Graffiti Quotes About Life – Motivation and Love

Graffiti is visual art painted, sprayed or marked on an outdoor surface. To be a graffiti artist is to be an uninvited guest in the city streets, always outside the law and using public places for one’s purposes. Graffiti art is often misunderstood and viewed as vandalism by bystanders. But graffiti can be so much more than that.

Many times in life, you feel lost, confused, or unsure of where your life is headed. When the going gets tough, these quotes can give you the inspiration you need to keep your head up, persevere, and change things for the better.

Graffiti art quotes about life can help you learn to find beauty in the world and make it even more interesting. Please keep reading and enjoying these clever graffiti quotes, admire them secretly, and never repress your feelings.

I have compiled a list of graffiti quotes about life to help you continue life’s journey.

Graffiti makes you think. It goes against convention but is a powerful reminder of how we are all the same even if we come from different places. Our lives are a series of moments that can be changed by each one of us. We change and grow together or we die alone.

1. Graffiti is art. It’s a reflection of life, and it speaks to the world that we live in.

2. Graffiti is a form of art that is focused on expressing how people feel about what’s going on in their lives.

3. Graffiti art is not about pictures but about life’s experiences. It is our journey through human feelings and emotions.

4. Graffiti is more than the sum of its parts. It’s about a life, a person’s experience, a memory, and how they use it to describe that momentary feeling of euphoria.

5. Graffiti isn’t just the scribble of a name on a wall. It’s a window into someone’s soul, an expression of their innermost feelings and emotions.

6. Graffiti is a way of communicating with other people without trying to convince them that you know what you’re doing. You’re not trying to show off, you’re just feeling it, there.

7. Life is like graffiti, it’s a temporary thing. Life is beautiful because it’s ephemeral. If you have something to say, say it loud and proud, but enjoy the moments while they last.

8. For every man, there is a wall on which they have etched their name and where they have posted their memories, dreams and hopes.

9. Graffiti is an art form, but it can also be a way to express yourself and bring people together. It’s a way to put your own story into the world!

10. Graffiti is the universal language of art. It’s a way of saying, “I’m here, I’m alive and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

11. Graffiti art is not just tagging, which is making your mark in public space. It’s also a way to get your message across to the world because of the way it’s presented through colour and movement.

12. Sometimes it’s hard to see the beauty in your own life just like graffiti, but if you look carefully enough, there’s always something extraordinary to appreciate.

13. Graffiti is a way of life, an art form and a language. It is a reflection of the artist’s life, their frustrations and the world they live in.

14. Graffiti is a window into the world, into the soul. It’s life at your fingertips, without hesitation or apology.

15. Life’s a journey with twists and turns. Just like graffiti, you need to evolve to stay on top.

16. Life is a journey that combines experiences. Just as graffiti artists must adapt to the needs of their audience, we, too, must expand and grow.

17. Like graffiti, the best way to keep your style fresh is to reinvent, even if it means crossing out the letters you once loved most.

18. Life is a graffiti wall. Every day, you get to come back and add your text. Finish the sentences, fill in the blanks, and make something beautiful out of what could be ordinary and boring.

19. When you’re buried in the middle of a rough situation, it’s hard to find ways to express yourself. Graffiti is like therapy, a way to let out some of the negative things that bother you.

20. There’s more to life than what you see. Your images are about more than just paint on a wall, they touch people’s hearts.

21. Graffiti is all about possibilities. It’s a way of giving our inner selves permission to come out and play, to express the deepest parts of who we are and what we want to say.

22. It’s a bit like graffiti, a reminder that you are important and beautiful, not just because of your looks, but because of who you are.

23. You can’t put a price on the power of words. Words are powerful, but they’re also ephemeral. That’s what makes graffiti so beautiful, the fact that every piece represents a moment in time.

24. Life is like a piece of amazing graffiti. Paint it, love it, and watch it evolve.

25. As graffiti, life is simple, but it’s not easy. Simple things are often the most difficult to do.

26. Graffiti is a constant reminder that you’re always living in the present. It’s a reminder to accept yourself and all of your flaws as an element of who you are.

27. Graffiti is a constant reminder that life is always in motion. It’s a reminder that you can evolve, maintain your roots, and be yourself.

28. We don’t create graffiti to be cool or edgy, we do it because no one else is doing it. Because we’re not afraid of living life differently.

29. Life is like graffiti. Everything you do will be covered up, but the words remain.

30. You aren’t happy because you’re not focused on the right things. Life is a graffiti wall, and you can only change it by writing something new.

31. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Every time you fall, you can pick yourself up and write something new. The world is your graffiti wall, so go out there and make something of yourself!

32. Graffiti is a way of life. It’s not just about tagging, but it’s about creating something beautiful.

33. Your life is a piece of a blank canvas. Your path to success is determined by the impact you leave behind. You must make your mark to turn your life into a masterpiece.

34. Change is inevitable. You can’t stop it from happening, but you can write a new story for yourself just like graffiti.

35. Just like graffiti, you don’t have to be a painter or sculptor to create something beautiful. Paint your life in bright colours!

36. In graffiti tone: Life is like a movement. You gotta keep on moving and don’t stop even when you hit the ground.

37. Graffiti is a way of taking control of your life, it’s an act of rebellion, it’s a way to express yourself and make your mark in the world.

38. Life is graffiti. You can either cover up the words or let them bring you back to who you are.

39. Life’s a journey with twists and turns. Just like graffiti, you need to evolve to stay on top of your game.

40. Your career and style will be changing just like the cityscape. Always stay fresh to succeed in both your professional and personal life!

41. It’s all about evolution. In the same way, graffiti artists evolve their tagging style over time, you should too.

42. Life is a journey. Don’t get comfortable with your spot in the pecking order. Stay hungry and stay humble, no matter how far you’ve come.

43. Just like graffiti, never stop evolving. Never stop growing. Never stop learning new things, even if it’s hard.

44. Just like graffiti art, keep your eyes focused on the road ahead and don’t let anyone stop you from achieving your goals. Don’t forget to evolve and stay on top of the game!

45. Life is like graffiti. You need to live it as if there’s no tomorrow, which might be true, but the most important thing is to enjoy it.

46. Life is like graffiti, you cannot stop it, but you can change your attitude and let it bring more happiness to your life.

47. Life is graffiti. Filled with the pain, triumphs, and relationships that make it beautiful.

48. Life is a graffiti wall that you’ve got to paint with the right colours.

49. Life is a graffiti wall and I’m writing my name over and over again. With each stroke of my brush, I become a bit bold, adding one word at a time until the whole thing is covered in my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

50. Life is like a paintbrush. You can either make it bright and colourful or muted and grey. Choose the colours that fit your mood, weather and season.

51. Life is like graffiti. It’s temporary and can be easily erased, but it’s also beautiful.

52. Life may not last long just like graffiti, but it is still beautiful. So live life to its fullest while you can.

53. Life is graffiti. It’s on the walls, the benches and the tables, it’s all around us. And what you do with it is up to you.

54. Life is like a graffiti wall. You have to keep tagging it to make it look pretty.

55. Life is a canvas and you have to keep adding to it, or it will become blank.

56. Life is a graffiti wall. There is no beginning or end. Just a bunch of tags, some good and some bad.

57. Life is like graffiti. It’s a bunch of experiences and lessons that you learn from on the way. No one can tell you how to live your life; you write your own story.

58. Life’s a journey with twists and turns. Just like graffiti, you need to evolve to stay on top.

59. Life is a journey that combines experiences. Just as graffiti artists must adapt to the needs of their audience, we too must expand and grow.

60. Like graffiti, the best way to keep your style fresh is to reinvent, even if it means crossing out the letters you once loved most.

61. Life is a graffiti wall. Every day, you get to come back and add your text. Finish the sentences, fill in the blanks, and make something beautiful out of what could be ordinary and boring.

62. You aren’t happy because you’re not focused on the right things. Life is a graffiti wall, and you can only change it by writing something new.

63. Change is inevitable. You can’t stop it from happening, but you can write a new story for yourself just like graffiti.

64. Just like graffiti, you don’t have to be a painter or sculptor to create something beautiful. Paint your life in bright colours!

65. Life is like a work of art. Just you and your paints; the harder you work, the more creative you become.

66. Life is a graffiti wall. There’s only so much space to paint a name or a symbol, but there’s no limit to what can be written on that wall. Please think of the possibilities, and then make them your own.

67. Your life is a canvas. The greats have painted all over it in the form of stories. If we want to write anything new, we must reflect on what has been written. Learn from the past but always be open to new ideas.

68. Life is an art piece that can’t be created in a day. You have to earn it back by making wise decisions and taking risks.

69. Life is like graffiti, you cannot stop it, but you can change your attitude and let it bring more happiness to your life.

70. Life is graffiti. But it’s not just anyone that can finish the work. It requires someone who can not just tag, but express themselves as well.

71. Life is a painting, you can paint it any way you want but if you do not like the picture you are living in, then paint over it.

72. Life is like a graffiti wall. Don’t be afraid to write on it, add your colour and create your own story.

73. Life is a lot like graffiti. It is a permanent work of art that will last forever and can never be changed.

74. Life is like graffiti, you do it when you can and live with the consequences.

75. Life is a graffiti wall. It’s a work in progress. Graffiti is the written language of your heart, and you can write on it whatever you want: love, pain, friendship or hate.

76. Life is a graffiti wall; it’s a work in progress. There’s always something to be written.

77. Life is like a wall that anyone can tag. It’s a work in progress.

78. Graffiti is a reflection of our need to express ourselves, the world around us and our inner world. It’s a way to make sense of something that seems very senseless.

79. Graffiti is the best form of self-expression. There is no right or wrong, it is just the easiest way to speak your mind.

80. Graffiti art is the voice of the people. It’s a way to touch life, express yourself and make a difference in the world.

81. Graffiti is a statement of life. It’s a way to say ‘I’m here and I want to be seen.

82. Life is a graffiti wall. So write your name in the world, and create something beautiful, meaningful, and pretty.

83. Who said that graffiti is only good for tagging? Graffiti is also a great way to express your feelings and emotions.

84. Life is full of graffiti. Just when you think someone has covered your walls, they add a new piece of their own.

85. With graffiti art, there’s something uniquely radiant about the energy of each space it’s applied to.

86. Life is a canvas, paint it black. Explore the world in your way and never stop being creative.

87. Graffiti is the language of the streets, but not everyone can speak it. If you don’t know how to read it, then you’ll miss the message.

88. Graffiti is a beautiful thing, it’s the true art of dreamers who leave their mark on the world.

89. There is nothing more beautiful than graffiti art that speaks of life and the feeling of being alive.

90. Inspiration is like graffiti. It’s something you can write on the world, but it’s up to you whether to keep it or wash it off.

91. Life is like graffiti art. It either becomes something beautiful or just a bunch of letters on a wall.

92. Life is a graffiti wall that you’ll never be able to erase. You can only make it more colourful.

93. Graffiti art is an ongoing dialogue with the world. It offers a direct response to our ever-changing society, resulting in a phenomenon that transcends time and space.

94. Graffiti art is a statement about our world, but it’s also a snapshot of the state of the soul.

95. Graffiti is a visual record of life, the way we move through space and time. It’s a reflection of our culture and history.

96. Graffiti is a visual record of life. It reflects our culture and history.

97. Graffiti is a form of visual communication that communicates stories and messages to its viewers.

98. Graffiti is the art of the people. It’s a culture, a movement and a way of expressing ourselves in public spaces. Graffiti is what keeps us going.

99. Graffiti, is a way to appear in a place without having to ask. It’s like a form of protest without being political at all.

100. Graffiti is more than just a medium. It’s a form of self-expression, an outlet for creativity, and a way to leave your mark on the world.

101. Graffiti is an art form of self-expression that creates a dialogue with the viewer.

102. Graffiti is a form of self-expression where you can convey your thoughts, feelings and ideas on various surfaces.

103. Life is not a series of perfect moments. It’s a series of imperfect ones that you learn to live with.

104. Graffiti art is for the brave, for those that are ready to step out of their comfort zone and make something happen.

These are the best piece of graffiti art quotes about life. It is an extremely powerful message about living your life in the most profitable and fulfilling way possible. And it’s certainly worth considering.

We hope these will create a more positive frame of reference for you to give you a little inspiration and strength to handle any challenges that might come your way. We encourage you to speak about this blog should the opportunity arise and hope that you will share your thoughts on graffiti quotes about life as well in the comment box below.

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