2022 Trending Awesome Prayer for Prosperity

You already know that the race isn’t for the swift, but for God who shows mercy!

So to our Father in heaven, who knows just how to give only good gifts to his children who ask, you may communicate your heart desires for prosperity to Him through these inspired prayers.

You can be sure, that He hears you cause all of these 50 prayers for prosperity are aligned to His will for your life.

We just made praying more comfortable!

Best Prayer for Prosperity

The best collection of effective and powerful words of prayer for prosperity.

1. Not by my power, not by my might but by your spirit, oh Lord, I shall prosper in my endeavours.

2. My days shall prosper, my health shall prosper and my soul shall prosper in Jesus name.

3. Dear Lord, the earth is yours, and its fullness thereof, I shall possess all my possessions today, in the land of the living, in Jesus name.

4. Help me to wait my appointed days until my prosperity comes. Do not let me quit nor stray away in Jesus name.

5. With my mouth, I confess prosperity and with my hands, I work for prosperity in Jesus name.

6. My latter will be greater than my former in Jesus name.

7. Oh, Father of dreamers, help me bring my dreams to pass in Jesus name, my expectations shall not be cut off.

8. Father, I shall prosper because you are good and your will for my life is good, in Jesus name.

9. Let my life count in the land of the living in Jesus name.

10. Father, speak prosperity into everything that I possess, and everything that I create in Jesus name.

Great Prayer for Prosperity

Only God makes one prosper. These words of prayer are available for you to communicate to God.

11. Father, let your commandments of multiplication come to life in my business. I shall multiply in goods and capital, and I shall multiply in profits in Jesus name.

12. Father the earth shall yield her increase in my favour this day and forever more in Jesus name.

13. Stagnancy has no place in my life in Jesus name. In my journey with you, and with men oh Lord I shall prosper in Jesus name.

14. Open the floodgates of heaven and let your rain of abundance fall upon me and my household in Jesus name.

15. Just like David, I shall pursue, recover and overtake all that has been stolen from my possession in Jesus name.

16. Open my eyes, oh Lord to see my way into prosperity, open the door of abundance that cannot be shut unto me in Jesus name.

17. Help me to see the promised land flowing with milk and honey in Jesus name. Help me to claim that which you have in store for me by faith and hard work in Jesus name.

18. Manners from heaven, fall from above in Jesus name.

19. Father, kindly do exceedingly and abundantly above all I ever ask for, by your power which works in me in Jesus name.

20. Father, rivers in the desert will I see in Jesus name.

Daily Prayer for Prosperity

Daily words of prayer for prosperity.

21. Eyes have not seen neither has ears heard nor has it gone into the heart of men what you have in store for me in Jesus name.

22. Father, help me turn my ideas into money in Jesus name.

23. Let it please you oh Lord, that silver and gold multiply in my possession in Jesus name.

24. Let your words prosper in my life and accomplish that which you please in Jesus name.

25. I shall not dry up because I have my source in you in Jesus name.

26. Through giving oh Lord, I shall flourish and by the name Jesus I shall prosper.

27. This little light of mine shall shine brightly unto the perfect day in Jesus name.

28. Father, let my days of little beginning be for your glory, in Jesus name.

29. The young lions do lack and suffer hunger but I will not lack any good thing cause I put my trust in you, in Jesus name.

30. Father, show me your marvellous kindness in my city, my country and the world as a whole in Jesus name.

Godly Prayer for Prosperity

Effective Godly prayers to prosper in life.

31. I thank you, oh Lord, because you shall multiply my fish and bread and I will not go hungry in Jesus name.

32. If you will, oh Lord enlarge my coast in Jesus name.

33. Father, let me come back with my harvest, rejoicing in Jesus name.

34. Father, just like King Solomon, Kings and Queens shall bless me the more in Jesus name.

35. Because you work in mysterious ways, Father, make a way for me in this business in Jesus name.

36. I shall not labour in vain for a good labourer deserves his wages. I shall receive and enjoy my wages when due in Jesus name.

37. I may not be the best but let your mercy and favour set me apart for prosperity in Jesus name.

38. Because you are my fountain of hope, in times of famine and recession, I shall prosper in Jesus name.

39. I curse every parasite and leeches feeding off my investment and plants in Jesus name.

40. Father, replenish the days the canker worms have stolen from me in Jesus name.

Inspiring Prayer for Prosperity

Inspiring words of prayer for prosperity in life.

41. Give me the wisdom to store in the times of abundance so I prosper in times of famine in Jesus name.

42. Father, in a blink of an eye, turn my lack into abundance as you did in times past with the children of Israel in Jesus name.

43. Even in the face of adversity, let me enjoy your grace of prosperity in Jesus name.

44. Father, bless my going out and coming in, in Jesus name.

45. I break every cycle of mediocrity in my life and in my path. I shall rise above average in Jesus name.

46. Because your ways are not our ways and your thoughts are deeper than ours, lead me oh Lord in the path to prosperity in Jesus name.

47. May the riches of the gentiles pursue and overtake me in Jesus name.

48. Let my generations to come enjoy your blessings of prosperity over my life in Jesus name.

49. Father reveal unto me the treasures in the dark in Jesus name.

50. Anoint me, oh God, with the oil of prosperity in Jesus name.

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