Corporate Image, Reputation and Identity Building: the Role of ESBS for Enugu State Government

Corporate Image, Reputation and Identity Building: the Role of ESBS for Enugu State Government.


This study is on the role of Enugu State Broadcasting Service in building the corporate image, reputation and identity of the Enugu State Government.

It sought to find out; if the Enugu State government has any deliberate and sustainable policy/approach to building and managing its corporate image, reputation and identity.

If the house style of ESBS in news management and general programming influences the citizens perception, opinions and views of Enugu State.

If in anyway the citizens views, opinions or the perceptions of Enugu State  government influences their attitudes, understanding and acceptance of the state government’s policies and programmes.

In achieving this study, the survey research design was adopted. The population study comprised of the civil servants and non-servants civil servants working in Enugu State, and a sample size of 300 was  determined.

The research instrument used in the study was the questionnaire. Data collected from the respondents were presented and discussed descriptively using frequency tables, percentages and charts.


Title Page i

Approval ii

Certification iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgements v

Abstract vi

Table of Contents vii

List of Tables


1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 The Statement of Problem 6

1.3 Objectives of the Study 7

1.4 Research Question 7

1.5 Research Hypothesis 8

1.6 Significance of Study 9

1.7 Limitation of the Study 9

1.8 Definition of Terms 9


2.1 Introduction 12

2.2 Historical Overview of Enugu State Broadcasting

Service Radio/Television East of the Niger 17

1.3 Image Building and ESBS Media a Theoretical Approach 20

1.4 Media Image of the Child 21

1.5 Media Image of the Youth 21

1.6 Media Image of the Aging Adult 21

1.7 ESBS’s Role in the Governments of Enugu State of

Nigeria’s Image Building in this New Millennium 24

1.8 Broadcasting, Role of ESBS in Image Building of the

Enugu State Government 25

1.9 The Role of ESBS in Promoting Democracy in Enugu

State 30

1.10 Government Media Relations 36

1.11 Corporate Image and Identity Management 37

1.12 Corporate Identity and Enugu State Government 42

1.13 Corporate Social Responsibility Theory 43

1.14 The Agenda-Setting Function of the ESBS in

Foreign Policy Making 47

1.15 Enugu State Broadcasting Service Serving

the Public Trust 48



3.1 Research Design 54

3.2 Scope of the Study 54

3.3 Research Design 54

3.4 Population of the Study 55

3.5 Sample Size Determination and Selection Method 55

3.6 Source of Data 56

3.7 Data Collection Instrument 56

3.8 Validity of Instrument 57

3.9 Reliability of the Instrument 58

3.10 Questionnaire Administrations 58

3.11 Method of Data Presentation and Analysis 59



4.1 Introduction 60

4.2 Presentation of Data 60

4.2.1 Return Rate of Questionnaire 60

4.2.2 Age 61

4.2.3 Respondents’ Employers 62

4.2.4 Length of Service 64

4.2.5 Rate of Listenership 65

4.2.6 Listenership Viewership of News 66

4.2.7 Rating of Coverage 66

4.2.8 Listenership and Viewership of other Programmes 67

4.2.9 Contribution of ESBS Programmes to Security 69

4.2.10 Security Tips from ESBS 70

4.2.11Capability of ESBS Agricultural Programmes 71

4.2.12 Information on Infrastructural Development 72

4.2.13Rating of Health Care Delivery 73

4.2.14 Level of Awareness on Health Care Programme 74

4.2.16 Perception of Government as Labour Friendly 76



5.1 Summary of Findings 95

5.2 Conclusion 97

5.3 Recommendations 98

References 99

Bibliography 100

Appendix 105


Corporate image is the perception of corporation, an institution or government which exists in the minds of its various publics.

According to Trench (2009:3), corporate images typically can be fashioned fairly quickly through specific actions and well-conceived communication programs, whereas reputations evolve over time as a result of consistent performance and can be reinforced through corporate communication.

Every corporation, government or institution must therefore be concerned about its image among its important constituents or stakeholders because there is a link between an individual’s image of an organization and that person’s behaviour towards the  Organization.

It is against this background that the researcher sets out to investigate and analyse the perception which exists in the minds of the citizenry of Enugu State about the state government and the efforts of the government in building image, reputation and identity for itself vis-à-vis the role of the state-owned media organ (ESBS) in reinforcing this image.


ABC Handbook – History of ESBS. December 19th, 1979.
Agree Warren (1982) Introduction to Mass Communications, New York, Harper and Row Publishers.
Ajala V.O (2001) Public Relation in search of Professional Excellence (2nd Edition) Ibadan: Maybest Publication.
Akinyemi, Bankole (1995) Corporate Mission, Corporate Culture and Corporate Identity – Paper presented at the International Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Public Relations Workshop held at International Airport Hotel September 25th – 29th.
Akpan E.D (1990) “Planning Public Relations Campaign” in Chief Osuji (ed) principles of public Relations Practice. The Nigerian Approach.
Alison Theaker, Public Relations Handbook (2008:11)

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