10 Differences Between JPG and PNG You Should Know

Difference Between JPG and PNG: At face value, a single image shown in both JPG and PNG formats might seem identical, but when placed under thorough examination, and the data is properly analyzed, there is quite a difference between the two.

No format is necessarily better than the other, as under different circumstances both formats satisfy the needs for image quality, file size, and a lot more other interests. It is also important to note that both formats have their unique downsides which will be highlighted in this article.

Image Formats

When it comes to images, there are a number of formats to choose from in saving to a digital copy. Each format has its own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right format can be a great advantage. Two of these formats are .

The main difference between JPG and PNG is the compression algorithms that they use. JPG uses a lossy compression algorithm that discards some of the image information in order to reduce the size of the file. In comparison, PNG uses a lossless algorithm that keeps all the information.

With PNG, the quality of the image will not change, but the size of the file will usually be larger. On the other hand, JPG images can be made very small, but the quality can degrade very quickly from a certain point.


JPG was a file type developed by the (JPEG) to be a standard for professional photographers. Like the method ZIP files use to find redundancies in files to compress data, JPGs compress image data by reducing sections of images to blocks of or “tiles.”

JPEG has become the standard compressed format in digital photography and online image sharing due to its careful balance of file size and image quality. The exact ratio differs depending on the program and settings used. But the typical JPEG image has a 10:1 compression ratio.

JPG compression has the unfortunate side effect of being permanent.  However, the technology for the file was created for storing large photographic image files in surprisingly small spaces, and not for photo editing.

JPGs have become the de facto standard image of the internet because they can be compressed so much. A typical JPG can be compressed at a ratio of anywhere from 2:1 to as high as 100:1, depending on your settings.

Particularly back in the days of dial-up internet, JPGs were the only viable way to send image information.


An acronym for . PNG is a lossless file format designed as a more open alternative to Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). It was developed as an open alternative to GIF, which used the proprietary LZW compression algorithm discussed earlier.

PNG is an excellent file type for internet graphics, as it supports transparency in browsers with elegance that does not possess. Notice how the transparent color changes and blends with the background. Right-click the image to see. This is actually one image that is in four different background colors.

PNG supports 8-bit color like GIF but also supports 24-bit color RGB as JPG does. They are also non-lossy files, compressing photographic images without degrading image quality. PNG tends to be the biggest of the three file types and isn’t supported by some (usually older) browsers.

In addition to being an excellent format for transparency, the non-lossy nature of 24-bit PNG is ideal for screenshot software, allowing pixel for pixel reproduction of your desktop environment.

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Notable Distinctions

1. Generally, JPG is a lossy format while PNG is a lossless format.

2. JPG is better for photographs while PNG is better for created images.

3. JPG supports the embedding of EXIF data while PNG does not.

3. PNG supports transparency while JPG does not.

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