2022 Best Apology Messages to Send Your Lover

You’ve done it again, right? And you need some Apology Text Messages to send to your Boyfriend or Girlfriend? We are here to help, as usual. The apology text messages below would help you express your remorse to him or her.


Having someone special in our lives comes with a beautiful feeling of excitement, joy and some sort of fulfilment most especially when they’re around us.

But once there’s a disagreement between you and the person, you’d agree with me that you’d do whatever it takes to be on good terms with him or her.

And saying you’re sorry even when you’re in the right doesn’t make you a weaker person; on the contrary, it means that you value and appreciate your relationship with them more than your pride or ego.

So doing, it will also strengthen the bond between you two and create an atmosphere to love and grow with each other.

Do not hesitate to mend your relationship and rekindle your love life after an argument, fight or quarrel with your lover by sending him or her any of these heartfelt apology messages.

Apology Text Messages for Her

Here is a romantic way to say to your wife or girlfriend, you are sincerely sorry for hurting her. Make her know you regret every single one of your actions, with these Romantic Apology Quotes and Messages for Her.

1. Take all the time you need, I will always be here waiting if it’s all that it takes to pardon me. I’m sorry dear.

2. I don’t mind staying up all through the night just to wait and hear you say that I’m forgiven. In truly sorry my love.

3. Ever since I hurt your feelings, there has been bleeding in my heart. Can you please forgive me? I’m deeply sorry my dearest.

4. Please I need you to bandage my bleeding heart with your forgiveness. I’m so sorry for hurting you.

5. I’m sorry is all I could come up with after having wronged you. Can you please forgive me?

6. Please accept my sincere apology which is accompany with warmth hugs and tender kisses. I’m sorry my princess.

7. Forgiveness is beautiful, angry is hideous. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me. I’m truly sorry my love.

8. Forgive me please, I vow to be more loving, caring and understanding to you today and always. I’m sorry damsel.

Apology Messages for Her
Apology Messages for Her

9. I apologize to you for all of my faults with a gentle, humble and bruised heart. I’m truly sorry sweetheart.

10. I’m kneeling on one knee with eyes fill with tears and a bleeding heart as I say: I’m really sorry for everything.

11. With a sad face and soul; head bent down and I hereby apologize for causing you pain today. I’m deeply sorry beautiful.

12. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for being too possessive, because I’m scared of losing my life – You.

13. In an attempt to make myself feel better and happier, I fail to pay close attention to your joy and happiness. I’m sorry my queen.

14. It was just after I took your happiness for granted that I realized that my happiness also lies with you. Please forgive me, I’m sorry my love.

15. The reason why I know you will accept my sincere apology is because you believe in our love. I’m really sorry my dearest.

16. Can you please forgive me as now it’s your time to show me what a loving, caring and forgiving person you are. I’m so sorry my princess.

17. With these faults of mine, I just reveal to you what an idiot I can be sometimes. I’m sorry my love.

18. Please can you give your fury a break, I don’t mean to hurt you nor your emotions. I’m really sorry my baby.

19. I’m sorry for forgetting about your birthday, I promise to make it up to you soonest. I’m sorry my dearest.

20. You mean so much more to me and what an idiot I must have been for taking you and your feelings for granted. I’m really sorry sweetheart.

21. I vow to never do all these again – take you or your emotions for granted; your kind gesture and your love. I’m sorry my princess.

22. I’m saying sorry after realizing that our love means a lot more than my ego. I’m really sorry my baby.

23. Saying that I’m sorry doesn’t mean that you are right and I’m wrong. It just that I value our relationship than my pride. I’m so sorry my love.

24. Sadness, anger and pain have stolen my joy and peace. I’m sorry for causing you this much pain. Can you please forgive me?

25. Allow me to erase your anger and frowns by presenting my apology with cute and sweet kisses. I’m sorry my queen.

26. All I desire is that we should always be closer together, and now I can’t believe how I drove us asunder. I’m deeply sorry beautiful.

27. Until you find a place in your heart and forgive me, in every messages I sent you “Sorry” is the only word that you will always see. I’m truly sorry dear.

28. I have flaws and shortcomings; I’m not perfect but I’m still me and will always be. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry for everything.

29. You’re all that matter to me and yet I took you for granted. Can you please forgive me?

30. The same heart that has always loves you cause you this pain again. I’m deeply sorry my princess.

31. I Love You is a word that is never too much just as saying that I’m Sorry will always never be too much nor be devalue. I’m sorry sweetheart.

32. You have all the right to be angry at me, I just want you to reminisce about those awesome moments we’ve had and forgive me. I’m really sorry my love.

33. Whenever I made you mad, think about those reasons why you fell in love with me and find a place in your heart to forgive me. I’m deeply sorry dear.

34. I’m sorry; I’m truly sorry; I’m deeply sorry and I’m really sorry are all I could come up with. Can you please forgive me?

35. I was the reason why you were anger and lose your temper. I’m sorry my love.

36. You look gorgeous even when you were angry with me, but nevertheless I am really sorry my baby.

37. I took your care for granted; I took your feelings for granted; I took your smiles and your love for granted. I’m deeply sorry my princess.

38. I know that you have the right to be angry with me now, but I want you to know that I’m really sorry.

39. I will always pamper and cherish you until you accept my apology. I’m so sorry sweetheart.

Apology Text Messages for Lover
Apology Text Messages for Lover

40. I’m sorry for not giving you the attention and affection you carved for today. Can you please forgive me?

41. For acting and behaving like I don’t care about you; I’m truly sorry my baby.

42. Penitence is a bold step of being a better friend and a great lover. I’m sorry for having hurt you my love, please forgive me.

43. With a bl
eeding heart and sad face, I’m sorry for betraying your trust and faith in me. I’m really sorry my love.

44. I thought that I was better off without you, now I realize that you are all that matters in life to me. I’m deeply sorry my dearest.

45. All I want is to behold your beautiful smiling face and not to put a frown on your face. I vow never to do it again. I’m so sorry beautiful.

46. I never knew a little lie can cause you so much pain. I’m really sorry sweetheart. Can you please forgive me?

47. Once awhile mistakes happen, since we’re humans. Now, I’m apologizing for my mistakes today. I’m so sorry my baby.

48. I’m deeply sorry for the heartaches I caused you by taken your feelings for granted. I’m sorry sweetheart.

49. After hurting you, I learned how to be a better friend and great lover again. I’m truly sorry damsel.

50. I look terrible whenever I wear anger on my face. I’m sorry for looking so bad the last time.

Apology Text Messages for Him

Saying I’m Sorry to Your Husband or boyfriend doesn’t necessarily mean you are wrong. But is just a way of allowing peace to reign. Here are Apology Quotes and Sms for from a sincere Mind, that you can send to your lover.

51. Don’t say anything yet, just sit down and listen to my heartbeat saying “I’m Really Sorry”.

52. I know you don’t want to see me now, but please give me a chance to show you how remorseful I am for hurting you. I’m sorry my dearest.

53. All you have ever done was love and cherish me, but I hurt you with my actions instead. I’m truly sorry my love.

54. You’re hurting me back by not accepting my apology after hurting your feelings. Guess we’re now on the same page? I’m deeply sorry my baby.

55. Please don’t hold back your forgiveness as I tender my sincere apology. I’m really sorry darling.

56. I crave to be back in your arms right now, please forgive me and let’s embrace each other again. I’m so sorry my prince charming.

57. From the onset, joy, happiness and love is all I’ve had for you as I never meant to hurt your feelings. I’m deeply sorry handsome.

58. My dear, I didn’t mean to cause you any pain and I’m so sorry for berating. Please forgive me.

59. You loved me when no one else does and now I took your emotions for granted. I’m really sorry my love.

60. Saying that I will never hurt you again would be a false vow, but I can assure you that I will always apologize asap. I’m truly sorry my baby.

61. You mean so much more to me than anyone or anything else. It was never my intention to hurt you. I’m so sorry handsome.

Apology Messages for Him
Apology Messages for Him

62. I know I haven’t been the woman that you deserve lately, but I vow to never give up on us. I’m very sorry my dear.

63. I will never stop trying to be that caring and loving lady you fell in love with. I’m truly sorry my love, Please forgive me.

64. I can’t wait to be back in your protective arms again. I miss you so much it hurts. Can you please forgive me?

65. I desire to put a big smile on your face all over again, but first, please forgive me. I’m sorry dear.

66. I feel terrible and bad for making you feel so sad and depressed today. I’m deeply sorry darling.

67. Guilty and reproach press me down to earth for hurting your feelings. Please forgive me. I’m very sorry my one and only.

68. I must have been under the influence of alcohol or something when I said those unpleasant and unkind words. I’m really sorry my prince charming.

69. I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me as you alone loved me when no one else does. I’m very sorry for everything.

70. Please I want you to make me look gorgeous again, because I always look ugly when I weep after realizing that I hurt you. I’m really sorry handsome.

71. I’m howling in pain as my heart keeps bleeding, knowing that my actions caused you so much pain today. I’m deeply sorry my love.

72. Now it’s in your hands to forgive me for all the nasty words I said to you. Can you please forgive me? I’m so sorry my baby.

73. My action causes us to be drifting apart from each other. I never meant to be unconcerned. I’m very sorry my dear.

74. I’m sorry for creating this space between us and you have every right to be angry with me. Please forgive me, I’m truly sorry darling.

75. You’re always the best medicine for my health, please heal my bleeding heart by accepting my apology. I’m so sorry handsome.

76. You’ve always been my confidant and lover. Can you please forgive me for everything I did wrong?

77. No matter what, I will not give up on our love. I will always fight for us. I’m really sorry for making you feel sad. Please forgive me.

78. Please give me another opportunity to tell you how sorry I am for what I did. I’m so sorry my baby. Can you please forgive me?

79. You’re the only one for me and I will reduce to nothing without you nor your love. I’m very sorry, please forgive me.

80. Jealousy got the best of me, but deep down within me, I know without a doubt that you would never cheat on me. Please forgive me my love.

81. I promise you not to be extremely jealous again, because I have what other girls wish they had – You. I’m so sorry sweetheart.

82. It hurt me to know that I was the reason behind you being angry; please stop being angry with me. I’m really sorry handsome.

83. I hate to see you get upset with me, because each time you’re angry, I miss the real you. I’m very sorry my baby.

84. I don’t expect you to accept my apology instantly, but I will keep trying each and every day until you forgive me. I’m deeply sorry my love.

85. I just hope we can be happy together again after hurting you so bad. I’m so sorry my one and only, please forgive me.

86. The distance that’s growing between us is all my doing, and you’re right to put the blame on me. I’m very sorry my prince charming.

87. I can’t bear the pain of staying a day without you not alone losing you, please find a place in your heart to forgive me. I’m so sorry darling.

88. I will wait for your forgiveness even if it will take more than a day or a week. I’m really sorry my dear.

89. You don’t deserve this pain you’re feeling now. I was wrong and it’s all my fault. Please forgive me. I’m truly sorry handsome.

90. Ever since I hurt you, my day has gone from beautiful to ugly; happy to sad. I’m so sorry my baby. Can you please forgive me?

91. Each and every night I cry myself to sleep after realizing that it was my actions that caused the distance between us. Please forgive me my love.

92. I’m really sorry this is happening to us because of my nonchalant attitude last night. I’m very sorry sweetheart.

93. One thing I love about our love is the room for mistakes, because nobody is perfect. I’m so sorry for my mistake, please forgive me my dear.

94. It was never intentional, because I did plan to come late. I’m truly sorry my baby.

95. I want to be that woman whom you’ve cared and loved from the start again. I’m really sorry darling. Can you please forgive me?

96. The thought of you gives me s
trength when in weak, but I couldn’t bring myself to think about you after causing you pain. I’m deeply sorry my love.

97. Can you come over and mend my bleeding heart? I didn’t mean to take your emotions for granted. I’m so sorry my prince charming.

98. Can you please forgive me for my fault? Let’s try and give our relationship another shot. I’m very sorry handsome.

99. Will you give me another chance? I promise you I won’t repeat this mistake again nor take you for granted. I’m truly sorry my love.

100. You know that I love you so much and I’m really and truly sorry for hurting your feelings. Please forgive me, sweetheart.

I’ll love to hear from you. Kindly drop a comment using the comment box and remember to share this amazing collection of trending apology messages to send your lover.

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