We undertake feasibility study on earthen and concrete pond construction, fish feed production etc.Feasibility reports discusses the practicality,
and possibly the suitability and compatibility
of a given project, both in physical and
economic terms. It also discusses the
desirability of the proposed project from the
view point of those who would be affected by it. One way to plan the start up process and
resolve many of the issues that may arise is
to carry out – or commission – a formal
feasibility study It therefore follows that every
project must have a feasibility report done
before its commencement. We undertake the preparation of feasibility
reports for fish farming businesses from
table size fish production, fingerling
production, snail, piggery production and
also on fish feed production all at moderate
prices. Send mail to kingswayfisheries@gmail.com or
call us on +2348032861326 (08032861326). For help and consultancy.

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