Life-Changing Books to Read in your 20’s and Stay Inspired Always

– Life-Changing Books to Read in your 20’s –

Your 20’s are one of the most important times of your life to build the bedrock of your success. Experience is the best teacher as they say, but several books and literature matter a lot in changing your life.

In life, various events and the things that you have been through contribute to your sailing. Today, Some authors engage in publishing inspirational and motivational companions as a guide through life’s journey.

What are Life-Changing Books?

Life-changing books are few and far between, yet they are the ones that transform your heart, mind, and way of life. The ability of fiction and nonfiction to alter and transform our lives is undeniable.

Here are a few examples of people who have done precisely that. If you’re a voracious reader, you’ve probably come across books that have altered your life.

The literature you put into in your memory determines your moves and ideas about life. The life-changing books you read in your 20’s affects you positively or negatively.

Why your 20’s is an Important Era in your Life

This part of what you are reading would take us through some reasons why our 20’s is the most important times in our life.

Some Older scholars/doctors have coined this down to a better understanding. They have made different analysis and given several reasons and instances why your 20’s is essential.

Dr. Meg Jay’s analysis is the most included in this part.

The best and worst aspect about being a twenty-something is that every decision you make can affect the rest of your life. Once you’re in your 30’s or 40’s, it gets tougher and harder to reinvent yourself.

In this Q&A with Dr. Meg Jay, the clinical psychologist discusses why the twenties matter, and how to make the most of them. — Megan Erickson, Ed.

Still Wondering Why are your 20s so Important?

Dr Meg Jay: Our 20s are the defining decade of maturity. 80 percent of life’s most defining experiences take occurred by approximately age 35. 2/3 of lifetime income increase comes within the first ten years of a career.

Moreover, half of Americans are married or are dating or living with their future partner by age 30. Personality might change more throughout our 20s than at any other decade in life. Female fertility peaks at 28.

The brain caps off its last major growth surge. When it comes to adult growth, 30 is not the new 20. Even if you do nothing, not making choices is a decision all the same. Don’t be characterized by what you didn’t know or didn’t do.

BT: You write about numerous examples of new grads who believe they’re drowning or flailing around in the world waiting for anything to happen. Has it always been this hard to flourish in early adulthood?

MJ: No. There are 50 million 20somethings in the United States. Most of them are living with a stunning, unparalleled uncertainty.

Many no clue what they will be doing, where they will be living, or who they will be with in 2 or 10 years. They don’t know when they’ll be joyful or when they will pay their expenses.

They ponder if they should be photographers or attorneys or event planners. They don’t know if they are a few dates or several years from a genuine relationship.

They worry about whether they will have kids or whether their marriages will endure. Most simply, they don’t know whether their lives will work out and they don’t know what to do.

Uncertainty makes people uneasy and diversion is the 21st-Century opiate of the masses. So too many 20somethings are tempted, and even pushed, to just turn away and hope for the best. That’s not the way to go.

BT: One of the primary themes in the book is the boundary between thinking and action.

You say that it’s more essential to just accomplish something than to squander years dreaming out the right path.

How can 20-somethings to put this notion into action?

MJ: One of my favorite statements is by American Psychologist Sheldon Kopp: “The unlived existence isn’t worth examining.” Too many 20somethings have been taught to believe that their 20s are for thinking about what they want to accomplish and their 30s are for getting began on real life.

But there is a significant difference between having a life in your 30s and starting a life in your 30s. Even Erik Erikson, the originator of the identity crisis, cautioned that young adults who spent too much time in “disengaged confusion” were “in risk of becoming irrelevant.”

If you want to be more purposeful at work and in love, consider working in an area you’re curious about. Try dating someone who is different from that last person who turned out to be a disaster, and try conducting yourself a bit differently while you’re at it.

Sure the 20s are for experimenting, but not just with ideologies and trips and drugs. The 20s are your finest time to explore with careers and relationships.

Then each step may be more purposeful and more educated than the last.

BT: How do you propose they measure their progress toward their future goals? Are milestones like 21 and 30 important?

MJ: Absolutely. Milestones–21, 25, 30, New Year’s, birthdays, reunions–are significant because they prompt self-reflection. Am I where I hoped to be by this age? Did I do what I stated I would do this year? If not, why not.

And if not now, when? A knowledgeable 20something who interviewed me recently told me about a question she was encouraged to ask herself as she progressed through adulthood: “If you keep living your life exactly as it is, where will you be in 3 years?” If you don’t like the answer, now is the time to alter direction.

One approach to keep oneself honest about the future is by establishing a timeline. At what age would I wish to get out of this dead-end job? By when do I plan to get married?

How old do I want to be when I try for my first child? How old do I want to be when I try for that last child? It may not be cool to have a timeline, or to acknowledge to having a timeline, but you don’t have to chisel it in stone. It’s just a method of thinking about how your life could, or might not, be adding up.

Besides, do you know what’s not cool? Sitting across from the 30somethings who cry in my office every week because they’ve ran out of time to have the jobs and the families they now know they desire. They look at me and remark about their 20s, “What was I doing? What was I thinking?”

BT: About 25 percent of new grads are unemployed, and 25 percent are underemployed. What is your advise for individuals who just can’t find a job?

MJ: Yes, half of 20somethings are un- or underemployed. But half aren’t, so my first bit of advise is to find out how to get yourself into that group. Most commonly, the technique to achieve this is through what is called “the strength of weak ties.”

The strength of weak links originates from sociologist Mark Granovetter’s work on social networks. What he observed was that fresh knowledge and possibilities generally come from outside of our close group.

That foot-in-the-door at the company where you want to work isn’t going to come from your best friends–your strong ties–or you would already be working there.

That employment lead is going to come from weak relationships, perhaps from individuals you scarcely know. Email your aunt’s neighbor or that old professor or your roommate’s acquaintance from college.

That’s how people are getting jobs–especially excellent jobs–even in a challenging economy. Most 20somethings dislike the concept of asking outsiders for favors, yet those who won’t do this lag behind those who will.

20somethings who remain on the sidelines because of a terrible economy will never catch up with those who figured out how to get in the game.

For those 20somethings who already have jobs but who are underemployed, it is essential to realize that not all underemployment is the same.

Be sure you have a job that is allowing you to earn some sort of identity capital. Maybe you have a low-rung position at a hot business that adds value to your CV.

Maybe you’re ringing up health food so you can dedicate your mental energies to preparing for the LSAT at night. Whatever you’re doing should make the next thing you’d like to attempt to appear more attainable.

BT: How can 20somethings recover their status as adults with all the societal forces pushing against them?

MJ: Don’t let society belittle your life and job and relationships. Don’t hang out solely with folks who are sipping the 30-is-the-new-20 kool-aid.

I cannot tell you how many emails I have received from 30somethings since The Defining Decade came out, ones in which the writer says something like, “I used to roll my eyes at my peers who were determined to meet benchmarks–graduate school, real relationships, decent-paying jobs that reflect their interests–on time or early.

Now I’m envious and appreciative of them. Now I’m working twice as hard for half the result.” Don’t shrug your shoulders and remark, “I’m in my 20s. What I’m doing doesn’t count.”

Recognize that what you do, and what you don’t do, will have a tremendous influence spanning years and perhaps generations. You’re determining your life right now.

BT: As a professional psychologist, what advise do you have for coping with feelings like worry which unavoidably occur during times of economic uncertainty?

MJ: Given that life and the brain change so much during our 20s, now is the best moment to acquire new coping skills. It’s not good to go to work with scars on your arms from cutting, it’s not normal to yell at pals when things go wrong, and live-in girlfriends become bored of seeing us stoned every night.

These are the years to learn to calm yourself down. Gain some control over your emotions. Sure, there’s Xanax, which a recent conference presenter I heard only half-jokingly termed “Jack Daniels in a Pill.”

But practice soothing practices that can help over the long run: exercise, counseling, mindfulness, yoga, cognitive meditation, deep breathing, healthy distraction, dialectical behavior therapy.

Use your reasonable thinking to fight the fearful and catastrophic ideas you have: “I probably won’t get fired because I dropped one phone call.” Try to build your own certainty by making good choices and commitments that off-set the turmoil in the world around.

BT: We enjoyed this quote: “Claiming a career and securing a decent job isn’t the end, it’s the beginning.” Can you clarify this a bit?

MJ: Most 20somethings are scared of being pinned down. They’re worried that if they select a career or a job, they are cutting off their other possibilities and somehow their freedom will be gone and their life will be finished. In reality, finding a good job is the beginning.

It’s the beginning of not disliking that question, “What do you do?” It’s the beginning of having something on your CV that could help you get that next job you desire even more. It’s the beginning of not overdrawing your bank account because of a flat tire.

It’s the beginning of feeling like you could genuinely consider about dating since your time isn’t eaten up with those three part-time jobs you have in order to avoid a “real job.”

Research suggests that getting began in the job world is the beginning of feeling happier, more confident, competent, and emotionally secure in adulthood.


BT: Can you describe any of the current neurological studies, and how that affected your writing?

MJ: By now virtually everyone has heard that the teen brain is not fully formed and that the frontal lobe–the area of the brain where we plan for the future and face problems that don’t have black-and-white answers–does not reach full “maturity” until sometime during our 20s.

Unfortunately, this information about the late-maturing frontal lobe has been taken as a mandate for 20somethings to wait around for their brains to grow up.

The actual take-home lesson regarding the still-developing 20-something brain is that whatever it is you want to change about yourself, now is the simplest moment to alter it.

BT: Is your 20-something career, or pastime, making you smarter? Are your 20something relationships enhancing your personality or are they repeating old patterns and teaching negative habits?

MJ: What you do every day is wiring you to be the adult you will be. That’s one reason I adore working with 20somethings: They are so damned simple to assist because they–and their brains and their lives–can change so rapidly and so dramatically.

It is important for us to change our lives from a bad one to a good one. After knowing some life-changing books to read in your 20’s in this article, your life might never remain the same.

Many of us have heard the expression “30 is the new 20,” but is it true? Unlike our parents’ generation, our twenties are no longer a time to achieve adult milestones such as finding a dream job, acquiring a mortgage, getting married, having children, and so on. Our twenties now have a different meaning.

Life has become far too expensive and competitive for us to accomplish all our parents did when we were our age.

As a result, we begin to postpone reaching these adult milestones into our thirties. Instead, our twenties have become a period where we ease into adulthood, doing jobs we don’t really enjoy, living in apartments we can’t afford, hooking up with guys until we find the perfect one, and simply trying to sort it all out.

As a twenty-something, life is undoubtedly perplexing, but we have a decade to sort it out, right?

Wrong. Dr. Meg Jay, a clinical psychologist who specializes in young adults, believes that our twenties are the most crucial years of our life.

So What Exactly Makes Our 20’s So Principal?

Here are more facts about why Life-Changing Books to Read in your 20’s are important

1. The brain changes the most in the twenties than in any other decade of adulthood.

2. The acts you do or don’t take have a direct influence on the person you become.

3. Between the ages of 20 and 30, the personality changes more than it does throughout childhood.

4. Uncertainty causes sadness, tension and anxiety peak in the 20s.

5. The executive functioning region of the brain termed the frontal lobe develops most in this decade. The frontal lobe regulates thinking, organizing, problem-solving, emotional and behavioural tendencies.

Stop Making Comparisons to Others

With social media at our fingertips, we often utilize social comparison to solve problems. The problem is that we only compare ourselves to those who we believe are doing better than ourselves, which fosters envy and self-loathing.

Set Objectives

Set attainable objectives for yourself and stick to them.


Weak relationships have strength, so don’t be scared to put yourself out there and establish some connections.

Date For Romance

Date someone you like and can picture yourself spending time with in the future.


You don’t have to have it all figured out by 30, but the more you can find out about yourself, your life, and your work, the less you’ll have to figure out later on.

Brain Conditioning

Make routines, exercise self-discipline, and push yourself to achieve things you never thought possible.

Remember that you are not trapped.

If your current employment is making you miserable, you should quit. Nothing is permanent in this decade, which is intended to be a period of self-development.

Motivational Life-Changing Books to Read in your 20’s

Read through this to see various life-changing books needed to be read in your 20’s

1. Zero to One by Peter Thiel

“What essential truth do very few people agree with you on?” This is the question at the core of Zero To One, a short, compelling book about deliberate creation, believing in your own vision no matter how controversial, and producing something out of nothing. Zero to One is one of the life-changing Books to Read in your 20’s.

Although it’s mostly about establishing companies, the teachings are extremely general. (PS – If you’ve never heard of Peter Thiel, he’s a renowned entrepreneur and investor who co-founded PayPal, invested early in Facebook, and more.)

2. Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr Good Enough

Although primarily geared towards cis-hetero women, people of all genders and sexual orientations who want a serious, long-term commitment eventually might benefit from reading Marry Him. Don’t let the humorous and provocative title mislead you.

If you’ve predicated relationships on criteria that may not matter long-term, lost perspective or swiped left on the right person for all the wrong reasons, read this book.

Psychologist Lori Gottlieb is full of huge truth bombs about getting out of your own way with finding genuine love and your own, authentic happily ever after.

3. Between The World And Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

“You are developing into consciousness, and my desire for you is that you feel no need to limit yourself to make other people comfortable.”

How do you survive in a world that does not recognize you as an equal human based on your identity? This is the question at the center of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between The World And Me.

Written as a letter from a father to his son, it examines the unique difficulties of being black in the United States, but also offers ideas on being “a conscious citizen of this dreadful and wonderful planet” that would universally resonate with everyone who lives in the world today. 

4. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. S. and William D.

Unlike the flashy, consumerist image of the billionaire presented in media, the bulk of high net worth persons tend to be self-made, have regular employment and live modest lives.

This practical and fascinating motivational among the life-changing books to read in your 20’s analyzes how these people build and develop their money, and offers essential lessons in personal finance.

5. Goals! by Brian Tracy

If you know what you want, but struggle to get there, Goals! is #goals when it comes to goal-setting and goal-achieving.

It reduces the process down to a system that anybody can utilize to attain any aim, no matter how small or huge. This is a very good motivational journal falling among the life-changing books to read in your 20’s.

6. How Not To Die by Michael Greger

Eating is something we do every day, and excellent nutrition may help us reverse disease, defy our genes and get healthy.

This book presents scientifically proven nutrition recommendations to avoid the most prevalent diseases (including heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes) and helps you make small dietary adjustments towards exponentially greater health.

7. Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

First published in 1937, this popular book offers ideas that stay true to this day.

For decades, Napoleon Hill interviewed some of the wealthiest, most successful people on how they earned their wealth and well-being.

Based on this, he established practical principles for self-improvement and success.

8. The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

This bestseller book (now a hit Netflix program) by Japanese organising consultant Marie Kondo is about envisioning your perfect, uniquely individualized lifestyle and then eliminating everything that doesn’t fit it.

Although it’s largely about decluttering, keeping just that which “sparks pleasure” in your environment utilizing the KonMari technique has major repercussions for the rest of your life too.

Taking charge of their environment has helped Marie Kondo’s customers become more themselves in various ways including becoming healthy, leaving abusive relationships, establishing their own companies, and more.

9. Adulting by Kelly Williams Brown

This is a funny how-to-be-an-adult handbook for those who still feel, well, not-grown-up-enough.

From setting up a cosy house to breaking up with frenemies to avoiding frequent, foolish blunders, this book covers it all in a sympathetic tone. Adulting is one of the life-changing Books to Read in your 20’s

10. The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

Most people function with only three degrees of activity – no action, retreat, or regular action. But to accomplish huge goals rapidly you need to take the fourth degree of action — “massive action” also known as the 10x rule.

Narrated in a very no-bullshit tone, The 10x Rule will help you break out of lethargy, take chances, acquire momentum, and demolish your goals.

11. Quiet by Susan Cain

One third to half of the individuals are introverts – they prefer less exciting surroundings, like calm concentration, listen more than they talk, and consider before they speak.

However, culture now idealises and srewards extroverts, which has led to many introverts falling into the culture of personality and masquerading as extroverts to fit in.

They lose touch with who they truly are, along with their particular talents, including attention, inventiveness, and depth. Quiet is one of the life-changing Books to Read in your 20’s

Cain thinks that big ideas and great leadership may emerge from introverts too, and advocates for individual knowledge of the virtues of introversion as well as social understanding and inclusion of individuals of all temperaments. If you’ve been labelled as sensitive, serious, timid or quiet, this book is a must-read.


12. The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene

This amoral best-selling book for people who “desire power, observe power, or wish to equip themselves against power” teaches you on power through the successful and not-so-successful methods of historical figures of the past.

Perfect for twenty-somethings or anyone who thinks they need to get out of their naïveté.

13. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In is Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s bestseller about work-life balance and the female leadership gap.

It examines structural issues that pressurise women into leaving successful careers to be homemakers, “imposter syndrome” and how female ambition is perceived differently (ambitious women are less liked;

Women face more scrutiny and are promoted basis their proven track record, while men are promoted based on their “potential”) (ambitious women are less liked;

Women face more scrutiny and are promoted basis their proven track record, while men are promoted based on their “potential”).

Backed by data and personal tales, Lean In also offers practical recommendations for people, businesses, and society to create greater chances for women to flourish in the workplace.

14. WomanCode by Alissa Vitti

There’s little study or funding devoted to women’s health, so it’s unsurprising that most women don’t even know their own biology.

WomanCode addresses this gap, helping educate and empower you about your hormones, menstrual cycle, fertility, and wellness.

You learn to control your period and any period-related problems (including PCOS, endometriosis and more), hormones and endocrine function. Vitti gives advice on reducing environmental pollutants and optimizing your nutrition to be in tune with your feminine energy and your body’s natural rhythm.

(Fun tidbit, actress Frieda Pinto rates this book as a must-read. In an interview with New York magazine, she said: “It’s no longer, ‘Oh, I’m PMSing.’ I don’t even use that phrase anymore. I just remark, ‘I’m in the luteal period.’”)

15. Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

In this book, psychiatrist Viktor E Frankl describes his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

He presents his notion of “meaning”, purpose (every patient has unique, profoundly personal reasons to be living that are related to their life purpose), having a positive attitude on life, and his theory and practice of psychoanalysis. Although written in 1946, it offers lessons about tenacity, survival, and purpose that stay true across place and time.

16. The Defining Decade by Meg Jay

Even if you had “good enough” upbringing, you’ve undoubtedly faced with major difficulties and traumas by the time you enter adulthood — parental divorce or separation, alcoholism, poverty, mental health concerns, abuse, bullying, etc. 

Narrated via personal case studies of real individuals, this book helps us recognize the impact these traumas had on us, how we dealt with what we didn’t understand, and how we may overcome today.

17. Supernormal by Meg Jay


Although primarily aimed at cis-hetero women, people of all genders and sexual orientations who want a committed, long-term partnership someday would benefit from reading Marry Him.

Don’t let the funny and provocative title fool you. If you’ve based relationships on criteria that may not matter long-term, lost perspective or swiped left on the right partner for all the wrong reasons, you have to read this book.

Psychologist Lori Gottleib is full of major truth bombs on getting out of your own way when it comes to finding true love and your own, authentic happily ever after.

18. Absalom, Absalom! by William Faulkner

Like previous Faulkner books, Absalom, Absalom! allegorizes Southern history; the title itself is a reference to the Biblical narrative of King David and Absalom, a wayward son challenging the empire his father established.

The history of Thomas Sutpen reflects the growth and decline of Southern plantation civilization. Sutpen’s failings unavoidably mirror the flaws of an idealized South. Rigidly dedicated to his “plan”, Sutpen shows unable to honor his marriage to a part-black lady, setting in motion his own demise.

Discussing Absalom, Absalom!, Faulkner noted that the curse under which the South labors is slavery, and that Thomas Sutpen’s particular curse, or fault, was his idea that he was too powerful to need to be a part of the human family.

Absalom, Absalom! juxtaposes ostensible truth, educated guessing, and blatant speculation—with the conclusion that reconstructions of the past remain irretrievable and thus creative.

Faulkner claimed that, although none of the narrators got the facts correctly as “no one individual can gaze at reality”, a truth exists that the reader may finally know it.

Most critics have sought to rebuild this truth behind the shifting narratives, or to show that such a reconstruction cannot be done with confidence or even to argue that there are factual and logical contradictions that cannot be overcome.

But some critics have stated that, fictional truth being an oxymoron, it is best to take the story as a given, and regard it on the level of myth and archetype.

A fable that allows us to glimpse the deepest levels of the unconscious and thus better understand the people who accept (and are ruled by) that myth—Southerners in general and Quentin Compson in particular.

By using various narrators expressing their interpretations, the novel alludes to the historical cultural zeitgeist of Faulkner’s South, where the past is always present and constantly in states of revision by the people who tell and retell the story over time; it thus also explores the process of myth-making and the questioning of truth.

The choice of Quentin Compson as the major perspective (though not precisely the focus) of the novel makes it something of a companion piece to Faulkner’s previous work The Sound and the Fury, which chronicles the tale of the Compson Family, with Quentin as a prominent figure.

Although the action of that novel is never directly mentioned, the Sutpen family’s battle with dynasty, collapse, and probable incest match the familial events and obsessions that push Quentin and Miss Rosa Coldfield to watch the burning of Sutpen’s Hundred.


19. Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis

Arrowsmith is one of the life-changing Books to Read in your 20’s written by Sinclair Lewis that was first published in 1925. It was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1926. (which Lewis declined).

Despite being listed as the sole author, Lewis was greatly assisted in its preparation by science writer Paul de Kruif, who received 25% of the royalties on sales.

Arrowsmith is an early major novel that deals with science culture. It was written after the Flexner Report on Medical Education in the United States and Canada: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1910, which urged medical schools in the United States to adhere to modern science in their teaching and research.

In 1931, Hollywood adapted the novel as Arrowsmith, starring Ronald Colman and Helen Hayes. It received four Academy Award nominations, including Best Adapted Screenplay.

20. Black Boy by Richard Wright

Black Boy (1945) is a memoir by American novelist Richard Wright, chronicling his background. Wright discusses his childhood in the South: Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee, and his ultimate migration to Chicago, where he develops his literary career and becomes engaged with the Communist Party.

Black Boy received tremendous recognition in the United States because of Wright’s honest and insightful representation of racism in America. While the book garnered great attention, most of the response throughout and after the publication process was very contentious.

21. Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison

Dorothy Allison’s first ever written novel was Bastard Out of Carolina. The semi-autobiographical novel, published in 1992, is set in Allison’s hometown of Greenville, South Carolina in the 1950s.

The main tension in the story is between Ruth Anne “Bone” Boatwright and her mother’s husband, Glen Waddell.
The story delves into the complexity of mother-child relationships, as well as socioeconomic, racial, and sexual issues.

In 1996, the book was turned into a film.

Hope you are motivated already. It’s good to know that your early 20’s deserve these books. Kindly share and don’t forget to comment

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