50 God Give me Strength Quotes to Inspire Your Faith Journey

– God Give me Strength Quotes –

During trying times God gives me strength quotes are the best for you. We are here to help you out with these insightful quotes that will encourage you. Life is not a rosy affair so these compiled quotes will connect you with God and increase your faith in him.

Also, Life as we all know isn’t fair at times, it has its own share of struggles as well as good times.

But in rough and testing times, all we ask for is the strength to endure the tough times, we just have to be patient, and have the courage to face them.

These inspiring strength quotations are humble prayers to the almighty asking for all the courage to face it and bounce back in life.

God Give me Strength Quotes

1. “Dear Lord, give me strength to move on and the joy to overcome my pain. Give me hope to see a rainbow in my wilderness and in my storm. Amen.”

2. “Lord, please calm my heart and take away my anxiety.”

3. “Don’t worry. God is never blind to your tears. Never deaf to your prayers. And never be silent to your pain. He sees. He hears and he will deliver you.”

4. “Yes Lord! Please give me strength, wisdom, and direction. Amen!”

5. “God please give me the strength to overcome all my weaknesses. Amen!”

6. “You say: I don’t know if I can make it. God says: I will give you strength.”

7. “Keep your head up. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.”

8. “I asked God for strength, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.”

9. “Lord give me strength for the fight.”

10. “God please give me patience, if you give me the strength I will just punch them in the face.”

11. “Dear God, if I ever lose my hope, please give me strength and replenish my soul.”

12. “Dear God, I know You are listening please give me strength. I put my trust in you.”

13. “Dear Lord, please give me the strength to make it through tomorrow with a smile.”

14.“The Lord was pleased to strengthen us, and remove all fear from us, and disposed of our hearts to be as useful as possible.” – Richard Allen

15. “God’s strength in your weakness is his presence in your life.” – Andy Stanley

16. “Great is the height I just scale, but the prospect of glory gives me strength.” – Propertius

Inspirational God Give me Strength Quotes

17. “Give God your weakness and He’ll give you his strength.”

18. “God gives me strength, both spiritually and physically to do the work you have called me to do.”

19. “Dear God, I’ve tried my best, but if today I lose my hope, please tell me that your plans are better than my dreams.”

20. “Thank you, God, for giving me the strength to keep going when all I really want to do is give up.”

21. “Dear God: Please give me the strength to break free from things that are breaking me. Help me move on with my life.”

22. “Heavenly Father, when I am tired, You give me the strength to go on. When discouraged, You give me hope. When I am afraid, You are my peace. Thank you!”

23. “Dear God… I don’t ask you to make my life easier, but I ask you to give me strength to face all my troubles.”

24. “God give me the strength to get up when I fall and the grace to forgive those who gave me the push. Amen.”


Dear God Give me Strength Quotes

25. “Dear God, if I hurt others, give me the strength to apologize. If people hurt me, give me the strength to forgive.”

26. “Lord, I bring to You my burdens and You know my situation. You know I can’t make it without You. Comfort my heart, give me strength, and help me carry on. Amen!”

27. “Dear God: I need you more than ever. Please bring peace to my confusion, joy to my sadness, and hope to my heart.”

28. “People are always more encouraged when we share how God’s grace helped us in weakness than we brag about our strengths.”– Rick Warren

29. “Ask God to give you strength to endure, and rest assured, He will take care of you.” – Joel Osteen

30. “God will always be there with us and give us the strength to meet the difficulties in life.” – Wendell E. Mettey

31. “God!!! Give me strength to face today’s challenges, So I could come up with a better version of myself.” – Sejal

32. “Dear God, give me the strength to move through my day with grace and love in my heart.” – Jill Alman Bernstein

33. “God give me strength to face a fact though it slays me.” – Thomas Huxley

Give me Strength God Quotes

34. “Lord, please give me strength, so I can overcome all the trials and difficulties that this life brings!” – Jean Padua Ayende

35. “O God, how easily I make them happy! Give me strength to be always the light of their lives and so lead them to you!” – Mother Teresa

36. “I’m going to keep on keeping on as long as I’ve got my health and strength, and God gives me that will to do it.” – Sharon Jones

37. “God me strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

38. “Dear God, please help me today. Give me strength when I am weak, lend me a shoulder when I need to cry, and help me when I fall.”

39. “God, give me strength to keep going. You’re the answers to my prayers, the calm after the storm, and the solution to my problems.”

40. “Talk with God, no breath is lost. Walk with God, no strength is lost. Wait for God, no time is lost. Trust in God, you will never be lost.”

41. “Dear God, I pray that You give me the strength to forge ahead in life and fulfill the destiny that You have placed in front of me.”

42. “Dear God, give me strength for tough times, positivity for good times, ambition for the future, and keep my heart big no matter if it breaks.”


God Give me Strength Quotes Bible Verses

43. “But they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles.” – Isaiah 40:31

44. “But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength.” – 2 Tim 4:17 

45. “Those with knowledge know when to be quiet, and those with understanding know how to remain calm.” – Proverbs 17:27

46. “God, give me strength each day to fight for my family.” – Nehemiah 4:14

47. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” – Psalms 46:1

48. “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”– Philippians 4:13

49. “But you, Lord, do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me.” – Psalm 22:19

50. “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters.” – Samuel 22:17

Frequently Asked Questions About God Give me Strength Quotes

Below are some Faqs that will feed you with answers:

What are the Best Quotes on Faith?

Some Faith Quotes:
1. Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase
2. Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe
3. To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary
4. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

What Bible Verse is the Serenity Prayer?

 The Serenity Prayer is not mentioned in the Bible, however, several underlying principles are found in Philippians 4:6-7.

How do You Keep Your Faith in God When Times are Tough?

1. Pray; Ask God, the universe, or whatever higher force you believe in for the strength to love to your full potential.
2. Be generous to others.
3. Get inspired.
4. Surround yourself with people you admire.
5. Get the ball rolling first thing in the morning.

Why is God’s Name Jehovah not in your Bible?

The reason is that during the Second Temple period, most likely in the early 5th century B.C.E., Jews decided that that name was ineffable, too holy to be uttered aloud.
This was based on a particular interpretation of the third commandment, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

Why did God Give me More Pain in my Life?

God loves us, but because of our sinful nature, He allows these things to happen. He knows that by allowing us to experience failure, pain, and struggle, we will grow stronger in our faith and become closer to Him, and move away from sin.

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