50 Awesome Inspirational Prayers for 2022

Sometimes, in our lives, we feel down and weary to the point we can’t even think about a word of prayer for ourselves nor the situation that we face.

But how forceful are the right words! Therefore comes the need for an inspiration.

Here, are 50 sound awesome inspirational prayers that would take the word from your mouth and heart, leaving the door of heaven open unto you. Speak it and it shall come to pass.

Just say it!

Powerful Inspirational Prayers for Someone Special

At times, doing anything right may be difficult, because of the experience from the past events. Here are perfect Prayers you can use to inspire and encourage yourself, lover, friends, even Family to do more and even exceptional.

1. Father Lord, grant me healing from every anger I feel, let your presence wash away all my pain.

2. Your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Lord, help me break every yoke and bear each of my burden, oh Lord!

3. The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. I do not want to go astray nor miss your plan for my life. Father, order my steps henceforth.

4. Many are called, but the chosen is few. At the end, oh Lord, thou shall not forsake me, I shall be chosen by you.

5. Father, in all situations and circumstances, let me not forget to call on your name.

6. When I am down and weary, I will not fret cause I know your thought toward me is to give me peace and a future that I desire.

7. A thousand and ten thousand may fall by my left and right but the Lord will surely guide me and protect me under the shadow of his wings.

8. Failure is not my portion cause I know that I shall be the head and never be the tail. For I shall excel only.

9. The Lord is good and gracious in mercy. Today, I believe the Lord shall grant me the good things of this world and shall show me his gracious mercy.

10. My help comes from the Lord. When men fail me, the Lord, will show up and glorify himself in my situation.

11. The expectations of the righteous shall not be cut off. The Lord shall fulfil every of my expectation, I shall never be filled with disappointment.

12. The Lord that sees each tear that fall shall wipe away my tears and give me the garment of praise.

13. I shall not bow my head in shame, my face shall be radiant. For those who look unto God shall never be put to shame.

14. Father, you are the hope that fails not. I put my trust in you, let me not be ashamed. Let my situation end in praise. Give me testimonies that shall glorify your name.

15. Just as Jesus Christ grew in wisdom. Today, I declare that I will grow in wisdom. The wisdom that can never fail.

16. I shall not perish, I shall not walk in the ways of sinners. The Lord shall direct my steps.

17. The Lord shall take me from the point of reproach to the point of honour. I shall sit with kings and queens.

18. It is well with my soul, when I feel down and out, it is well with my soul, when my health is bad and I cannot pay my bills, it is well with my soul.

19. I will make heaven at last. The devil and his tactics shall fail in my life. I am a citizen of heaven.

20. Father, bring me back to you like the prodigal son to his father. I shall not be a lost sheep.

21. The will of the Lord shall be done in my life. Satan has no say nor control over my life. It is the Lord who has the final say in my life.

22. This day, the Lord shall remember me for good. I shall not be forgotten nor forsaken in the wilderness of life.

23. I will humble myself before the Lord and He will lift me up much more than I can ever imagine. I shall ride upon the high places of the earth.

24. My prayers shall not be forsaken by the Lord. He shall answer me whenever I call and show me great and mighty things.

25. The Lord will make me great. I shall never be a servant to my enemies. I shall be celebrated and the world shall see the mighty hand of the Lord in my life.

26. Today is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

27. The sun shall not smite me by day nor the moon by night.

28. Men shall call me blessed because I am the chosen of the Lord.

29. It doesn’t matter what I have to confront today, I know I am more than a conqueror because he lives.

30. The peace of the Lord abides with those who call upon Him and put their trust in Him, the peace of the Lord shall not depart from me today because I cast all my cares upon him.

31. I have nothing to worry about because I know the one who calmed the sea and who made a way in the wilderness.

32. The Lord will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory, He will make rivers in the desert and make heavenly manners to fall for my sake.

33. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but he delivers him out of them all, many may be my affliction but I walk in the victory of Christ Jesus today.

34. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, I’ll wait until my change will come, for the expectations of the righteous shall not be cut off.

35. I look up to you Jesus to give me strength in place of my weakness.

36. The Lord has turned my sorrow into dancing and my mourning into joy.

37. I call Him Jehovah Jireh because He is my great provider. I shall not lack anything good in Jesus name.

38. He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. My cup runs over. In abundance and comfort shall I spend my days.

39. It doesn’t matter who or what is against me, God and me are a majority.

40. I conquer failure, powers, demons, principalities in the name of Jesus.

41. I shall enjoy good health for as long as the Lord lives I live also.

42. I’m not weak, I am strong, and I’m not poor I am rich.

43. They may compass me about but they shall all fall for my sake.

44. The will of the Lord is good, therefore, my joy is secured in the Lord.

45. I will sing a new song, dance a new dance for my victory is sure in Christ Jesus.

46. I’ll stand tall and keep my head up for my confidence is in the maker of the heavens and the earth.

47. Who says and it comes to pass when the Lord commands it not? therefore, no evil declaration against my destiny shall come to fruition

48. My labour shall not be in vain, I will return with my baskets full of my harvests because my maker is a rewarder of hard work, persistence, faith and trust.

49. I am blessed beyond the curse, I may be crushed but I am not destroyed, I am persecuted but not abandoned. My joy will come in the morning.

50. The Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way, he will do a new thing in my life. He will cause me to celebrate before all men.

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