Take Your Time to Heal Quotes

Sometimes, we suffer losses. Unfortunately, in life, it’s just normal. Losing a loved one or suffering from heartbreak or sickness is painful and terrible to go through, but healing is a necessary part of recovering. People go through a lot of pain, and it often takes them a long time to become whole again. The healing process is long and hard, but it is possible to heal.

It can take time to really heal and process a significant loss, heartbreak or pain. It is important to be gentle with ourselves throughout the healing journey and allow ourselves the time and space we may need. The healing process contains unique challenges for anyone who faces it. Not only must we learn how to survive our loss, but we must also strive to come from a place of deeper wisdom and compassion.

Sometimes, we think we need to keep going no matter what, even if we are sad and grieving, but we must not neglect the fact that it is okay to take our time to heal. There is no such thing as a quick fix. Instead, we should take a moment or more for self-care and take our time during the healing process.

It is important to pace ourselves because if we rush and force things, we could end up doing more damage than good to ourselves. We all need to time heal, and that is why I have gathered this beautiful collection of take your time to heal quotes below. Feel free to go through and use as many as you like

Take your time to heal. Allow yourself the space you need to grow. Surround yourself with beautiful and empathetic people who will keep your heart warm and make you feel safe. Don’t rush into things when you feel weak and down.

1. Take your time to heal, like a flower unfolding and living to see the springtime.

2. Take your time to heal, but while you’re at it, take your time feeling better.

3. Time heals all wounds, but not all wounds heal at the same rate. Take your time to heal, but don’t take too long.

4. Take your time to heal if you want your scars to disappear and for you to heal as much as you want.

5. Take your time to heal, and when you come out, you’ll be whole, you will be whole and free, and your pain and sorrow will be gone.

6. You can heal from difficult times. You can feel better, and you’ll ultimately fully recover.

7. You had better not rush the healing. Give it time. The bitter truth about your wounds, it’s that none is your fault. You had better not rush the healing. Give it time.

8. You had better not rush the healing, if not done carefully, things could go awry. Leave it to your self-care and do not heed my advice, but the healing will occur with time, do not rush the process.

9. Take your time to heal, and you will see that the road to health is much longer, much longer than the long walk to heaven.

10. Take your time to heal, don’t hurry, take your time. You’ll never know what you might be missing.

11. For every minute that you give, there’s a chance of healing that will come sooner or later, and then you will be fine.

12. Sometimes, you just need time to heal, and that is ok. That is normal. Take your time, and love yourself.

13. It is different to the rest of us, and it’s way too hard to cope, but take your time to heal, and you’ll find a way.

14. If you want to heal, slow down and take your time. Take your time to heal, and the scars and pain may not last for a lifetime.

15. Take your time, take your time. There is no rush. It’s a step to take, to see that the pain you felt, was the gift of time to heal.

16. It’s not impossible to heal, and I don’t only write it from my own experience, I write it from the place in me where I was once hurt – but now I’m whole.

17. Some people think that life’s just a bowl of cherries, but when they are a hundred, they’ll be dried up, so I will just take my time to heal, and so should you too.

18. Time to heal is more important than time to die. So I’ll just take my time to heal.

19. Take your time to heal and come back when you are ready. Don’t forget your scars, they are there to remind you it’s okay to heal.

20. Take your time to heal; you’ve been hurt before. But, remember, when you’re over it, you’ll be stronger, and you will know just how to feel.

21. You must take your time to heal. Some days you will feel like you will never feel better. Keep doing the best you can, while you’re healing.

22. You must take your time to heal, don’t rush it, don’t rush it. I know it’s hard, but you’re worth it. You’re worth it, so take your time to heal.

23. When the road gets bumpy and the sun gets tough, just take your time to heal, and you’ll feel better in the end.

24. Take your time to heal. You cannot heal overnight. No one does. You need to focus on what you can do today and put up with the things you should leave for tomorrow.

25. Heal, do not hurry, and do not force yourself to heal. Take your time to heal, and do not force yourself to try.

26. Time heals all wounds. Be kind to yourself. Sometimes you need to take your time to heal.

27. Healing is not linear. It’s a process. Take time to heal, and remember that patience is key.

28. You mustn’t feel you have to rush your way to peace, but take time for yourself and learn to find healing in your own way, and be a leader to those who need it most.

29. Take your time to heal; believe you can, and you will. You’ll be healed by the way you act, by the way, you walk, and by the way you talk.

30. Pain is a badge of courage, it reminds us of the fighting war that we had to face in our past. When it comes to healing, we must take our time.

31. Healing is not linear; it’s a journey that must be taken. Through pain and suffering and grief, you have to go, but you should always be in motion.

32. Sometimes, it’s hard to heal, but it’s never too late to start. So if you feel that you’re healing too slow, you can start again straight away.

33. When you’re down and tired and over things and feeling like you have reached the end, remember that life is long, and then look to the next thing you’ve got to do. The first step is to get back up on your feet, and once you are up, there’s no need to rush. Each day is a chance to heal.

34. Every day is a chance to heal and a chance to find a new way. Take your time to heal.

35. One day, you will wake and be healed. You’ll have felt your wounds. Your mind will be so clear, you’ll be fine, and that’s when you’ll know it paid off that you gave it time to heal

36. Take your time to heal; it’s a process that will take time. And if you give your time and patience, you can’t help but see the light.

37. Take your time to heal, like a tree, your wounds will open. You will bend and break, but you’ll grow back bigger and stronger.

38. Don’t be in a hurry to get well. If you must hurry, it will be too late. The time to heal is not linear, you must ensure that you take your time to heal.

39. We heal completely in our own time. We must take our time to heal, to heal completely in our own time.

40. Healing is not linear but a long, slow process. Sometimes it takes much more than one, and sometimes it’s not even a half.

41. Heal one week at a time, and when you are running on your feet, there is no need to rush. The world will only see you as a survivor, a survivor in your own time.

42. This is not a race. This is not a competition. In our race to discover, we’re all still healing.

43. You must take your time to heal as you are given time for healing. Give yourself time for healing, and don’t hurry to heal. It’s a really slow process

44. Take your time to heal, don’t rush, don’t hurry, don’t push it. And don’t forget, it is always better to be slow and to take your time to heal.

45. Take your time to heal, embrace the moment’s beauty, and find within it that special something.

46. Life is a puzzle to be solved – not rushed; Remember that time is a gift accept it and have fun.

47. You should never feel rushed, no matter how dire your situation is. You should take your time to heal.

48. Sometimes, you’ll be hit, and sometimes you’ll be hit hard, but you’ll never be gone. This is your life, it’s the only thing you get. So take it slow and find your way. You’ll never be gone.

49. When you are in pain, you have to take your time to heal. So take your time to heal, and do what is best for you.

50. Sometimes, you’ll be hit, and sometimes you’ll be hit hard. Just remember to take your time to heal, and you’ll be fine.

51. Sometimes you’ll be hit and sometimes you’ll be hit hard, but you’ll never be gone. Your heart will always heal, and your soul will always remain strong.

52. I have been hit with the hardest of blows, but I have hit so much harder. I have come out of my pain. I have come out on the other side.

53. Life is more than just breathing and movement, your body, mind, and soul deserve to feel good. And we all have that choice to find peace and to find love.

54. I may never know, what it is that you feel, and right now, you’re my only hope, so take your time to heal, I’ll take my time to heal.

55. To heal the places inside, to fill the emptiness, to tell the silent screams, to stop the storm, to take your time to heal.

56. Do what’s right, when you have time, don’t do something when you are too full of fear. To rush is to have fear, and it’s to lose, so take your time and heal.

57. If a time is right, it’ll happen; if a time is wrong, you’ll have to wait. But when you know your time is right and you know your time is wrong, a time for healing will come.

58. Take your time to heal, don’t rush the process; you’ll find your capacity when you let go of what you hold

59. Healing is not the end of the road, just the beginning of a new path. The only thing that you cannot fix is time, so take your time to heal.

60. No matter what, don’t give up. It’s not over ‘till it’s over, and you can never turn back once you’ve started.

61. And yet, there is a time to heal, and a time to grieve, and when that time is past, it is only then, that we can truly begin.

62. Life is a journey, and we take time to heal. In that healing, there is no need to rush. Take your time to heal, and know that healing is our only choice.

63. You always remember the ones that help to heal your soul, and it’s these that are worth keeping close because they’re the ones that will help you through your days and make you feel like you can survive the storm.

64. If healing can be a moral thing, why do some people call it a sin? Why do we need healing to be a moral thing as long as it can be found

65. We all have scars, and some of us have them deep. But they can only be healing when we use them to mend.

66. Life is a wide and infinite expanse. I am, today, a wave, a wave of water, and tomorrow, I will, again, be a wave.

67. Take your time to heal, don’t rush in for a temporary fix. Take your time to heal, and you’ll be good as new.

68. Everyone’s healing is different and we all heal at different rates so take your time to heal and make your way through the grief.

69. Take your time to heal. Someday when you’ll see a rainbow, when you realize that you don’t have to be so strong and you can get up and take your stand, you’re gonna feel better soon

70. Healing is slow and steady and is something that only you can learn, but when you’re hurt, we don’t know how to take our time, so we think we should be done instantly.

71. Take your time, wipe the tears from your eyes, don’t waste your time, and try to heal that which is broken.

72. Just take your time, one day at a time; take it day by day and one step at a time. You will heal with time.

73. There is a healing force in time; time can heal almost anything, time to slow and time to speed; time is a healer that can heal you and me.

74. Time is a river; it flows quickly if you’re in the middle, you’ll get swept away. If you get in the shallow end, it may take a while

75. Take your time to heal I know time takes time to heal, but time doesn’t heal time it’s healing time that heals.

76. Take your time to heal and take your time to laugh and take your time to choose, and take your time to make your own choice

77. Time heals almost everything all the broken pieces, all the scars that take years to heal although the pain lingers on, it won’t last forever you need enough time to heal those scars and for you to be whole

78. Time heals almost everything, the scars from our mistakes. Each day is a chance to start anew, we have a chance to rise above, and time will heal everything.

79. Time is a healer it removes the scar of all the hurt that has been caused to those that do not try or do not die.

80. In a world where the past is only fleeting and the present is not the presence of yesterday, you need enough time for you to heal; you need enough time to be yourself again.

81. You need enough time to put your broken pieces, back together to make a whole, you need enough time for you to heal, you need enough time for you to heal.

82. Time is your healer it heals all untrue things; it is our hope; it’s a way to wait, to be all that we are meant to be.

83. Take your time to heal, don’t rush your recovery; you’re not a racehorse; you have a long and winding race.

84. Time heals all wounds. The wounds that we inflict on ourselves or those inflicted on us by others. And that is the only thing that time ever heals.

85. The healing of wounds, the healing of cuts, the healing of your mind, the healing of your heart, and the healing of your soul are only the passing of time.

86. Time heals all wounds time heals the deepest scars time softens the hardest of blows time heals the broken heart time heals the mind time heals the wounds that bleed

87. It may be impossible to mend your broken heart, but it is simple to mend your broken mind. It is a job for which you don’t need experience, it’s a job for which you need enough time.

88. It’s always hard to let go in life, love, or war, but you’ve got to learn, learn to heal, your heart needs time to mend, so take your time to heal.

89. Take your time to heal, let the dust settle, and when you are ready, you’ll know what to do take your time to heal, and your time will come

90. There is a thin line between pain and healing places. So now that you’re ready to heal, rest assured it’s just fine to take the time you need to heal and let the healing begin.

91. Time heals almost everything so wait, don’t worry, and be strong, take your time to heal, and you’ll be alright.

92. Like a leaf in the wind, I, too, am blown about, but my life does not have to be short and drab. I have time, time to heal, time to heal my wounds so that I will take my time,

93. I’ve always been told to take my time, to heal my wounds, to forget my mistakes, but I never really knew how much I need it until the day it was over.

94. Take your time to heal; give it to your heart and then to god, listen to your heart and don’t be afraid because nobody can hurt you if you don’t let them.

95. Life is one continuous cycle of lessons learned and tears shed, but you’ll heal with time if you just let go of all that stops you from moving forward.

96. You will heal with time, do not rush the process. Give it time.

97. Time heals all wounds, but do not rush the process, even though it’s so easy to walk away from pain, and too hard to heal on your own.

98. You’ll heal with time if you can breathe, breathe now if you can think, think positively, think positively and sing.

99. Take your time to heal, and heal yourself and all others, for you are the one who knows how to use your healing powers.

100. Take your time, take your time, wipe the tears from your eyes, don’t waste your time, don’t waste your time, try to heal that which is broken. You’d never know whose turn it is to inspire you. You’d never know what to say, you’d never know whose story it would inspire.

101. For those who take their time to heal, they find their true selves again, for those who take their time to heal, are always on their way.

It’s true that it can take time to heal, but that’s not a bad thing. It just means that you’re working through your problems individually and your goals with the best intentions. If you ever feel like you’re taking too long to heal from something in your life, try not to worry about it. Give yourself the time you need to work through it—it will all be worth it in the end.

I hope you liked these take your time to heal quotes. Kindly share this post with your friends and loved ones. Thank you for reading.

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