How to Apply for Finance Uncovered London Course

– Finance Uncovered London Course –

Finance Uncovered London course is delighted to put out a call to journalists, campaigners and academics to attend the new FIVE-DAY financial investigative journalism and data security training course at City University, London.

You do not need to have a financial background to apply, but we consider it important when selecting candidates to see evidence of your investigative experience. Class instructions will take place in English.

Table of Contents

Why Attend?

Over a week, they will show you how to investigate corporate accounts, offshore activity and corporate corruption. We will show you where to find documents, how to analyze them, and other practical tools to help uncover financial secrecy.

A combination of guidance from senior practitioners and a workshop approach will give you the basis to investigate financial corruption and offer the opportunity to network with other journalists and activists.

For the first time, this course will include a hands-on data security module by , as part of the new consortium, which also includes and .

The financial investigation section of our course aims to help participants understand:

  • the building blocks of the offshore world
  • how to access and interpret company accounts
  • where to access other company information
  • the methodology behind the groundbreaking tax avoidance investigations into Google, SAB Miller and Vodafone – by the journalists who conducted them
  • how to investigate and report corruption stories
  • the steps required to keep safe and minimise personal risk
  • how to track the international policy agenda relating to illicit financial flows

Bursaries Available

  • Bursaries are available for from the developing world and Eastern Europe.
  • However, bursaries cover visa fees, travel, accommodation and per diem for food and travel in London.
  • Because of the limited number of bursaries, they will select applicants on their track record in investigative journalism. As we are over-subscribed, they will place some candidates on a waiting list for our 2019 courses.

How to Apply.

  • To apply please fill in the .
  • Please do not copy and paste entire articles into the form, where possible. Please provide links or a few lines summary of the article plus date of publication.

If you need us to feed you with more updated information at the right time about Finance Uncovered London Course, kindly provide us with your phone number and email address in the comment box below.

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