International Funding for Projects in Africa Eligibility and Application Details

– International Funding for Projects in Africa –

International funds have been released to help make the less privileged enjoy the world by alleviating poverty and providing all necessary things for them. Registrations are ongoing to benefit from these life-changing projects for Africans. Please read to the end.

International Funding for Projects in Africa

The international fund may be an open-end fund that will invest in companies located anywhere within the world outside of its investors’ country of residence.

International funds differ from global funds, which may invest in companies from any country within the world. We can also mention international funds as foreign funds.

International funds can help investors to develop their investment horizons, leading to a better potential for return. For U.S. investors, international funds can include developed, emerging, or frontier market investments during a range of asset classes.

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These funds offer varying levels of risk and return. The key takeaway is listed below;

a. International funds are open-end funds that invest in companies based outside of the country where the fund’s investors are based.

b. International funds differ from global funds, which are ready to invest in companies around the world, and within the country during which the fund’s investors are located.

c. International funds, particularly people who invest in emerging markets or other targeted areas, became increasingly popular in recent years, as investors seek diversification.

1. Greenhall Foundation- International Funding for projects in Africa

Location: UK & Overseas


These projects sustainably improve lives among the sick, the elderly, the disabled and the disadvantaged. They prefer grants to assist specific projects or items of equipment.


Open to UK registered charities with an annual income of £250,000 or less

Grant size: The typical size of grants is near £1,000 to £10,000.

Application Deadline: Opens 1 September (Closes when 100 applications have been received)

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2. The Cumber Family Charitable Trust

Location: UK & International


The Cumber Family Charitable Trust prefers charities working in the areas of welfare, education, medical, children’s needs, or agriculturally/conservation-focused. These projects prefer to fund longer-term projects that do not appeal to the public.


Your charity must have a base and a bank account in the UK.

Grant size: The size of this grant is up to £2,000

Application Deadline: September. You should aim to submit your application one month before the meetings which take place in March and October each year.

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3. US Department of Labor – International Funding for Projects in Africa

Location: International


This project combat forced labour and child labour in the production of Malaysian palm oil and garments. The project will achieve the following outcomes:

Outcome 1: Increased advocacy by workers and civil society to address forced labour and/or child labour in the production of Malaysian palm oil and garments.

Outcome 2: Increased worker voice in implementing a social compliance system aimed at eliminating forced labour and/or child labour in the production of Malaysian palm oil and garments

Outcome 3: Increased access to remedies for workers exploited for forced labour and/or child labour in the production of Malaysian palm oil and garments.


The following organizations are eligible to apply:

U.S. organizations; Non-profit organizations.

i. faith-based organizations

ii. community-based organizations,

iii. Public/State-Controlled Institutions of Higher Education

iv. Private Institutions of Higher Education,

• U.S. organizations; For-Profit Organizations.

• Non-U.S. organizations

• Non-US Entities.

Grant size: One grant is up to $5m.

Application Deadline: September 3rd

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4. BBC Radio 4 Appeal- International Funding for Projects in Africa

Location: UK-wide & international


The Radio 4 Appeal is a weekly 3-minute programme highlighting the work of a charity and appealing for donations to support its activities. The appeal aims to provide an opportunity for raising money and awareness to a variety of charities.


• A charity that can only have an appeal broadcast on the BBC once every three years.

• UK charities registered with the Charity Commission whose work has an impact at the UK or international level are eligible.

• You must provide two sets of audited or independently examined accounts and have up to date management accounts within a 3-month period.

• Charities members of the Disasters Emergency Committee are not eligible.

Grant size: average of £5,000 – £20,000

Application Deadline: September 6th

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5. The Brian Mercer Charitable Trust

Location: the UK or overseas


This project awards most of the trust’s funding to projects which focus on prevention and relief of human suffering caused by poverty and ill health.

Such interventions must be of proven best value or show the potential to become so. Both direct interventions (e.g., provision of medical treatment) and indirect interventions (e.g., medical or technological research) will be considered.

To avoid duplicating interventions currently funded, the Trust does not accept applications for projects addressing emergencies/disasters/refugees, eyesight or malaria.


The UK registered charities with an annual income of no greater than £700,000 may apply.

Grant Size: The total annual budget is £800,000.

Application Deadline: September 16th

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6. Michael Cornish Charitable Trust

Location: most grants are for projects based in the UK; however, the Trust also funds charities that work overseas.

Michael Cornish Charitable Trust focus areas include Children & Young People; People with disabilities; Economic & Community Development; Amateur Sport; Advancement of Health or Saving of Lives.


UK registered Charity Organizations may apply

Grant size: £1,000

Application deadline: September 27th, 2021 

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7. Ernest Kleinwort Grants Programme

Location: UK and International


The project involves charitable work in the County of Sussex, Wildlife & Environmental Conservation (UK and International), Reproductive Health (International) applications within this category will only be considered for family planning projects delivering in Africa and Asia, and in areas where there is clear and intended impact on the environment.

Grants will be considered for start-up costs, core costs, or for a specific project for which applicants have requested support.

This could include a contribution towards a building/refurbishment project, purchase of specialist equipment or other similar capital expenditure, or help with running costs.


NGO or Charity organisation must be registered in the UK

Grant Size: Small Grants: up to £3,001; Medium Grants: £3,001 – £10,000; Large grants: over £10,001. Large grants must be discussed with the Trust before applying.

Application Deadline: November 19th. Small grant requests can be made.

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8. The Peter Stebbings Memorial Charity

Location: London and all the developing countries.


The Focus areas for the overseas grants are Education for groups or communities who have limited access, through distance, poverty, discrimination, or exclusion.

Basic skills and tools to build local assets such as village schools, clinics, wells and sanitation;

Basic training in health care, disease prevention, and low-tech and low-cost proven solutions to endemic problems; Sanitation, irrigation, hygiene and access to clean water;

Women’s education, economic power, reproductive rights and safer childbirth and microfinance projects aimed at women; Help for marginalised communities – for instance, the Dalits in India, and pastoralists in east Africa.


The UK registered charities with annual incomes of up to £5m may apply. Large national and international charities are ineligible.

Grant Size:  £350,000 in annual grants

Application Deadline: November 30th

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9. The Beit Trust- International Funding for Projects in Africa

Location: Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi


This type of project is Focused on areas like Education, health, welfare and/or the environment. Assistance with education is rarely given below secondary school level.

Applications must prove sustainability, public benefit, cost-effectiveness, and a serious commitment to the specific focus areas.


Government organisations and start-ups are rarely funded.

Grant Size: up to £50,000.

Application Deadline: November  30th for June meeting and 31 May for November meeting.

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10. Right Sharing of World Resources

Location: Kenya


We help with seed money and training so that a group can begin a revolving loan fund for members to take loans to begin their own small businesses. Our grants are for micro-enterprise, self-employment projects.

It is important to us that the women work together in self-help groups and use the RSWR resources to help themselves grow into independent and strong groups.


• All groups must be self-directed by the women beneficiaries themselves.

• The leadership and management must come from within the group.

• Outside coordinators can not form or manage the group.

• Groups should be less than 20 years old and have an annual budget of less than $4,000

Grant Size: Up to the US $5,500

Application Deadline: November 30th. We strongly recommend that proposals will be received by us at least a month before these deadlines.

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11. Chrysalis Trust International Funding for Projects in Africa

Location: UK & International


Chrysalis Trust is a project that helps in the Relief of poverty and disability; Provision of access to shelter, education, healthcare and water; Less popular and hard to fund activities/projects.


The Trust supports local projects in the Northeast of England, national organisations providing benefit across the UK and international charities registered in the UK.

Grant Size: up to £10,000

Application Deadline: December 12th

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12. Didymus’s Grant Program to Support Smaller Charities in UK

Location: UK, Africa, Central and South America


These Projects are focused on one of five goals: encourage social inclusion, advance education, develop the arts, advance equality and diversity and promote religious understanding.


UK registered charities working in the project locations with an annual income of less than £2m may apply.

Grant Size: up to £5,000

Application Deadline: December 31st

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13. The Edith M Ellis 1985 Charitable Trust

Location: the UK and Developing countries


These Project helps bring about a more peaceful, just and sustainable world, embodying Quaker values through a fearless approach to social and structural innovations in policy or practice.


UK registered charities, NGOs, public bodies and social enterprises may apply.

Grant size: £1,000 – £5,000

Application Deadline: December  31st

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14. Voice Kenya Sudden Opportunity Grant

Location: Kenya


These projects work on Public civic education programmes, prioritising collaborations among organisations led by or representing marginalised communities and those bringing expertise on effective political participation and increasing civic education.

Priority is given to applications led by organisations that work on, for, and/or with the following rights holder groups;

• LGBTI people

• People with disabilities

• Women facing exploitation

• Abuse and violence

• Vulnerable elderly and young people

• Indigenous groups and ethnic minorities


The following categories are eligible to apply;

• Coalition

• Journalists

• Bloggers

• Private institutions and companies

• Network or consortia with the participation of human rights defenders

NGOs and self-interested individuals or intellectuals who identify and agree with the reimagining civic education, or jointly and collectively seek the promotion and protection of civil and political rights of voice rights holder groups.

NOTE: The lead applicant must be a locally registered Kenyan organisation, but that the action needs to be a collective one.

Grant Size: €100,000

Application Deadline: December 31st

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15. Right Sharing of World Resources

Location: India in Tamil Nadu and the districts of Chittoor, Cuddapah, Anantapur, and Nellore in Andhra Pradesh.


We help with seed money and training so that a group can begin a revolving loan fund for members to take loans to begin their own small businesses. Our grants are for micro-enterprise, self-employment projects.

It is important to us that the women work together in self-help groups and use the RSWR resources to help themselves grow into independent and strong groups.


• We strive to help newer, smaller organizations run by women.

• NGOs must be less than 20 years old and have annual budgets of less than $16,500

Grant Size: Up to US $5,500 per year, for a maximum of five years

Application Deadline: December 31st. We strongly recommend that proposals be received by us at least a month before these deadlines.

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Application Deadline: January 2022

16. The Rhododendron Trust

Location: UK & the developing world.


The Rhododendron Trust focuses on social welfare and humanitarian aid projects.


UK registered charities may apply.

Grant Size: £500 and £1,500

Application Deadline: January 2022

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17. British & Foreign Schools Society

Location: Worldwide


British & Foreign Schools Society(BFSS) supports work that improves the quality, sustainability, and access to education for young people up to the age of 25 within international marginalised and deprived communities.

BFSS currently has two priority areas, and particularly welcomes applications that focus on Re-establishing education where the provision of education has suffered from conflict or natural disaster;

Enhancing the opportunities and reducing barriers for girls to access education.


• BFSS funds small to medium-sized organisations with an annual income of between £5,000 and £2.5 million

• Organisations must have UK charitable status.

• We do not fund non-UK based organisations, Community Interest Companies (CICs) or individuals.

Grant Size: £5,000 to £60,000 per project (maximum £30,000 per year)

Application Deadline: January 24th

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18. Embassy of Japan in Uganda

Location: Uganda


This project deals with community development projects which directly benefit people at the grassroots level. Any projects geared towards grassroots help are eligible for financing.

However, preference is given to projects in the following areas: Primary/secondary education; Vocational training; Primary health care, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS; Water and sanitation; Reconstruction for disaster areas; Agricultural development.


Any non-profit organization, which has been registered with the National Board of NGOs or local governments and has a minimum of two years experience in implementing development projects at a grassroots level, and which has full-time paid staff and track record in handling at least 50% of the requested fund, is eligible to apply.

Potential recipients are international or local NGOs, community-based organizations, medical institutions, educational institutions and local authorities/governments.

Grant Size: $100,000

Application Deadline: January  31st

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19. Abilis Foundation International Funding for Projects in Africa

Location: developing countries


This type of project is for supporting people with disabilities to implement their own projects in developing countries


 Disabled People’s Organisations from developing countries

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20. African Women’s Development Fund

Location: Africa


The African Women’s Development Fund is interested in young women, women facing multiple discrimination, and approaches that include engaging in the arts, culture, sports and technology.

The fund focuses on the following themes: Body & Health Rights; Economic Security & Justice; Leadership, Participation & Peace.

The fund also awards capacity-building grants that focus on advancing organisational growth and development–for example, strategic planning, developing fundraising and communications strategies, strengthening organisational governance systems and human resources management.


• Applicants must be in the African women’s organisations, which are led by a woman and which has a majority-female staff and board.

• They must also be registered in an African country and have existed at least 3 years.

• The fund will only consider grants that are less than 50% of an organisation’s annual income

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21. The Alan & Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund

Location: sub-Saharan Africa


This project is based on education and young people’s employment and projects which promote freedom of speech or advance peace and reconciliation


All Registered charities may apply

Grant Size: £5,000 – £25,000

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22. The Alborada Trust

Location: Worldwide.

They monitor medical and veterinary causes, research and education, the welfare of animals and help with relief to disaster areas worldwide.


All registered national and international charities may apply.

Grant Size: the Trust only awards grants of £25,000 or more

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23. The Alchemy Foundation

Location: UK and Overseas


Their focus is on WASH, disability, social welfare, personal reform, medical research and aid especially in areas of blindness and disfigurement, individual enterprise and respite for careers. The Foundation can also fund the cost of fundraisers.


All registered national and international charities may apply.

Grant Size: total granting for 2018 totalled £448,925

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24. The Austin Bailey Foundation

Location: developing countries


The Austin Bailey Foundation is focused on the relief of poverty and ill-health, and the fostering of opportunities for young people in the developing world


Registered UK charities only.

Grant Size: grants for new applicants rarely exceed £400. Grants for charities known to the Trust can reach approximately £4,000.

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25. The Bottle Top Foundation

Location: current grantees are working in Brazil, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and South Africa.


This foundation helps in the alleviation of poverty schemes and grassroots education initiatives that empower young people.


Local offices or affiliates of national or international organisations cannot apply. In most cases, grantees have budgets in the £5,000–£50,000 range.

Grant Size: £3,000 and £15,000

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26. Bread for the World Partnership opportunities

Location: Countries of the Global South, as well as in Germany and across Europe.


Bread for the World works with over 2,000 partner organisations for peace,  justice and the preservation of creation.

The Partners are expected to share the funders’ underlying ethical values. Bread for the World needs to examine the organisational capacity of the partner organisations to conduct a project and the reasonability of a planned project.


• Registered organisations may apply.

• They must provide proof of registration and a copy of their statutes and a letter of recommendation that shows that actions do not take place in isolation, but that are integrated into the local development policy or church policy landscape.

Grant Size: All expenses directly related to the project can be funded.

However, Bread for the World avoids 100% funding of projects. Partner organisations must secure other sources of financing (e.g. own funds, third-party financing).

The Development Service and Humanitarian Aid Committee of Bread also assessed project proposals that exceed €200,000.

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27. Britford Bridge Trust

Location: the UK and overseas

Britford Bridge Trust is aimed at relieving poverty, education, health, arts, culture, and heritage or science.


Registered charities may apply

Grant size: £4,000 – £170,000. Most grants are for c. £10,000.

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