Education is the development of the children mentally, physically, spiritually, socially etc to enable him conform to the culture of his people and become a contributing member of the society. Greeks education had famous philosophers and their on education, which form part of this writing became the basis of our so called modern education.

The Greeks are also remembered for their philosophers and their desire for athletic competition. Three of their greatest philosophers were students of the last one, they were revolutionary, creating schools and educating the masses. These three man’s legacy started with so crates.


1.         Equal Education Opportunity for Both Sexes:- Sparta and all other Greek city state laid emphasis on women education. This by implication meant that equal education opportunity was provided for both sex. In Nigeria western type of education was initially the prerogative of male. But since 1960 more emphasis has been placed on women education many women organization have come to champions women education e.g women in education group. Remarkable progress has been made in the southern parts of the country. But in the Northern parts the practice of early marriage constitutes a problem. Girls who would have furthered their education are given to marriage at the tender ages of fifteen, sixteen and seventeen year or even earlier.

2.         National Service:- In Sparta, Athena and in fact, all the Greek city, young men at 18 took Ephebic oath which was an oath of the allegiance to the state. After taking the Ephebic oath the young men went on national service for two years. Perhaps in Nigeria the ideal of the National youth service corps must have been a legacy from Greek education. People who complete the education in institution of higher learning and are under 30years of age undertake a one year national service called National youth service corps.

            Also Sparta curriculum was made up of physical exercise e.g gymnastics, boxing, hunting, running, pentathlon, jumping, throwing. In addition, the Spartans also had music drama and poetry as pail of their curricula. Every Athenian was supposed to have a sound mind in a sound body. The Athenian curriculum thus was made up of reading writing, music, poetry, mathematics and gymnastic. 

            Also through this development brought about a child of the age from 2-4 years, was send to school for proper education, where he was taught writing, reading writing arithmetic music. At the age of 10-16 years he practiced more gymnastics and military training.

3.         State Control of Education:-  In Greece both Sparta and Athena had all public system of education. Plato insisted that national objective can only be achieved through a state government such as Imo and Anambra state promulgated public education edicts which enabled the state government to take over all primary and post primary institutions in their respective states.

Education for Relevance:- Sparta was a warrior city state, therefore, its aim of education was for militarism. Athena has a different aim of education. It was for the all round development of the individual but the emphasis was on intellectualism. These two city state channeled their system of education towards the achievement of their stated objectives. In Nigeria, attempts are being made to use education for the solution of relevant problems. This may explain the introduction of the new 6-3-3-4 education system.

5.         Education Theory and Philosophy:- The Greece through their philosophers were among the direst people to develop a systematic and comprehensive philosophy of education.

            In Sparta, the aim of education was to produce warrior citizen for the defense of the city state.

            In Athena education aimed at producing the philosopher kings who would govern an ideal state with justice at it supermen goals. In recent times, efforts are being made in Nigeria to formulate a philosophy of education. The 1969 curriculum conference and the 1977 and later 1981 national policy on education are cases in point.

6.         Olympic Games:- The ancient Greek stared the Olympic game these have continued to be held once every four years. During this period, there was a national trace and all quarrels and fighting among the city states lased. It served as a bond of unity.

            Athletic completions such as race, throwing the javelin and discuss were completed for at mount Olympic by all the city states. Soon, other countries of the world, joined so has Nigeria although there are no national Olympic Games. Nigeria participates in the international Olympic games.

            More importantly many sport festivals in all aspects of sports are organized for the twenty one states of the federation. During these competitions. National honours are vied for these competition among the state are expected to serve as a bond at unity binding all Nigeria together.

7.         Monocracy:- Plato’s system of education was based on monocracy. In Greek higher education which dialectics or philosophy was studied as structural in such a way that only those who were capable of benefiting from it were admitted. These were the philosopher kings who passed religious examination during the previous forty year.

            Although Nigeria has a system of examination based on merit, yet one is not sure of the validity of these examination cases of cheating and impersonations during examinations weakens the Nigeria system.

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