Tired of Trying Friendship Quotes

Friendship is one of the most beautiful gifts of the universe to men. However, as beautiful as friendship is, it must be handled with care. You will become tired of trying friendships after several attempts of making things work with people who are supposed to be your friend but end up making life frustrating for you.

When you’re in this situation, the solution is not to just give up and walk away; neither is it to stay and keep trying. You must learn when to stay and fight for the friendship and when to let it go, but it all boils down to using wisdom in such situations.

These beautifully crafted tired of trying friendship quotes will give you varieties of options to choose from on how to handle your issues with friendship.

Life is beautiful when you have friends who love you and cherish you. However, not everyone is worthy of being your friend. If you are tired of trying friendship again because of a few failed attempts, don’t give up, there is still someone out there that will love you and care for you as a true friend.

1. If you’re tired of trying friendships, try making them acquaintances. Not everyone deserves to be a friend.

2. When you’re tired of trying friendship, try admiration. It’s more sustaining in the long run.

3. When you’re tired of trying to be friends with others, try being yourself. You shouldn’t lose yourself because of others.

4. When you’re tired of trying friendships, the best thing to do is stop.

5. If you’re tired of friendship, try again, try harder, and do it for the love of it.

6. Friendship is a choice. The moment we realize we’ve made a choice, we need to work hard in trying to keep it. Don’t be tired.

7. You don’t have to be friends with everyone to be a friend, especially when you’ve tried to make the friendship work. Just make some space for people who matter.

8. When you’re tired of trying friendship, stop trying. Settle for it.

9. If you’re tired of trying to make friends, let it go. Friendship is not something you should force; it’s a choice.

10. When you’re tired of trying to be friends with someone, don’t stop. Keep trying until it works.

11. When you’re tired of trying to make friends, try being yourself. Real friends will like you the way you are.

12. When you’re tired of trying friendship, leave it. The universe will bring you a perfect friend.

13. When it’s time to pursue your dreams, stop trying to make a friend. The right friends will come through.

14. When you feel like giving up on your friendship, just remember that friendship is tested by adversity as gold is tried in a furnace.

15. When you’re tired of friendship, try a little more because what you end up getting is a little bit more than friendship.

16. Sometimes, it takes a little effort to make a new friend, but it’s worth the effort. Don’t be tired of trying. It’s one of the pros to pay.

17. Friends are like diamonds–you don’t ever want to be without them, but they’re not forever. Work in trying to keep them, don’t be tired.

18. Life is too short to have crappy friends. If they’re not giving you the same energy, let them go, and stop trying to keep friends that won’t work.

19. You don’t stop your best friend from doing what makes them happy. If you’re tired of trying friendship, let it be. If it’s for you, it will work.

20. Sometimes, you’re best off standing still and letting things happen naturally. Sometimes, you need to stop trying to make a friendship work. Let it be.

21. When you’re tired of trying friendship, try love. Love never fails.

22. If you’re tired of trying friendship, try compassion. People are going through a lot. Let them feel your care.

23. When you’re tired of trying to be friends, try being your own best friend first.

24. Friendship is like a project, it’s not always easy, but on the other hand, it’s a beautiful thing. If you want friendship to work, don’t stop working on it.

25. No matter how tired you are of trying, there’s always hope. Don’t be tired of friendship; it always works.

26. When life is about not giving up, you always have friends. Don’t be tired of trying friendship, you can’t do without it.

27. What you get out of the friendship is what you put into it. Try to make it work, and you’d enjoy the fullness of friendship.

28. No matter how much you try, you can’t make every friendship work. But that doesn’t mean it’s time to give up.

29. Sometimes, best friends are the ones who remind you that you’re still alive. So don’t get tired of trying to make the friendship work. You would need that friend.

30. Friendship is like a bicycle. If you have to fix it every day, you’re not going anywhere. When you’re always trying to make it work, maybe it wasn’t meant to be.

31. When you are tired of trying friendship, try respect. Everyone loves to be respected.

32. When you’re tired of trying, stop trying and start doing. Friendship is built with love and commitment.

33. We all need a little help in the friendship department. When you’re tired of trying friendships, take a break, and talk to your friend.

34. You cannot enjoy love unless you love yourself first. When you’re tired of trying friendship, befriend yourself first.

35. An exhausted body is not a friendly body. If you’re tired, then let it be. Don’t force friendship. If it’s not working, let it go.

36. You should always keep your options open, but when you’re tired of trying to make friends, keep in mind that it’s not a failure if you don’t.

37. You’ve got to get up, go out and do the things you like. When you’re tired of trying friendships with others, be friends with yourself.

38. Friendship is one of the greatest gifts in life. Don’t get tired of trying to make it work. It’s always worth it in the end.

39. When you give up on trying to find best friends and simply be the best friend to yourself, your life will make more sense.

40. Be your friend. It’s better to be alone than to keep trying to be with someone who doesn’t want you.

41. We all have days when we are tired of trying to keep the friendship going. The key is remembering why you started in the first place.

42. Friendship isn’t something that should be taken for granted and a little effort goes a long way! Don’t get tired trying to make it work. It’s the best gift to man.

43. Sometimes, the simplest things are the ones that matter most. You will always find happiness in friendship, and you should never get tired of love.

44. Life is too short to waste on attempts at a friendship that doesn’t work out. You’re better off doing your own thing than trying to make a failed friendship work.

45. When you’re trying friendship that isn’t working, try an awesome treat that’ll make everyone happy.

46. When you’re tired of a friendship that isn’t working, it’s time to end it. It’s nothing personal.

47. When you’re tired of trying, but nothing seems to work out, it’s time to move on.

48. When you’re tired of trying to be friends with someone, it’s time to say goodbye.

49. If a friendship isn’t working for you anymore, it’s time to move on. Don’t force it.

50. If you’re tired of being friends or trying to fix a friendship that isn’t working, do yourself a favour and leave it. You deserve better.

Now that you gotten to the end of this collection of tired of trying friendship quotes, you can see that having good friendship mostly depends on the effort both parties put into the friendship and the fact that one could be tired of friendship if it is not both persons trying to put efforts into it. So, if you find the above quotes helpful, please keep on sharing with your loved ones who are tired of trying friendships and do not hesitate to leave comments below in the comment section provided below.

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