Design and Implementation of an Online Vehicle

 – Design and Implementation of an Online Vehicle –

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began over 100 years ago and the records have been essentially manual which in turn has not help to raise the efficiency of general automotive services in recent years.

Today, computer has been discovered as a very efficient instrument, which has played a very significant role in adequate management of information. Besides, it has played more roles in country.

However, computerization has helped in many areas of life and due to vehicle owners, the thought of becomes of great important in order to wipe out the manual data processing system from which many problem have originated.

The problems, which have engulfed the , are extensively discussed in this project together with the new method that was innovated.

This work is conducted towards the computerization of the various problems in processing data in order to identify the various problems that are been encountered in the .

This theory also compares the existing system with the new system, which is exact, and a faster way of processing data and the when they are registering their vehicles.


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