions”

4. Before transferring the call ask for the caller’s name

5. Announce the caller by name to the person to whom you are transferring the call

6. Before putting someone on hold, always ask

7. Take or note down a message, keep a scratch pad on your desk

8. Ask managers if they prefer receiving calls in voice mail or getting a written message.

15. What Types of Software Have you used in Previous Jobs?

The goal is to find out what software the candidate is familiar with.

What to look for in an answer:

1. Do they show facilities with the common software types used by receptionists?

2. Also, do they know what those types of software are?

3. Do they show experience with software?

FAQs about Receptionist Interview Questions

Below are the frequently asked questions on Receptionist Interview Questions

1. Why should we hire your best answer for a receptionist?

If you select me for this position, I would wow you with my organisational skills and the amount of work I can handle.
I love putting out fires and solving problems for people, and I think that would make me a great receptionist. Landing an interview for your dream job requires a lot of time and hard work.

2. What are your strengths as a receptionist?

Strengths Some of the key success traits required to be a successful receptionist are communication skills. Also, interpersonal skills, multi-tasking skills, customer management skills, etc.

3. Can you tell me about your sample answer?

I’ve worked hard in my education and now I’m ready to apply my knowledge into practice. While I don’t have any real-life work experience, I’ve had a lot of exposure to the business environment.
Also, a lot of my courses involved working with real companies to solve real problems

4. Why do you want this job?

This opportunity is really exciting for me as I will be able to…’ ‘I see the role as a way of developing my career in a forward-thinking/well-established company/industry as…


Therefore, I feel I will succeed in the role because I have experience in/softs skills that show/ I’ve taken this course

5. How do you describe yourself?

Positive words to describe yourself in any situation.

Words to Describe Yourself in an Interview.
















More FAQs about Receptionist Interview Questions

6. Can you work under pressure best answer?

Working well under pressure is a good trait to have.

7. Why do I want to work here answer?

I see this opportunity to contribute to an exciting/forward-thinking/fast-moving company/industry.
However, I feel I can do so by/with my… I feel my skills are particularly well-suited to this position because 

8. Can you tell me a little about yourself?

A Simple Formula for Answering “Tell Me About Yourself”

Present: Talk a little about what your current role is, it, and perhaps a big recent accomplishment.
Also, Past: Tell the interviewer how you got there and/or mention previous experience that applies to the job and company you’re applying for.

9. What is the self-introduction?

A self-introduction for an interview or otherwise is an extended version of an elevator pitch where you are the ‘idea’.
However, a self-introduction for the interview, for instance, would comprise your name, your current designation and a few experiences tied in with the job role

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