An Appraisal of The Legal And Institutional Frame Work On Food Sufficiency in Nigeria

An Appraisal of The Legal And Institutional Frame Work On Food Sufficiency in Nigeria.


One of the goals of Nigeria Agricultural Development policy is to achieve for the nation enough food sufficient for consumption and utterly reduce the rate of dependency on imported foods, with the view of ensuring adequate and affordable food for all.

This research work is aimed at evaluating the food sufficiency situation in Nigeria looking at the intervals between 1991-2016. This research reveals that there is a shortfall in locally produced food.

Taking into account the total population of Nigeria to 3.2% whereas the ratio of domestically produced food has been reduced to 1% which is an indication that the demand for food is far reached and higher than the supply for such food.

Some of the identifiable factors responsible for this include, inconsistency in government policies, corruption, environmental degradation, and unsuitable agricultural produce, therefore this research reveals that Nigeria solely depends to a great extent on imported food.

Finally, this study equally reveals various government policies, institutions, and legal frameworks on achieving food sufficiency in Nigeria.

This research work adopted analytical and comparative approaches in the analysis of relevant materials to the research contained in Nigeria and other international legislation, decided cases, journals, articles, newspapers, and magazines including other relevant internet sources.

The researches equally recommend some vital point which will be a panacea to achieving food sufficiency in Nigeria.


Title page                                                                                                                                       i

Certification                                                                                                                          ii

Approval                                                                                                                                 iii

Dedication                                                                                                                              iv

Acknowledgments v

Abstract                                                                                                                                   vi

Table of content                                                                                                                vii

Table of Cases                                                                                                                         ix

Table of Statutes                                                                                                                     x

List of Abbreviations                                                                                                             xi

Chapter One


1.1       Background to the Study                                                                                          1

1.2       Statement of the Problem                                                                                        2

1.3       Objective of Study                                                                                                      2

1.4       Scope of Study                                                                                                      3

1.5       Significant of Study                                                                                                    3

1.6       Methodology                                                                                                                3

1.7       Definition of Terms                                                                                                    7

Chapter Two


2.1       Introduction                                                                                                                    12

2.2       Method of Food Production in Nigeria                                                                      12

2.3       Factors Affecting Food Production                                                                              16

2.4       The Global Perspective on Environmental Pollution                                              22

2.5       Pollution from Oil Spillages                                                                                          25

Chapter Three


3.1       Introduction                                                                                                                          28

3.2       The Land Use Act and Food Security in Nigeria                                                           29

3.3       The Effect of Land Tenure Practice on Agricultural Production in Nigeria            30

3.4       The Effect of Revocation of Right of Occupancy on Agricultural Practices             33

3.5       Institutional Framework and Government Policies towards   Ensuring

Food Sufficiency in Nigeria                                                                                                        34

3.6       Legal Framework on Food Sufficiency                                                                        43

3.7       International Framework on Food Sufficiency                                                          44

Chapter Four


4.1       Food Security and Legal Framework in Japan                                                      46

4.2       United States of America                                                                                           50

Chapter Five


5.1       Conclusion                                                                                                                     58

5.2       Recommendations                                                                                                      59

BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                                                                      61


Background of the Study

Frankly speaking, food is a basic necessity of life, its importance is seen in the fact that it is the basic need for sustenance, and adequate food intake in respect to quantity and quality is a vital key for health and productive living.

The importance of food is also revealed in the fact that it accounts for a substantial part of a typical Nigerian household budget.

However, taking into account that there are various classes of food, such as carbohydrates, protein, fat and oil, vitamin and mineral, and all these classes of food are required in good quantity and quality to maintain a healthy living.

Currently, there is a growing census that food insecurity and poverty problem are closely related in Nigeria identified.

Three pillars, which underpin food insufficiency in Nigeria, include.

  • Food availability.
  • Food accessibility.
  • Food utilization.

This implies that a nation whose food production level is unable to satisfy these requirements is said to have the problem of food insufficiency

However, in view of the foregoing problem of food insufficiency in Nigeria.

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture in 2010  revealed that over a 53million people in Nigeria are hungry, accounting for 30% of the country’s total population, and 52% live below the poverty line.

However, it is crystal clear that Nigeria attained self-sufficiency in food production and next exporters of food to another continent/region as at `1950’s and 1960s,

Thus, the fall in the food production level has resulted in the increase in food importation in Nigeria, so as to meet up with the asses demand over the supply of such food in Nigeria.

Despite government policies and intervention to prevent this menace, the question is whether these government policies has actually achieved the intended objective.

It is in view of the foregoing that this research intended, to ascertain the major cause of this food insufficiency in Nigeria.


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