100 I Can’t Live Without You Status for Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Let us get it straight: You are badly in love with someone and you are so eager to let the world know about the feelings.

With that, I’ll help you with these Cute I Can’t Live Without Your Love Status for Him or Her.

And just so you know, your shadow is jealous of your relationship. Enjoy.

I Can’t Live Without You Status for Him or Her You Love

Make a perfect use of the opportunity of seeing the following I Can’t Live Without You Quotes and Status for Lovers. Do good by selecting the ones you like and send it to him or her.

1. Another Opportunity

If I was given another opportunity to fall in love again, it will always be with you, my dear. And I promise to always love you. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.

2. I Promise to Make You Happy

I vow never to make you sad but to always make you happy each and every day. This one thing I will never stop doing. I love you so much.

3. I Can Count on Your Love

This one thing will always remain constant which I can always rely on any time any day and anywhere – your LOVE. I love you beyond words.

4. To Protect and Respect

Here’s my vow to you: I will always cherish, protect, honour, respect and love you today and forever. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.

5. The Winsomeness in Me

When I thought there was nothing to cherish and love about me, you found out that which was winsome in me. I love you so much.

I Can’t Live Without You Status to Send to Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Are you really Enjoying these love statuses? You will love these , too.

6. The Air I Breathe

I can’t live without you nor your love because your love to me is the air I breathe and I will suffocate and die with it. I love you dearly.

7. When I’m Down…

Whenever I’m weary, your love is what rejuvenates me and I don’t want to live a second more without you nor your love. I love you beyond words.

8. Till the End of Time

If there’s a life after death; I vowed to never stop cherishing, loving, caring and adoring you, my dear. I will always love you until the end of time. I cherish you forever.

9. My Open Statement

I’ve decided to make avowal about my feelings for you, and how you mean so much more than I could have imagined or asked for. I love you so much.

10. Be There for You

This I promise you: wherever and whenever you need me, I will always be there for you. I love you to the moon and back.

11. It was meant to be with you and it will always stay that way. I love you tenderly, handsome.

12. I vow to you is to always make you happy and not sad every day. I love you so much, beautiful.

13. Loving you every day is the one thing I will never fail to do. I love you to the moon and back, my prince charming.

14. I vow to never break your heart but to always cherish and love you until the end of the age. I love you tenderly, damsel.

15. As the plant cannot survive without carbon dioxide, so I can’t live without you or your love. I love you beyond the stars, my dearest.

16. Not even a second more do I want to live without you, my love. You’re my everything and I love you to the moon and back.

17. Only you will I cherish and love today, tomorrow and forever. You’re more than words can describe. I love you dearly, handsome.

18. You were there for me when I needed you the most and I promise to always be there for you whenever you need me. I love you so much, sweetie pie.

19. As long as my heart keeps beating, I will never stop caring and loving you. I love you tenderly.

20. I would prefer to be sentenced to life in the prison of your heart than live in a free world without you. I love you beyond words, beautiful.

21. I’m glad I have a boyfriend as loving and caring as you are. I love you so much, my dearest.

22. Despite being many miles away, you still feel ever close to me every time. I love you tenderly, sweetheart.

23. I would feel so lost without someone like you in my life. You’re my confidant and my lover. I love you beyond words, my dearest.

24. You loved me without any reason. Even when there was no point loving me, you still do. I love you more than you know, sunshine.

25. If you ask me to tell you why I love you, I will run out of reasons. My point is, I love you without a reason. I love you dearly, handsome.

26. Telling me to stop loving you is like asking me to stop breathing. It’s just impossible. I will always love you until the end of the age. I cherish you always, sweetie pie.

27. As much as I can’t go a day without reminiscing about you, so also I can’t stop loving you. You mean the world to me. I love you beyond the stars.

28. Life without you or your love is like a house without a roof. It’s vulnerable. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.

29. My life without you and your love can best be compared to a fruitless tree. I love you tenderly, my knight in shining armour.

30. Every day I’m grateful that I fell in love with you and not someone else. You’re my everyday inspiration, happiness and joy. I love you beyond words.

31. I can’t live without you, my dearest, because loving you to me is like breathing. I love you dearly, handsome.

32. One of the best thing that ever happened to me in life is falling in love with someone as beautiful, caring and loving as you are. I love you to the moon and back, my cuppy cake.

33. Without you, my world and my life will always be dark and gloomy. Thanks for being real and I love you beyond the stars.

34. Your sweet love illuminates my heart and world every day. You know that I love you right? Well, I do.

35. It’s the sound of your love that my heart beats to because you’re always in my heart. I love you more than love itself.

36. My life is beautiful when it’s with you, my beautiful girlfriend. I cherish and love you beyond the stars.

37. The little things you’ve done for me make me a better woman and I’m blessed to have you. I love you so much, my prince charming.

38. You fill my heart with joy unspeakable and abundance of happiness with how you love me. I love you tenderly, damsel.

39. The best part of our love story is that it has no end. I will today and forever treasure and love you till the end of time. I love you tenderly.

40. You’re my everyday happiness and I love you so much for being real and true with me. Always have and always will.

41. Thanks for allowing me to witness heaven while on earth. You’re truly my heaven sent and I love you more than you know.

42. Your love for me grows every day with each rising of the sun and it’s setting. I love you more than love itself, sweetie pie.

43. Your love for me is out of this world because it’s kind, patience and unconditional. I love you beyond the stars.

44. My greatest tragedy will be a life without you and your love. You’re my everyday joy, happiness and inspiration. I love you so much, beautiful.

45. What keeps me going and alive every day is the way you care about me and love me. You’re my everything and I love you more than you know.

46. No amount of words will be enough to express how much I love you. I love you to the moon and back, damsel.

47. I start every day with joy in my heart because I have you in my life. I love you so much, handsome.

48. Without you, there’s nothin
g I can do, because, without you, there’s no me. I love you tenderly, my woman and my everything.

49. I tried once to live without you, I end up being a wayfarer. I need you as much as I need air to survive. I love you more than love itself.

50. I vow to live each day with you because, with you, I feel special and happier. I love you dearly, my love.

51. Thinking straight is so impossible without you. You’re my everyday courage and bravery. I love you so much, my knight in shining armour.

52. What can I do without you? Nothing! What can I do with you? Everything! I love you beyond the stars, my princess.

53. There’s no one I would rather be in love with if not you, and there is nothing I would rather be than the woman of your dream. I love you so much, my prince charming.

54. I will forever cherish you because your love for me is rare, precious and beautiful just the way you are. I love you beyond words.

55. There’s only one person who will love you today, tomorrow and forever – Me. I love you to the moon and back.

56. A thousand miles would be too small to walk just to put a smile on your face. I will walk many miles to see you smile every day. I love you tenderly.

57. Through thick and thin, your love for me remains constant. I’m glad to have you and I love you beyond the stars, my dearest.

58. I will love you forever. No matter what life throws at us, I will never stop loving you. I cherish you always, my cuppy cake.

59. It’s must have been grace to find someone as amazing as you are because true love is indeed hard to find. I love you tenderly.

60. Life is full of beautiful things when I get to spend it with no one else but you, damsel. I love you beyond words, beautiful.

61. When I talk, I want to speak about how much you mean to me, and when I live, I want to live for you. I love you so much, handsome.

62. Every time I see your glowing smiling face, my heart always skips a beat. I love you to the moon and back, sweetheart.

63. When I think of you, everything within me is filled with gladness and love. I love you more than you know.

64. Thanks for being my friend, partner, confidant and my everything. I love you beyond the stars, beautiful.

65. You’re my dream come true, my everyday happiness and I love you because you love all of me.

66. A single moment with you is far better than a thousand beautiful day away from you. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.

67. Who says we’re not compatible? You came into my heart, and life has not been the same again. I love you more than love itself.

68. Even when you are miles away from me, I still see you, because everything in nature reminds me of you. I love you tenderly, sweetie pie.

69. With you, my life is full of expectancies and my future is awesome. You know that I love you right? Well, I do.

70. With you and your love, there is nothing I can’t do or accomplish. You’re my everyday motivation and courage. I love you so much, damsel.

71. I’m glad you found me because I can’t imagine what my life would be without you in it. I love you beyond words, my dearest.

72. My world and life would be a mess without you, my love. I’m blessed to have you and I love you to the moon and back, sweetie pie.

73. Nothing more would I love to do than spend my entire life cherishing and loving you till the end of the age. I love you tenderly, handsome.

74. For you, I will do anything just to put a beautiful smile on your face. I love you more than love itself, my cuppy cake.

75. Before I met you, my life was nothing to write about. With you, my life is full of joy, love and happiness. I love you tenderly, my dearest.

76. There’s nothing I can’t do for you, just to ensure you’re happy every day. You’re my everyday happiness and I will forever love you.

77. I can’t stop loving you and I will not pray to stop because falling in love with someone as caring as you are is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you beyond words.

78. You’re the love of my life and I will spend my life adoring, protecting and loving you. I love you to the moon and back, damsel.

79. You’ve taken me to places I could only have imagined with the way you cherish and love you. I love you beyond the stars, my prince charming.

80. I can’t appreciate God enough for the gift of you in my heart, life and world. You’re more than I could ever wish for. I love you tenderly.

81. Amidst millions of people in the universe, I choose to cherish and love you alone. I love you beyond words.

82. In health or in sickness, in joy or in sadness and in happiness or in sorrow, I will always be there for you. I love you more than you know.

83. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me in life and you will always be. You know that I love you right? Well, I do.

84. All the days of my life will I adore and love you. I love you so much more than you could ever imagine.

85. Even after many years we’ve been together, when I see you, I feel butterflies in my tummy and have goosebumps. I love you so much, my dearest.

86. Your smile brings me happy and beautiful memories. I will treasure you today and forever. I love you beyond the stars.

87. You’re the most amazing, caring and loving man I ever met and I will love you amazingly until the end of time.

88. Life is meaningless without you, my love. You’re my everyday happiness and love. I love you more than you know.

89. I’m blessed to have you, because, with you, I feel so special and loved. I love you tenderly, my dearest.

90. To ensure you always stay happier than ever before, I will do anything to make it happen. I love you beyond words, sweetie pie.

91. You lighten the burden in my life with your presence and love. I’m glad to have you and I love you so much, my knight in shining armour.

92. Every time of every day I see you is another avenue to love you more than ever before. I love you to the moon and back, sunshine.

93. You made my dream come true, because you turn out to be my dream man. I love you more than you know.

94. Spending eternity with you is all I long for each and every day. You’re my everyday goodness and I love you beyond the stars.

95. Every single moment with you makes me feel so special and happy. I love you tenderly, my prince charming.

96. I need you to be part of my life not just for today, but tomorrow and forever. I love you tenderly, sweetheart.

97. I feel butterflies in my tummy whenever you are around. It’s a wonderful feeling I never get tired of. I love you to the moon and back.

98. I will stop loving you when I see an orange tree produce a banana fruit. I love you so much more than you can.

99. Having someone as amazing and handsome as you are is the best thing that ever happened to me and I love you more than you know.

100. You’ve given a sense of living, because, without you, life is meaningless. I love you beyond the stars.

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