An Appraisal of The Application of The Law Relating To Domicile In Nigeria

An Appraisal of The Application of The Law Relating To  Domicile In Nigeria.


This research project entitled ‘AN APPRAISAL OF THE APPLICATION OF THE LAW RELATING TO DOMICILE IN NIGERIA’, is aimed at examining the legal framework of the law relating to the concept of Domicile in Nigeria.

However, in the course of this research, the finding of the researcher is that there is a gaping hole in the application of the rules of Domicile especially that of Domicile of Choice in interstate situation like Nigeria.

For instance, according to the traditional concept, the rule of Domicile is to the effect that, to acquire a Domicile of choice, a person must satisfy, amongst others, a principal condition that he must have an intention of remaining in a country or place permanently or at least, indefinitely.

This is not practically possible or feasible in Nigeria. Nigeria is a country made up of many States with various ethnic flavors where there is a high mobility of persons as a result of inter-marriages, work and search for ‘greener pastures’.

The need to address this unsuitable circumstance constitutes the justification for this research. In the light of this, therefore, the objective of this research is to identify the challenges of the present practice to make viable recommendation as a way forward to addressing the challenges identified.

In the final analysis, this research work is concluded by recommending, amongst others, that there should be a consideration of habitual residence as a requirement for acquisition of Domicile of choice rather than intention to reside permanently in a place.


Title page  … … … … … … … … i

Dedication … … … … … … … …  ii

Declaration   … … … … … … … …  iii

Certification    … … … … … … …  iv

Acknowledgment  … … … … … … …  v

Abstract … … … … … … … …  vi

Table of Statutes … … … … … … …  vii

Table of Cases  … … … … … … …  viii

Table of Abbreviations  … … … … … …  x

Table of Contents   … … … … … …  xi

Chapter One


1.1 Introduction …  … … … … … …  1

1.2  Statement of the Problem … … … … …  4

1.3 Scope Of The Research … … … … …  7

1.4 Research Methodology … … … … …  7

1.5 Literature Review  … … … … …  7

1.6 JustificationFor The Research … … … …  9

1.7 Organizational Layout … … … … …  9

Chapter Two


2.1 Introduction … … … … … … …  11

2.2 Conceptual Clarifications …  … … …  11

2.3 Development Of Domicile In Nigeria …  …  15

2.4 Forms Of Domicile … … … … … …  17

2.4.1 Domicile of origin … … … … … …  20

2.4.2 Domicile of choice … … … … … …  26

2.4.3 Domicile of dependence … … … … …  32

Chapter Three


3.1 Introduction … … … … … … …  37

3.2 Rule 1: Nobody shall be without a domicile … … …  38

3.3 Rule 2: The rule prohibiting two domiciles … … …  39

3.4 Rule 3: Domicile connotes a connection with a territorial

system of law … … … … … … …  39

3.5  Rule 4: The presumption of continuance of existing domicile  40

3.6 Rule 5: Determination of domicile according to Nigerian law  42

Chapter Four


4.1 Introduction … … … … … … …  44

4.2  Demerits of Domicile As A Connecting Factor … …  44

4.2.1 Uncertainty … … … … … … …  44

4.2.2 Technicality … … … … … … …  45

4.2.3 Proof of intention to change domicile  … … …  46

4.3 Nationality As A Connecting Factor … … …  46

4.4 Habitual Residence as a Connecting Factor … …  52

Chapter Five 

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION … … …        … …  55

5.1 Summary … … … … … … …  55

5.2 Findings … … … … … … …  55

5.3 Conclusion … … … … … … …  57

5.4 Recommendations … … … … … …  58

BIBLIOGRAPHY … … … … … … …  63



The concept of Domicile had its evolution from the 13th Century Italy as a result of the teachings and commentaries of a group of jurists known as the Post-glossators.

The Post-glossators were distinguished jurists attached to the Law schools of Bologna, Padua, Peruggia and Pavia in Italy.

Pre-eminent amongst these jurists was Bartolus Sassoferato, successive Professor of Law at Bologna, Pisa and Peruggia who may aptly be described as the „Father of Private International Law‟ or what is usually referred to as Conflicts of Law.

The Post-glossators originated a theory called „Statute theory‟ and by this theory, they interpreted each statute in any local territory in order to ascertain its object and thus, its rightful sphere of application.

To this end, they classified each law that concerns a person or thing, into three categories namely, real, personal or mixed law.


AGBEDE, I.O. (1989) Essays on Conflicts of Laws. Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Limited.
AGBEDE, I.O. (2001) Themes on Conflicts of Laws. Ibadan: Shaneson C. I. Limited.
BEALE, J. H. (1935) Treatise on The Conflicts of Law. London: Butterworth.
BLACKSTONE, W. (1865-69) Commentaries on the Law of England. Vol. 1. London: Blackstone Press.
CHESHIRE, C. G., NORTH, P. (1979) Private International Law. (10 edition) London: Butterworths.
COLLINS, L. (1987) Dicey & Morris: The Conflict of Law. (11 edition) London: Sweet & Maxwell. ELIAS, T.O. (1971) Nigerian Land Law. (4th edition) London: Sweet and    Maxwell.  FENWICK, C.G. (1948) International Law. (3rd Edition). New York: Appleton,  Century, Crofts Inc.

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