Caiaphas the chief priest crossed the wrong side of the law and rigged the trial. He took the role of a chief judge and a prosecuting lawyer and also presided over a case he had enormous interest in,  which in our today’s legal system is  against The  Rule of Natural Justice. (nemo judex in-causa sua)

            The scholars amongst them knew the rules of Jewish trial and the trial of Jesus did not follow any of does rules.  The interest of justice was scarified for the interest of the high priest (caiaphas)


First, Jesus was tried at night and not in the day as required by Jewish rule. 

Secondly, it took place on the  day  of Passover feast  which was totally wrong.

Thirdly, the trial took place in caiaphas palace,  what happened to  the councils chamber is a question for caiaphas? 

Also according to the same Matthew section 26 (59) and (60) respectively and it states thus; 

“Now the chief priests and elders and all the council sought false witness against Jesus, to put him to death, (60) but found none and finally saw two false witnesses”

When they asked Jesus what he (Jesus) has to say,    Jesus replied and said, “thou has said it all, and I say unto you, thou shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven” (64) 

The high priest (caiaphas) rose and said that Jesus has spoken blasphemy and at such no further witness was required and upon that sentenced Jesus to death.

Caiaphas intentionally followed the wrong procedure in Jesus trial in other to  perfect his plan to keep public  peace and  curtail the threat posed  by Jesus, that was why  he (caiaphas)  tried Jesus  in a kangaroo court  and sentenced him to death.

Due to the technicality of Jewish law, caiaphas sent Jesus to pilate who was the governor for his cross examination and   approval of the death sentence. In section 27 of Matthew ( 2), it affirmed the above thus “and when they had bound him, they led him away and  delivered him to  Pontius Pilate the  governor”.  If not for this, Caiaphas would have executed Jesus without taken Him to Pilate. But it is  clear from all indications that pilate did not kill Jesus as my learned counsel contended.

According to section 27 (15) of Matthew during the feast  period the  governor  usually release to the people a  prisoner  (sub 20) also  said  thus “but  the chief priests and  elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask for  Barabbas and destroy Jesus”

Upon this the people insisted on the release of Barabbas who was a notorious criminal. Pilate purposely asked the people what they want him to do with Jesus and they said in unison “let him be crucified”.  Pilate further asked them “What evil hath he (Jesus) done? (23) but they cried out more saying “ let him be crucified” to further prove his innocence pilate took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying “I am innocent of the blood of this “JUST” man  see you  to it” (24)

It cannot be further contended that Pilate is innocent as he empathically showed his stand on the accusation against Jesus.  On the other hand, as my learned counsel argued that it was Judas who killed Jesus. It was clear of the role which Judas played and killing was not part of it. He only had knowledge that the chief priests wanted Jesus desperately and would do anything to that effect, and he quietly went to them and asked “what  are you willing to give me to  betray” him? And they offered  him  whooping 30 pes of  silver (Matthew section 26 (14)

To further substantiate our claim that Judas is innocent of Jesus death (section 27 sub 3) states that and I quote “then Judas which “betrayed” him  (Jesus), when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself and brought again the thirty 30 pieces of silver to the chief priest and the elders” 

From the above section it was clear that Judas never knew why the chief priests,  the scribes and the  elders wanted Jesus, as  shown by his reaction on finding out, that is; he committed  suicide.


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