NABTEB Chemistry Questions 2022 Objective and Theory Update

– NABTEB Chemistry Questions –

NABTEB Chemistry Questions is out now on our website. In this article, I will show you past NABTEB Chemistry random repeated questions for free. All you need to do is to stay focused and follow this guide.


The National Business and Technical Examinations Board were founded in 1992 to domesticate craft level examinations previously conducted by City & Guilds, Pittman’s, and the  throughout the United Kingdom in conformity with the principles of the National Policy on Education.

Its formation was the culmination of a 15-year evolutionary process in which FOUR Government Panels were established at various periods to assess the place and structure of public examinations in our educational system.


Develop as a globally recognized assessment body for Craftsmen and Technicians.


NABTEB is a vision-led, mission-driven public institution with the following vision: To be a Globally Recognised Assessment and Certification Body Preparing Candidates for the Workplace and Academic/Professional Excellence.

The management of the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) is yet to release the 2021 November/December NBC/NTC and ANBC/ANTC examinations results.

Candidates who intend to take part in the 2022 NABTEB GCE can learn how to check their results online.

NABTEB is one of the examination bodies set up by the Federal Government in 1992 to reduce the burden of conducting examinations, which involves a lot of technical and trade-related practicals.

The board conducts the  (NTC), National Business  (NBC) and their respective advance level examinations (ANBC and ANTC).

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NABTEB Chemistry Questions and Answers


(ai). An experiment showed that 16.25g of iron chloride were obtained from the combination of 5.6g of iron with chlorine. What is the formula of iron chloride? (fe=56, CL=35.5).

(ii). Sulphur is soluble in ethanol but not in the water while sodium chloride is soluble in water but not in ethanol.

Describe how you will separate sodium chloride from a mixture of sulphur and sodium chloride.

(b). Add water to the mixture in order to dissolve the sodium chloride. Filter to obtain the sodium
chloride as the filtrate.

Evaporate the filtrate and the sodium Chloride solid is left behind in the evaporation dish. Put the sulphur residue in a filter paper and allow it to dry.


(ai) Define heat of combustion of a compound.

(ii) When 4.6g of ethanol, CH3CH2OH were burned in a calorimeter containing 1.0kg of water, the temperature rises from 291k to 316k. If the specific heat capacity of water is 4.18kj-1k and the water equivalent of the calorimeter is 1.3kjk-1 and the relative molar mass of ethanol is 46. Calculate the enthalpy of combustion of ethanol.

An atom has 14 neutrons in the nucleus and an atomic number of 13.

1. State the composition of the nucleus.

2. Describe the arrangement of the electrons

3. Name the element for which the atom is an isotope and

4. State its valency.

(bi) In what ways are a sodium ion and a neon atom alike?

(iii) How do they differ?


Define each of the following terms.

1. Electrolysis

2. Electrolytes

3. Electrodes.


1. Electrolysis: – is the chemical decomposition of a compound due to the passage of electricity
through its solution or molten state.

2. Electrolytes: – are substances in solution or molten state that permit passage of electricity to
undergo chemical decomposition.

3. Electrodes: – are solid conducts (metals or semi-metal) through which electricity passes into or
out of an electrolyte during electrolysis.

(b) Differentiate between true electrolytes and POTENTIAL electrolytes.


1. True Electrolytes are compounds that in solution or molten state will conduct electricity and
decompose during the process.

2. Potential Electrolytes are compounds that are not conductors unless they react with another
compound- (e.g. polar solvent), before conducting electricity and decomposing.

Explain the terms ENDOTHERMIC reaction and EXOTHERMIC reaction.


I. Endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction in which heat is absolved from the atom sphere or
surrounding. An endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that required heat from the atmosphere to take place.

ii. Exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that produces heat to the atmosphere.


(a) Define and give an example of each of the following:

i. Acid salt

Ii.Basicity of an acid

Iii.Deliquescent substance

Iv. Double salt

V.Efflorescent substances

vi. Hydroscopic substance


Acid salt is a compound made up of a metallic cation and non-metallic anion which dissolves in water to
produce a weak acid E.g. KHS04, Ca (HS04)2.

ii. The basicity of acid is the number of hydrogen ions, 1 molecule of it can produce in solution or molten state.
e.g., Basicity of HN03 = 1, H2SO4=2, H3PO4=3 , HCL = 1.

iii. Deliquescent substance is that matter which absorbs water moisture, from the atmosphere to form a solution at the end Examples includes

Sodium hydroxide pellets.

Iron (II) Chloride crystals

Calcium chloride (fused)

Magnesium chloride

Phosphorous (v) oxide

(iv) Double salt is that which ionized to produce three different types of ions in solution
E.g. NaNH4SO4, Kmn04

(v) Efflorescent substance is that crystal that forms one or more (some) molecules of water of
crystallisation when exposed to the atmosphere.

Examples include.

Na2C03. 10H2O, CUS04-5H20, Mgs04.7H20.

(Vi) Hydroscopic substance is substances that absorb moisture from the atmosphere but do not dissolve in them.


(a) Give THREE differences between a physical and chemical change.

(b) What do you understand by the term electrovalency?

(C) X is an element with relative molecular mass 24 and atomic number 12. It forms a chloride whose
relative molecular mass is 95.

i. Give the equation of the reaction.

ii. When the element X reacts with water it forms a chloride which dissociates to give the ion, explaining the differences between X atom and X ion.

iii. State the type of valency in the chloride.

iv. Write a balanced equation for the reaction of X with water


1) 3 differences between a physical and chemical change

Physical change_____________________________

I. No new substances are formed

ii. It is easily reversible, not easily reversible

iii. No change in mass of the substance.

iv. Accompanied by a small heat

v. Component can be separated by the physical reaction

Chemical change ___________________

I. entirely new substances are formed

ii. Involves changes in the mass of substances

iii. change accompanied by great heat change.

iv. the component cannot be separated by physical (but chemical) reaction

(2a) State the law of constant composition.

(b) What are the (1) number of moles and (ii) mass of copper deposited when 96, 50.C coulombs of
electricity is passed through copper II Salt.

(C ). With the aid of a well labelled diagram, show how ethane can be prepared in the laboratory

(d). Give four chemical reactions of ethane (use equations only)

(e). Give four uses of ethane.

3a. What is an electrolyte?

b. Describe the production of chlorine from brine

c. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of chlorine with

i. An aqueous solution of sulphur oxide.

ii. A metal

iii. Potassium iodide

iv. Ethene

v. Ethyne


4b.i) Give two condition that is required for iron to rust.

ii. State how the formation of rust can be prevented


4b.i) presence of air and water

ii. * Oiling

4) Galvanizing

5) Greasing

6) Painting

7) Electro planting

8) Cathodic protection

4c. Use an equation to show what happens when the following compounds are exposed to the

1) Anhydrous calcium chloride

2) Calcium oxide

3) Solid sodium hydroxide.

4(e) Give two uses of sodium

(e) Uses of sodium

* Manufacturer of compound e.g. sodium peroxide, sodium cyanide e.t.c

* In sodium vapours lamps (for lighting highway and airport)

* Liquid sodium is used as a coolant in nuclear reactors.

* Sodium and ethanol or sodium amalgam and water are very good reducing agents.


5a. List four factors that can alter the rate of a chemical reaction.


1) Nature of the reactants

2) Concentration/pressure ( for gases) of the reactant

3) Surface area of reactants.

4) Temperature of the reaction mixture

5) Presence of light

6) Presence of a catalyst.

5b. With the aid of equation

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1(a). What is an Atom?


An atom is the smallest unit/representative/particle of matter made up of electrons, protons
and neutrons.

1(b) Explain briefly the following terms using an example to illustrate each.

i. Atomic mass number

ii. Nuclear charge

iii. Valency

iv. Isotopy


i. The atomic mass number is the sum of protons and neutrons in an atom e.g. chlorine which has
17 protons and 18 neutrons have mass 35.

ii. Nuclear charge is the sum of proton charges in the nucleus. Na has 11 protons; its nuclear
charge is (l).

iii. Valency is the combining power of an atom when it reacts with another to form a bond.

Isotopy is the occurrence of two or more atoms of an element with different numbers of neutrons or atomic mass numbers. e.g. carbon, oxygen, chlorine.e.t.c.

1(c) Describe the laboratory preparation of dry oxygen gas.

i. Name THREE uses of oxygen.

i. Respiration of plants and animal

ii. In welding of metals oxy-ethyne flame

iii. Drivers, mountain climbers, and miners use it.

iv. In the steel industry to remove carbon, sulphur and phosphorus.

bi State THREE differences between aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons

Give THREE uses of Benzene


ai State the second law thermodynamics

ii. Give THREE Conditions for a chemical change to occur spontaneously.


i) The second law of thermodynamics states that a spontaneous process occurs only if there is an increase in entropy of the system and the surroundings.

ii) Total entropy change must be positive i.e. DS (total) >0 free energy of the system must be negative i.e. DG< 0.
The transition Energy complex must be reached.

B. With the aid of a diagram state FOUR differences between exothermic and
endothermic reactions.

DISCLAIMER! These are not real NABTEB Chemistry Questions, but likely repeated questions over the years to help candidates understand the nature of their examinations. Ensure to note every question provided on this page.

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