Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme (LSHS) See Latest Update

– Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme –

Is there any Lagos state health insurance scheme? However, the Lagos State government has launched what is supposed to be the biggest mandatory health insurance scheme in the country. 

This was done in a highly celebrated ceremony last December. And it aims to enrol 2.5 million Lagosians. Also, it aims to enrol over 10 million residents within years of commencement.

Thus, through this scheme, it is believed that residents who grapple with health expenses from their pockets can be given some sort of help.

Sounds interesting right? Yea, it does. If you want to learn more about this scheme just continue reading.

The Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme

Lagos State Government has commenced a health insurance scheme. And it is in its bid to ensure that its residents have access to quality health care services. This is irrespective of gender and economic status or location.

Also, it is a curb to financial catastrophe associated with taking care of one’s health. Under this arrangement, the scheme is to be scaled up to every local government in the State, this is in order to create the stimulus for demand for health insurance all across the State.

Also, it is targeted predominantly at the informal sector workers. And it offers a package of prepaid healthcare services for enrolled members of the community.

Its concept represents a collaboration between the State Government, the Local Government, and the Private Provider.

The Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme Administration

The Board of Trustees, members of whom are selected principally from the community manages the scheme. This is with a representative from the LGA/LCDA (Medical Officer of Health).

Also, they delegate their authority to the administrative staff either deployed by the LCDA/LGA or employed by them. And these, in turn, manage the daily activities of the Mutual Health Association office.

Also, these officers perform the critical functions of Registration, Premium Collection, ID Card Issuance, Care Authorization, Scheme Reporting, Provider Management, and Scheme Marketing.

Some Advantages and Benefits of the Scheme

The benefits package offers enrollees and their dependants primary healthcare services. This is at the Community Based Health Insurance Scheme Health Centres. Also, it is with basic outpatient care. And it’s with the treatment of common ailments.

Also, there is an aim for the provision of prescribed essential medicines. And there is an aim for immunization, maternity care, and normal delivery. Also, health education, short-stay admissions, etc are targeted.

Furthermore, servants in the state would be automatically registered into the scheme. Also, the government would pay 75% of their contributions.

Also, there will be the treatment of common ailments. Such as malaria, hypertension, and diabetes.

Plans of Under the Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme

The Lagos State Health Insurance scheme has about three plans:

The basic plan.

Also, the private.

Furthermore, the general plan.

However, it is believed that the Lagos State government is starting with the basic plan. And this involves care at the primary healthcare level.

Also, it involves the treatment of commonly seen conditions. Like malaria, typhoid and measles. Additionally, it covers immunization and counseling for non-communicable diseases.

Eligibility Criteria of the Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme

1. Registration

To benefit from the scheme, note. An enrollee must register through any of the Lagos State Health Management Agency (LASHMA).

And this can be done either through enrollment points, platforms, licensed Health Insurance Agents, or LASHMA Wellness Ambassadors.

Additionally, such enrolled must produce the Lagos State Residents Registration Agency (LASSRA) Identity Card. Or show any other valid proof of residence in Lagos State.

Also, the enrolled is expected to choose any of his or her preferred facilities under the LSHS platform in the State. Choosing a particular facility is strictly the duty of the enrolled.

2. Payment Structure

After registration, note. The enrolled must pay the premium by the 25th of the month. However, this is in order to enable to access care the following month.

Also, such payments can be made in any of the health insurance plans.

The First Family Plan

The first of such is the Family Plan. And it consists of between two and six people. Namely: The father, mother and four children.

However, the children should be below 18 years. With the payment of #40,000 only per annum, a family will enjoy LSHS for 12 months.

However, large families with additional children less than 18 years should note. you are to pay #6,000 per annum. This is in order for the child to benefit from the scheme.

While the additional child or adult in the family over 18 years old will pay an extra #8, 500 per annum.

Individual Plan

Under the Individual Plan, an individual pays the sum of #8, 500 per annum. This is is to enjoy the scheme. Also, this plan covers persons living in the State.

However, Premium Payment could either be made through any of the banks in the State.

Also, it could be through the mobile payment on phones. Or it could be via scratch card. This could be got from LASHMA Health Insurance Agents and USSD Code. Online payment is made via


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3. Terms of Agreement

After they have made the payment notes, they require an enrolled to sign the Terms of Agreement. I will send this via the phone number used for registration.

Also, following which enrollee’s Policy Number, which is personal and confidential, will be forwarded.

4. Opening of Medical File

The enrollee will be assigned to the hospital of his/her choice. He or she is expected to visit before a Medical File will be opened.

However, for those who register for the individual plans when they are single, note. After marriage, it could change from a single plan to a family plan.

However, in an emergency situation, note. LASHMA is committed to saving lives. Therefore, enrollees can access care in any of the nearest LSHS hospitals. Hence, not necessarily the enrollee’s facility.

Contacts for the Scheme

The Lagos State Government is soliciting that Public Servants spread the good news to their relatives and friends who are not yet enrolled in the Scheme.

Also, to contact the scheme, call 09064709487. Also, you can call 08164051031. Furthermore, you can call 08034830749, 07040984456.

Also, you can email [email protected]. This is for any observations, commendations, or complaints.

In a nutshell, please note. From the above, it is apparent that The Lagos State Government is concerned about the health of the people. Thus, ensure you share this information with others.

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