Problems Associated to Learning Second Language a Comparative Analysis

This work aims at the investigating aspects of that causes problems in learning second language. Many teachers have  conducted researches and discovered some aspects that cause problems in learning second language.

Those aspects of second language learning include with linguistic codes (such as phonetics, phonology, semantics and syntax),

mother tongues , and student academic history, dyslexia, anxiety, lack of effort and motivation and diverting much time and afford to other courses, are factors believe to be affecting proper learning of second language.

We are going to look into the of those aspect believe to be the causes of failure during the process of learning a second language, analyze them and provide some experiments and conduct questionnaires to examine critical thinking about those aspects that affect second language learning.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Title page……………………… i
Approval Page…………………. ii
Dedication……………………. iii
Acknowledgement…………………… iv
Table of contents………………. v

  • Introduction…………………. 1
  • Significance of the Study……………… 2
  • Research Question…………….. 2
  • Statement of Problems………………. 3


  • Introduction………………………… 4
  • Mother Tongue………………………. 6
  • Second Language Learning…………………… 6
  • The Linguistic Codes……………… 9
    • Charts of International Phonetic Alphabet………….. 9
    • Vowel and Consonant……………… 10
  • Phonology……………….. 15
    • Phoneme…………………….. 15
    • The Syllable……………………… 16
    • Stress………………………….. 19
    • Aspects of Connected Speech……………….. 20
  • Morphology…………………….. 20
    • Word…………………………… 22
    • Morphemes………………………… 23
    • Simple Morphology Tree………………. 24
  • Syntax…………………………. 26

1.7.1  Phrase……………………. 35

  • Types of Phrase…………………………. 35
  • Clauses………………………………… 37
  • Sentence………………………….. 39

3.7.5 Classification of Sentences……………… 40

  • Anxiety…………………. 43
  • Dyslexia……………….. 44


  • Introduction……………… 47
  • Native Language Skills and Second Language…………… 48
  • Anxiety and Second Language Learning…………. 49
  • Negative Transfer in Psychology……………… 50


  • Introduction………………………….. 57
  • Phonological Problems………………………….. 57
  • Language Transfer………………………. 64
  • Causes of Second Language Anxiety………………… 65
  • Factor Analysis………………………….. 66

5.1 Introduction……………………….. 70

  • Conclusion………………………. 72
  • Recommendation………………… 76



1.1 Background of Study
To became competitive on global scale, the world need individuals who can work in a culturally diverse environment and who have strong skill in languages.

Due to the fact that many countries of the world have added foreign languages to their curricula either as a lingua franca or a language policy.

The study of second language learning difficulties background information is to get understanding of aspects that causes problems in learning second languages to enhance academic skills, raises scores, and prefers students for a career.

As languages promote understanding between people of different cultural background also to format subject matter in other languages.

This paper aims at discovering why some students are unsuccessful in learning second language. To achieve this, second language learning must be examined.


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