The Relationship between Performance Management and Organizational Culture

The Relationship between Performance Management and Organizational Culture.

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Organizational culture is one such factor that has a great implication on the outcome of an organization. It determines greatly the performance level of a firm as it deals with organizational structure, values, tasks, climate, individual values, beliefs, and leadership styles as seen in most successful companies but may be lacking in companies.

This research work, therefore, seeks to critically evaluate the relationship between performance management and organizational culture in select food and Beverages companies in Anambra State.

It is hoped that this study would ascertain the relationship between employee loyalty and employee retention as well as the relationship between work and customer satisfaction. The researcher anchored this study on the organizational culture theory. The research design used for this study is the descriptive survey design. Using the convenient sampling method, a total population of 163 respondents was sampled for this study.

The researcher made use of Chi-square in solving the hypothesis. The researcher concluded that employee performance is directly related to employee culture which builds over the years of service of such an employee.

Based on the conclusions above, the researcher recommended that employers of labor build a culture that promotes employee welfare and guarantees their commitment to work while tasking the employees to utilize their abilities as a team for maximum results.


Organizational culture as a part of management originated as far back as the 1940s but got polarized in the early 1980s (Reid, 2015). Human relations theories viewed the informal, nonmaterial, interpersonal, and moral bases of cooperation and commitment as perhaps more important than the formal, material, and instrumental controls stressed by the rational system theorists.

Attention to organizational culture lost ground as organizational science, and social science, in general, became increasingly quantitative. To the extent that research on organizational culture survived, its focus shifted to its more measurable aspects, particularly employee attitudes and perceptions and/or observable organizational conditions thought to correspond to employee perceptions.

This renewed interest in organizational culture represented a return to the early organizational literature but it went far beyond this literature in contributing important new insights and ways of thinking about the role, importance, and characteristics of organizational culture (Reid, 2015).

Also, research on the effect of culture on organizational performance and investigations into how organizational culture is created maintained, and changed received greater attention. The main difference was that organizational culture was now viewed less as a natural, organically emergent phenomenon and more as a manipulable and manageable competitive asset.


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