How Do You Know if a Job Will Hire You?

It is one thing to apply for a job and attend an interview. But it is totally another thing for you to know if a job will hire you. Well, there are many reliable ways to know.

How do you know if a job will hire you? It can be difficult to tell from your interview performance whether you stand a good chance of being hired.

But there are cases when your interview performance alone will not determine your fate while job hunting.

This means that other factors can come to play in the decision of your prospective employer. 

How Do You Know If a Job Will Hire You?

So, if you recently applied for a job, here are some of the unnoticeable though reliable signs you will have to watch out for to know if a job will hire you.

You will notice that the interviewer will:

1. Request to Speak with Your Reference

Your qualifications and working experience may be so impressive that an interviewer will ask to speak to one or even two of your referees or former employers just to be sure of you.

That can only mean one thing if this happens: you are getting the job!

2. Compliment Your Delivery

It is rare in a job interview situation to hear an interviewer compliment you on a point you made while answering a question or on .

If this ever happens, luckily, your chances to land the job are high.

3. Engage You Longer than Scheduled

Generally speaking, a lengthy interview indicates a high level of interest. 

But if the conversation is getting too long, you might interrupt and say that you have time to say more but that you also want to be considerate of their time.

4. Discuss Salary Forecast

“How much will you want to be paid?” the interviewer might ask you. If such a question is thrown at you, then know that you stand a chance of winning the job offer. 

5. Use “When” Not “If” in Discussions

When “when” replaces “if” more than usual in the speech of your interviewer, watch out for a job offer.

You will hear the interviewer make expressions like “when we employ you, how much will you want to be paid as salary?” 

6. Ask You About Other Job Offers You Have

If the interviewer inquires about your potential future employment, the interviewer wants to know how enthusiastic you are about working for their firm.

They also want to know what your chances are of accepting the position they are bound to offer you.

This is one of the best indications that you will be hired after the interview because they would not care about your conversations with other employers if they didn’t want to hire you.

7. Shake Your Hands Firmly

Finally, to crown the interview session, the interviewer(s) gives you a firm handshake or warm embrace.

There you have it. A job offer will be sent to your email before you know it.

How Do You Know If You Won’t Get Hired?

You will know that you won’t get hired if your interviewer does not do either of the following:

  • Guarantee you of a future encounter or interview,
  • Call you often by name during discussions,
  • Invite you to connect with them on Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, or any ,
  • Send an instant reply to your “Thank you” email,
  • Take you on a tour around the company’s premises, and
  • Initiate with you.

With all these signs, the question of how you know a job will hire you is answered.

Hopefully, this content has helped you know if a job will hire you. So, like and share the tips with your family and friends.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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