Effect of Constructivist-Based Learning Strategies on Students’ Achievement and Interest in Junior Secondary Social Studies Concepts in Nsukka Education Zone

Effect of Constructivist-Based Learning Strategies on Students’ Achievement and Interest in Junior Secondary Social Studies Concepts in Nsukka Education Zone.

Table of Contents


The high of social problems in our (such as kidnapping, examination malpractices, , etc) which in turn creating an economic mal-function and under-development of the nation which is so significant to our Nigeria,

Low academic achievement in both internal and external of junior Social Studies student and the inability of the Social Studies students to apply the knowledge acquired in school to solve real-life situations has necessitated this study.

The study, therefore, finds out the effect of constructivist-based learning strategies on students’ achievement and interest in junior secondary Social Studies concepts in the Nsukka Education Zone.

To ensure that the study achieved what it was designed for, six research questions were raised and six hypotheses were formulated and tested. Many kinds of literature were reviewed. A quasi-experimental research design was used.

The population of this study consists of all the junior secondary co-education school students (4182) of Nsukka Education Zone of Enugu State. A sample of 260 students was drawn. The instruments developed for these studies were Social Studies Achievement Test (SSAT) and Social Studies Interest Inventory (SSII).

The data obtained were analyzed using means and standard deviation to answer the research questions.
The hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance using analysis of covariate (ANCOVA). The reliability of SSAT and SSII was determined using the KR-20 reliability method.

The tests were administered twice after a week interval to determine the reliability of SSAT with the use of Pearson moment correlation and the internal consistency of SSII was ascertained using the Cronbach alpha procedure.

The result of the analyses indicated that the effect of treatment and gender was not a significant factor in students’ achievement and interest in Social Studies.


Title Page                    i
Approval Page                      ii
Dedication                                  iii
Acknowledgments iv
Table of Contents                         vii
List of Appendices                        x
List of Tables                       xi
Abstract               xiii

  • Background of Study                           1
  • Statement of the Problem                               6
  • Purpose of Study                                 8
  • Significance of Study                           9
  • Scope of Study                              10
  • Research Questions                       11
  • Hypotheses                              12


  • Conceptual framework
  • Concept of Social Studies                14
  • Concept of constructivism                   17
  • Students’ Achievement and Interest in Social Studies                   21
  • Theoretical Framework
  • Theory of Jean Piaget                     23
  • Contribution of Lev Vygotsky on Constructivism     25
  • Review of Empirical Studies
  • Studies on Constructivism, Students’ Academic Achievement,
  • Interest and Gender.                                              26
  • Summary of Literature Review                         32


  • Design of Study                         34
  • Area of Study                                                35
  • The population of the Study                                 35
  • Sample and Sampling Techniques              36
  • An instrument for Data Collection                36
  • Validation of the Instrument                   38
  • Scoring of Instrument                             38
  • Reliability of the Instrument                   39
  • Experimental Procedure                         40
  • Method of Data Collection                 42
  • Method of Data Analysis                       43


  • Research Question 1                           44
  • Research Question 2                     45
  • Research Question 3                      45
  • Research Question 4                 46
  • Research Question 5               47
  • Research Question 6                 48


  • Discussion of Findings                    55
  • Conclusions                       58
  • Educational Implications                        59
  • Recommendations                      60
  • Summary                         61
  • REFERENCES                    63
  • APPENDICES                     67


Background of Study
Social Studies is one of the compulsory subjects studied in junior secondary schools in Nigeria. Social studies can be defined as an integrated study of the Social Sciences  and humanities to promote civic competence and help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of culturally diverse,

Democratic society in an interdependent world (The National Council for Social Studies in the United States of America, 1992).

The subject according to Nwoji (2006) is a living subject that deals with the matters of the moment as preparation for now and the future. Seeing Social studies as an integrated study, its goals to the society as mentioned in the National Policy on Education of Federal Republic of Nigeria (2013) are:

The development of the individual into a sound, patriotic and effective citizen; integration of the individual into the immediate community, the Nigeria society, and the world;

the inculcation of national consciousness, value and national unity; and also the development of appropriate skills, mental, physical and social abilities and competencies to empower the individuals to live in and contribute positively to the society (p.1).

For all these goals to be achieved with the help of social studies, teachers have to be grounded effectively in the application of instructional strategies and skills in their teaching.

The effective teaching and learning of social studies content can help to achieve the above goals. The importance of Social Studies cannot be overemphasized as mentioned by Nwanyanwu (1999) as:


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