Disability Scholarships List 2023/2024 See Application Portal Update

Disability Scholarships: If you’re disabled it doesn’t mean you should give up on your education/dreams. Passed in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act urged schools to accommodate the needs of disabled students.

This accommodation comes in terms of scholarships/other forms of students’ grant. However, note. The aim was to break down barriers that prevented students from accessing education as a result of being disabled.

It is important you note that this article makes available to you some scholarships for the disabled. Also, you shall read about where/how to access them easily.

Those Qualified for Disability Scholarships

Disability scholarships are for those who possess numerous cognitive, behavioral, and emotional impediments. Also, they’re for those these impediments would make it difficult to attain a college degree.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that they help deserving students stay in school and out of debt. Thus, allowing them to more easily achieve their educational and career goals. Additionally, they’re funded by a variety of scholarship providers.

Also, very importantly, they intend to help students with a specific disability pay for school. Thus, they aim at a wider range of students who have physical or mental issues. Also, some of these scholarships awards are aimed at groups that face multiple barriers to education.

Some Top Disability Scholarships

The following are some of the top disability scholarships available:

1. AbbVie Cystic Fibrosis Scholarship

This scholarship provides financial assistance toward higher education. And it’s for exceptional students living with cystic fibrosis (CF). Forty AbbVie CF Scholars will be selected to receive $3,000.

Also, please note. Each scholar will be given the opportunity to compete for one of two (2) Thriving Student Scholarships. Furthermore, employees of AbbVie and their immediate family members are not eligible to apply.

And healthcare providers and their immediate family members are not eligible to apply. However, for more information, visit the application link below.

  • Award Amount: $24,000.
  • Requirement: Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Or must be legal and permanent residents of the U.S. And must have been diagnosed with CF by a physician. Also, must enrolled in or awaiting acceptance from an accredited institution.
  • Deadline: May 27, 2021.
  • Awards Available: Forty (40).
  • Application:

2. ACF Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship

This is another of the disability scholarships. Also, this scholarship was established by Robby’s family in 2003. Robby loved to ski, and he found that skiing helped his self-confidence as he dealt with the challenges of dyslexia.

Also, it’s important you take note. One scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior at La Cueva High School, who has language learning or other reading disability. However, you can get more information about this scholarship by logging into the application link below.

  • Award Amount: $1,000.
  • Requirement: Applicant must submit an essay on how he/she is going through dyslexia or other disabilities to read. Also, must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 or above to be one to get the award amount. And should be enrolled full-time or part-time at a non-profit or public institution or a non-profit technical school.
  • Deadline: April 02, 2021.
  • Awards Available: One (1).
  • Application:

3. AG Bell College Scholarship Awards

Also, this is one of the disability scholarships available for grab. The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell) offers several scholarships for full-time students. Also, they’re for those who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Additionally, these awards are for those who are pursuing a four-year undergraduate degree or a graduate degree at an accredited mainstream college or university.

Also, applicant’s hearing loss must be bilateral and in the moderate to profound range. And, applicants must have an unaided Pure-Tone Average of 60dB or greater in the better-hearing ear in the speech frequencies of 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz.

  • Award Amount: $5,000.
  • Requirement: To be eligible, spoken communication must be the applicant’s primary mode of communication. Also, hearing loss must have been diagnosed before the applicant’s 4th birthday. However, visit application link below for more details.
  • Deadline: March 08, 2021.
  • Awards Available: Visit application link below for this information.
  • Application:

4. American Council of the Blind Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 1982. Also, the scholarship awards students with financial aid. This will help with post-secondary education financial needs. Needs such as: tuition, fees, room, board and other additional costs associated with adaptive technology.

Furthermore, applicant for this scholarship must be involved in his/her school/local community. However, for more information, or to apply, please visit application link provided below.

  • Award Amount: $7,500.
  • Requirement: To be eligible for a scholarship, note. Applicant needs to be legally blind. Also, must maintain a 3.3 GPA. And must be a full-time student. Also, as well as students who work 32 or more hours per week and attend college part time.
  • Deadline: February 15, 2021.
  • Awards Available: Visit application link below for this information.
  • Application:

The aboveprovide the needed edge you need as a disabled person. Thus, don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Also, make sure you endeavor to make good use of this privilege.

Furthermore, always feel free to visit this web page for more information. As a matter of fact, we’re here to feed you with current updates on scholarships like this. Good luck

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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