2022 Powerful Prayer for My Husband Protection

In the age we are in, the price to make ends meet is high, and for the family man, it is even higher. Your husband wakes up before dawn, is out all day and returns late at night. This is his daily cycle. Many times, he has to rush through his prayers because there is barely time for him to pray.

You, most assuredly, want your husband to succeed and beyond that, you want him to be protected from every form of evil, but you may be clueless on what to pray about.

That can end as there are fifty protection prayers in this post that you can say on your husband’s behalf.

Prayer of Protection for My Husband

Effective prayers for the protection of your husband on daily basis.

1. God of heaven and earth, I entrust the life of my husband in your care. Watch over him and guard every step he takes. Deliver him from the evils of the day and the destruction of the night. Amen.

2. I pray this day, that my husband’s life is hidden with Christ in God. No evil shall befall him; no harm shall come near him.

3. May the protection of the Lord be upon my husband to deliver him from the wiles of the enemy. I declare that the Lord is his shade forever.

4. My husband, I pray that you will live long and be satisfied. You will not die an untimely death; the number of your days you will fulfil on earth.

5. I decree that no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. Every evil gathering together for your sake shall be scattered and the plans of the enemy shall be frustrated.

6. I pray that as my husband goes in and comes out, the Lord will be with him, to protect him in all his ways.

7. In your career, I displace every bad wish against you. Your source of income will not go dry.

8. I declare over my husband that his health is stable. Sickness will not make his body a harbour. My husband is hale and hearty.

9. Dear God, keep my husband from the influence of strange women. My husband will not be enticed into the embrace of the adulteress.

10. I pray for wisdom to always make the right choices for my husband. Help him to be sensitive and be able to discern between the wrong and right people. Help him also to be able to discern between profitable and dubious deals.

Godly Prayer for My Husband’s Protection

Effective Godly Prayers of protection you should pray for your lovely Husband.

11. For my husband, I pray this day, that the Lord will protect him from the evil one.

12. Help my husband, Lord, to be able to withstand the antics of the deceiver. He won’t fall prey in the hands of the enemy.

13. I pray that my husband’s ears will always be open to hearing when the Lord leads him away from trouble.

14. Keep my husband strong. Let him not fall under the weights and pressures of this world.

15. Help my husband to continually be strengthened and encouraged in you, Lord.

16. When things seem to be not working, keep my husband from losing his mind. Instead, help him to trust You who is able to do all things in and for him.

17. Oh Lord, keep my husband as the apple of your eyes. He is your anointed, do not let anyone touch him for evil.

18. Lord, please spread your protection over my husband. Watch over him day and night.

19. Guard my husband in his going in and coming out. Don’t let the arrows of destruction hit him.

20. Protect my husband from maligning fellows, backbiters, envious people and the wicked ones.

21. Lord, I ask on my husband’s behalf, that you will deliver him from all his troubles. Help him to always know that you are near him.

Best Prayer for My Husband’s Protection

The best Godly Prayers of protection you should pray for your lovely Husband

22. I pray for my husband, when he walks through the fire, he will not be burned; the waters of life will not drown him. No matter what he has to go through, he will always come out unscathed.

23. I ask for my husband’s sake, that his physical strength and natural force will not go dim. He will continually be strong.

24. Lord, watch over my husband and be his ever-present help in troubling situations.

25. I bring my husband’s work under your cover. Oh Lord, build a hedge around my husband’s career.

26. When a disaster is passing, I pray that you will hide my husband in the shadow of your wings.

27. Be my husband’s refuge and fortress, to guard him from those who seek his hurt.

28. Set an unparalleled watch over and around my husband’s health. His bones will not go weak; his body organs will not cease to function.

29. I pray that at every point my husband is emotionally down, he will find succour in you. He won’t lose his mind. Instead, help him to stay joyful through his challenging times.

30. I ask, oh Lord, that my husband will not lose the love of our children. Help him to stay in constant connection with them.

Prayer Messages for My Husband’s Protection

Messages of Protection prayers for your Husband.

31. When my husband walks unknowingly in the midst of trouble, preserve his life. With your right hand, save him.

32. Oh Lord, I pray that you will stretch out your hand against those who plot ways to make my husband trip and fall. Keep him safe from the wish of the wicked and violent one.

33. Trials do come but do not let my husband be crushed by them. In the midst of despair, do not let him be downtrodden.

34. I pray that the activities of caterpillars, locusts and cankerworms will cease in my husband’s life. I pray that his finances will not be tampered with.

35. Let no harm catch up with or overtake my husband. Rescue him at all times.

36. Keep my husband from making wrong choices. Help him to discern between the right and the wrong at all times when making choices in his relationship, career, finances, issues that concern his health and our family.

37. In times of trouble, keep my husband’s faith from failing. Let his soul continually find encourages in you.

38. Keep my husband’s body from illnesses. Shield him from ailments. Let him find strength in you always.

39. Lord, protect and preserve my husband. Do not give him over to the wish of the wicked ones.

40. Sustain my husband, Lord, and keep his heart from fear and worry.

God’s Protection prayers Over My Husband

Pray these God’s Protection Prayers over your Husband for safety.

41. I pray that my husband will never lose hope and faith in you. Help him to always keep his body and soul together.

42. Uphold my husband. Don’t let him ever feel discouraged. Guard his heart from anxiety and evil thoughts.

43. Strengthen my husband, Lord. Keep his heart from fear and dismay at all times.

44. Lord, keep my husband from shame. Don’t let the enemy rejoice over him.

45. Help my husband to always remember your promise: to preserve and keep him from falling.

46. Father, preserve my husband so that he will grow so old to see our children’s children even to the fourth generation as you have promised.

47. Dear God, protect my husband from all forms of accidents: road, air, home accidents. Cover every means by which he transports himself from one place to another.

48. Shield my husband’s body from a terminal and non-terminal diseases. Knock them off before they even call at his body.

49. Protect my husband from the fiery darts of the wicked ones. Do not let their gathering over his life stand.

50. I pray that my husband’s trust in you will not die. Help him to know that you are always with him no matter what comes his

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