Happy New Year Prayers for 2022 (with prophetic Declarations)

Powerful New Year Prayers for the Year 2022

In the year 2022, the spirit of brokenness takes me over! And by this, the weight of glory comes upon me! I am baptised in the fear of the Lord! His truth takes over my inward parts!

In the year 2022, my heart is right and I partake in the blessing of the year! I receive great harvest and in-gathering! I am kept alive to grow up to the fullness of Christ! I am unmoveable, unshakable, unassailable, impregnable and indestructible!

In the year 2022, I discover where best to grow and I abide there. In every aspect of my life, I shall grow! I shall live and I shall abide and abound! My thoughts are divinely altered! Yahweh’s thoughts become my thoughts! I am propelled by His thoughts and ways!

Powerful New Year Prayers for the Year
Powerful New Year Prayers for the Year

In the year 2022, I am minded after God; I fear Him! I am mature in words and deeds! My thoughts become renewed and reprogrammed! I carry precious seeds that make all the difference! I carry divine seeds that will shift the cause of history!

My harvest shall abound! There shall be GREAT investments and a great harvest! I take the strongholds in every area of my life!

It’s a Year of Accomplishment

Because the year 2022 is a year of accomplishment, whatever I begin, I will finish! Whatever I conceive, I shall bring forth! No miscarriage! No abandoned project! I shall embody the testimony of unending merriment in my life, family, home and everywhere I go! I shall not be afraid, but the adversary shall be afraid!

In the year 2022, light shall daily expose the enemy and all his works in my life and in the Assembly! By the reason of abundant light, I enjoy light, salvation, healing, deliverance and there shall be quick diagnosis and termination of the work of darkness in my life and family, in Jesus name!

It's a Year of Accomplishment
It’s a Year of Accomplishment

In the year 2022, I shall function in the accuracy of the Prophetic. I have light, I have judgment and I have accuracy! I proclaim the written judgments of God on all the enemies of the Lord which are my enemies.

I Enjoy Sound Health

In the year 2022, I enjoy sound health in my spirit, in my soul and in my body! My family enjoy sound health! No death in our camp because we belong to the numbered camp of the Lord!

So shall it be for me, friends and family members, in Jesus name. Amen!

See Also: 370 Happy New Year 2022 Wishes

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