The Influence of Living Faith Church on the Development of Education

The Influence of Living Faith Church on the Development of Education.

Table of Contents


The beginnings of living faith church can be traced back to May 1983 when David Oyedepo at age 26 claims to have had an 18 – hour vision from God. In this vision, God spoke to him saying, “Now the hour has come to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil, through the preaching of the word of faith, “and I am sending you to undertake this task”.

Two years later the church began to operate with four members, on December 11th, 1983. And in 2014, the church is in 65 countries. Living faith church world wide (also known as winners chapel) is a Pentecostal Church that went into the establishment of schools early.

Therefore this research is set to examine “The Influence of Living Faith Church on the Development of Education in Akwa Ibom State”.

In order to arrive at this, the researcher employed distinct research methods, such as distributing questionnaires and the empirical method. The findings showed that living faith church incorporated among its mandate the establishment of schools as a goal, and as much as possible were ever it exists.

In Akwa Ibom State, the church had established about 7 schools in different locations. The schools not only complement in the educational development of the state, it serves as Employment Avenue for workers.

The work concluded that, while living faith church’s schools are not presently for the poor as compared with the earlier mission schools, the church can do better in realigning with the basic philosophy of church involvement in education by making it affordable to the nearest of the people.


Title Page        –          i

Certification                 ii

Dedication      –             iii

Abstract          –       vi

Table of Contents           vii


  • Background of the Study –                   1
  • Statement of the Problem –       2
  • Purpose of the Study – –         –           3
  • Significance of the Study –              4
  • Scope of the Study –          4
  • Research Questions –              4
  • Organization of the Study –                 5
  • Definition of Terms –               5

End Notes       –               6


2.1       A brief Survey of Christianity and Educational Development   –        7

2.2       Various Views and Methods of Educational Development –           10

2.2.1    The Class View/ Function of Education            10

2.2.2    The Functionalist Focus on the Position Function Performed the Education System      10

2.3       Reasons and Objectives of Education               13

2.4       The Philosophy of Christian Missionary Educational Endeavour in Nigeria        13

2.5       A Brief Summary of the Involvement of Christian Churches in the Educational Development of Akwa Ibom State   14

End Notes        16


3.1       Akwa Ibom State, History/ Location and the People               17

3.1.1    The Geographical, Economical, Social and Political Life of Akwa Ibom State     –      19

3.1.2    Educational Development in Akwa Ibom State      21

3.2       History of Living Faith Church           22

3.2.1    The History of Living Faith Church and it’s Advent in Akwa Ibom State  –   24

3.2.2    Some Major Belief, Teachings and Practices of Living Faith Church in Akwa Ibom State         24

3.2.3    Living Faith Church and Educational Endeavour of Living Faith Church in Akwa Ibom State       26


4.2       Data Presentation and Analysis        30

4.3       Discussion of Findings                 37


5.1       Summary        –           38

5.2       Conclusion      –       38

5.3       Recommendation        –        39

Bibliography       –           41

Appendixes     –       42


1.1       Background of the Study 

In the 21st century, it is no doubt that education is a vehicle that drives every society towards development and healthy living. In a nut shell, healthy living here has to do with living above the level of ignorance, illiteracy and poverty.

In a country like Nigeria for example where there are over 170 million inhabitants, it has been observed that in some areas like in Akwa Ibom State, some people are still far from being educated which is not in the best interest of the country if it must transit into a developed society.

Education, they say “is light and failure to live and work in this light, could promote a major set back for her country, as the growth of her economy could be tampered wing to the citizens who are not well enlightened.

Osokoya in his article, “education and National development”1 the Nigerian perspectives opines that all schools at various levels are expected to educate future leaders and develop the high level of technical capacities needed for economic growth and development.2

However, while the missionaries brought with them education in the 19th century as a medium to evangelize Nigeria for Christianity,3 it has been observed that the South Western part of the country which comprises the Yoruba speaking people were enthusiastic and made good use of this golden opportunity.

This in one way have contributed to the right level of industrialization and the establishment of a good number of schools at various levels of learning in this culture zone.

While the government took over the responsibility of the education of her citizens from the church, the Christian church has not relented in the establishment of schools in nufereon.


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Cahn, S. M. (1977). Classic and contemporary readings in the philosophy of Education. Compact Oxford Dictionary.
David, P. (1989). “The moral and spiritual crisis in education” a curriculum for justice and compassion in education. Massachusetts begrime and gravey publishers. 
Fafumoa Baba “History of Education in Nigeria” Ibadan, Nigerian Publishers Ibadan.
Gene Carter. “The purpose of education” An article from the ASCD.
Gordon, M. (1998). A Dictionary of sociology (Articles; sociology of education), Oxford university press, 1998.
History of living faith church in Akwa Ibom State. “A brief infer view with the Pastors” 32 years
15th of March, 2017.

“History of Living Faith Church in Akwa Ibom State”. An interview with the Pastors.
Ibuzo, I. (2006). Education and National Development: The Nigerian Perspective.
“Kingdom Heritage Model Schools”: An interview with the school authorities.    
Musgrave, P. W. (1985). The sociology of education, Methuen, London.
New English Dictionary.
Objectives of Christian missionary education in Nigeria. (Retrieved 29 May, 2017.
Osokoya, U. (2008). Education and National Development: The Nigerian Perspective, pages 28.

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