The-Review of The Legal Regime For Fighting Corruption In Nigeria

 – The-Review of The Legal Regime For Fighting Corruption In Nigeria – 

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Corruption is the scourge of most under-developed, developing and to a considerable extent, the so-called developed countries.

Nigeria epitomizes a classic case of corruption in under-developed countries, hence the need for several solutions advanced in the fight against the menace of corruption and its resulting consequences.

The fight has taken different forms from the forming of anti-grafting agencies like the Economic and Financial Corruption Commission (EFCC) and the Independent Corrupt Practices and Commission (ICPC) down to waging massive campaigns against corruption by other government agencies and non-governmental outfits like the churches and the mosque amongst others.

This work focuses on the review of the legal regime for fighting corruption in Nigeria. The methodology applied in this work is doctrinal and the approach is analytical and descriptive.

The use of primary sources like Statutes and Case laws, and secondary sources like textbooks, Newspapers and the Internet was used in throwing more lights on the work.

In chapter one the researcher makes a brief introduction of topic while defining corruption, nature and forms. Chapter two deals with corruption in Nigeria, causes, effects and fights.

Chapter five deals with the legal regime put in place to combat corruption. Chapter four deals with the review of the effects of these agencies and its shortcomings.

Conclusions are made in Chapter five; these agencies and laws have only managed to act in full force on paper while it has not done enough to really tackle the canker worm eating into the fabrics of the country, which is corruption.


In 2011, Nigeria was ranked 143th out of 182 countries surveyed by the corruption perception index indicating the level of corruption in the country as compared to other countries.

Although this rank came as an improvement from the previous years, it did not result from an improved system of governance, rather it was due to an increase in the number of countries that participated in the survey.

Nigeria became an independent nation on the 1st of October 1960. A country richly endowed with monumental geographical and diverse natural resources ranging from crude oil to gas (natural), coal, et al.

Nigeria possesses potential market ability for rapid economic development. However, in spite of these obvious resources and its advantage, Nigeria remains a poor and underdeveloped country.

Scholars have achieved and advanced several reasons to explain this parlous and depleting state. One of the major and prominent factors advanced is Corruption.

Corruption has been a major problem in Nigeria since independence. Corruption is a global phenomenon with deep historical roots, although it manifests itself with significant similarities and differences in different societies depending on the particular system of power distribution and the legal and moral norms operating therein.

Due to the pervasive nature of corruption in Nigeria, Nigeria’s former President Olusegun Obasanjo in his inaugural speech on May 29 1999 affirmed that corruption, the single greatest bane of our society today would be tackled head- on, at all levels.


Shola, J.O. Through a Glass Darkly: Assessing the ‘New’ War against Corruption in Nigeria. Africa Insight, 2006.

Ijeoma, I.O. Nigeria Anti-Corruption Initiatives. Bepress Legal Series Working Paper, Paper 1392, 2006.

The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version.

Gboyega, A. (Ed), Corruption and Democratization in Nigeria. Ibadan, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Agbo Areo Publishers. 1996

J.S Nye in Heidenheimer,Harvard university, (1970).

The Encyclopedia Americana, 1999

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